Posts Tagged ‘torturing’

Turkish students film themselves beating and torturing 12-year-old German child

A disturbing video has emerged depicting a group of Turkish-speaking students subjecting a 12-year-old victim to torture, including physical assaults and verbal abuse. Filmed in the city of Uetersen in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, the footage captures the victim, identified as Patrick, enduring repeated beatings, forced kneeling, and insults from his attackers. Despite the […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 123: New testimonies emerge of Israel torturing detained Palestinians in Gaza

Euro-Med publishes new testimonies of Palestinian detainees subjected to dog attacks, forced nudity, and sexual harassment in Israeli jails, as Israeli soldiers continue posting images and videos of themselves committing atrocities in Gaza. Source

U.S. Files War Crime Charges Against Russians Accused Of Torturing American In Ukraine

The case marks the first prosecution against Russians in connection with atrocities during their war against Ukraine. Source

CIA Crimes Including Drug Running, Torturing Young Boys To Create a Dissociated Assassin & Gun Running

 ASSASSINATIONS / MURDER/VIOLENT CRIME / NEWS / SATANIC ROTHSCHILD MAFIA (BRITISH EMPIRE) / SATANISM / SLAVERY / SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN & NWO / VIOLENT CRIME (CRIMINALS) / WHISTLEBLOWERS! 16 Year Old MKUltra Used in Reagan Assassination Attempt! US Military Facilities Involved in MKUltra BY ADMIN · PUBLISHED MARCH 2, 2021 · UPDATED JULY 11, 2021[0]=AZWEWuafG6ESy8uT4MTRuLq1INFvVaqrVUvGjF9SFTIXM1fWXPGdbKm1DuHwwaAsBVsa3EHfh4ft2PC5uuqHw426NaBB8UyAemcaC6Xe0qzEWyQWdYIYPifDvw4c1MvSql0&tn=EH-R Comment: MKUltra’s are severely tortured, raped, drugged, electroshocked and hypnotized to make them into Slave Assassins. They are the most […]

Independent Sound Expert Says Mystery Noise Torturing Residents Likely a “nearby internet booster hub”

Independent Sound Expert Says Mystery Noise Torturing Residents Likely a “nearby internet booster hub” December 9, 2022 By B.N. Frank High-speed internet can be achieved more safely and securely with hardwired internet connections rather than via harmful wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation sources, including 5G.  Of course some people are more affected than others by wireless and […]

Episode 428 – Torturing the Truth

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed We all know that torture is bad, but are we really aware of how much of the narrative of the past two decades was constructed on torture testimony? Do we know the CIA contractors who developed the torture program or the steps that the intelligence agencies […]

CIA Experimented on Hundreds of Orphans, Torturing Them to Reveal Psychopathic Traits—Report

(Support Free Thought) – According to a new documentary out of Denmark, which interviewed former victims, the Central Intelligence Agency secretly carried out experiments on 311 orphaned children. The experiments were meant to reveal psychopathic traits and map out the link between schizophrenia and heredity. According to the report, the children were tortured in clear […]

No Different Than the Politicians in D.C. Who Enjoy Torturing & Murdering Children-War Criminals All of Them Including Colin Powell

[embedded content] They were “conditioned” to believe the enemy (Vietnamese) were “subhuman.” This was for the “good of our country.” Classic CIA programming and what they do in their illegal, criminal Projects. If there is a Hell these folks will burn in it. Thou Shalt Not Kill. These people do not work on your or […]

Fauci Has Been Torturing Animals for Four Decades

Anthony Fauci has recently come under fire because people learned of some experiments paid for by his NIAID. One story in particular details the horrible experiments conducted in Tunisia using beagle puppies. From Leighton Woodhouse: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the division of the National Institutes of Health run by Anthony Fauci, […]

‘Carbon Crimes’: Torturing Law And Reason to Rid The Planet Of Climate Change Deniers

Several years ago, climate propagandist Al Gore stated, “Climate deniers deserved to be punished.” As tyranny gains traction, it always finds a way to forcibly suppress its intended victims. This article nails it: “The climate movement has discovered criminal law as a tool for conducting climate politics.” The 2019 London play, Kill Climate Deniers, adequately displays the […]

Three Finnish teenagers convicted of torturing fellow student to death

Three Finnish teenagers have been jailed for torturing a fellow 16-year-old student to death near Helsinki. A Finnish court on Friday sentenced the three killers to prison sentences ranging from eight years and two months to ten years and one month. The boy’s murder in December 2020 and the subsequent trial have shocked Finland due […]

CIA Cabal Controlled Military ADRENOCHROME Production Involves Torturing, Murdering, Disposing of CHILDREN! Why Missing Children Are Not Reported On by Our CIA Cabal Media.

“Adrenochrome” The Elite’s Hormone.READ WITH CAUTION “Confidential”LEAKED United States ArmySpecial Medical CorpDocumentationKidnapping Young Children to Torture – Extract Their Endocrine Chemicals and KILL Them YOUNG CHILDREN’S Endocrine Hormones are a BIG BUSINESS Posted on   We have ALREADY sent this confidential document out for verification and have been receiving conformation that this is REAL. THIS IS A “HORRIFIC” DOCUMENT  We received this […]

Case shelved against Shin Bet agents accused of torturing suspected terrorist

The attorney general on Sunday halted the investigation into the Shin Bet security service agents suspected of torturing a Palestinian terror suspect during an interrogation in 2019. The suspect, Samer Arbid, is believed to have been responsible for a deadly terror bombing on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in August […]

If You Love Your Baby Do NOT Circumcise Him; The Effects Are Very Damaging and Some Never Heal Psychologically-It’s Torturing a Baby!

Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma $18.95 — $8 off cover price See description here. $4.95 Circumcision DVD A professional investigative report of eight minutes, interviews with experts and parents, circumcision scenes. Circumcision Procedure DVD $4.95 Shows complete procedure with Gomco clamp, fourteen minutes. believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery (fig. 1). In ancient Egypt captured […]

Torturing Assange: An Interview With Andrew Fowler

Above photo: Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in the dock reading his papers as he appears at Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court in London for his extradition hearing. “I love Wikileaks.”– DJ Trump “Can’t we drone him?”– Hillary Clinton Andrew Fowler is an Australian award-winning investigative journalist and a former reporter […]

Julian Assange Has A Fetish For Torturing Cats

It has been six years since Julian Assange “settled” in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and became the pet of the Embassy. According to the Guardian’s Luke Harding, 6 years ago: “Assange rang the bell, walked in and asked for political asylum (in the Ecuadorian Embassy.)” Since then Assange has crashed on their couch and […]

Catholic Nuns Arrested For Torturing 60 Children In Columbia

Two Catholic nuns have been arrested for torturing at least 60 children under their care at a home in Colombia. It has been alleged all that the nuns burnt the children’s skin and shoved their faces in toilets at the home which has been nicknamed the hell house by neighbors and local media. Newsweek reports: […]

US family sues Pyongyang for torturing son to death despite lack of evidence

The parents of Otto Warmbier have sued North Korea on the day the key peninsular summit, accusing the nation of torturing their son to death. Earlier medical reports said no signs of torture were found during autopsy. Otto Warmbier was arrested during a tourist trip to North Korea in December 2015 and […]

US Government Caught Operating Floating Black Site Prisons, Torturing People in International Waters

By Matt Agorist The war on drugs has produced the vilest police state one can imagine. From secret black site prisons—operating in Chicago—with no due process, to midnight raids in which babies faces are blown off by police grenades, attempting to stop Americans from self-medicating has proven to be a disastrous failure. Now, however, […]

US Gov’t Caught Torturing People in Int’l Waters; Operating ‘SECRET’ Floating Black Prison Ships

TFTP| The war on drugs has produced the vilest police state one can imagine. From secret black site prisons—operating in Chicago—with no due process, to midnight raids in which babies faces are blown off by police grenades, attempting to stop Americans from self-medicating has proven to be a disastrous failure. Now, however, it seems to have gotten worse as an ad-hock US detention system […]

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