Posts Tagged ‘murdering’

Musk Approves of Raping Children, Mass Murdering Children, Mass Murdering Humanity, Theft, Lying, Spitting On Christians, Crucifying Jesus & Not Allowing Evil Criminals To Be Brought To Justice

I don’t like Jews and their useful 30 shekel Zionist Zombie “christian bitches stirring up race hate. I replied to a post saying would Islamics welcome you to their countries, and had a depiction of Islamics getting kicked out of Western countries. You must understand Islamics have been imported by the Rothschilds and their Jew […]

Objecting To The Non Semitic Jew Cult Members Raping Children, Robbing, Mass Murdering is “Anti-Semitic”

If one could have a sit down conversation with Lucifer who along with some of his command got their butts in deep trouble with the upper brass for trying to help the with pigs fornicating sheep monkey “humans” by giving them knowledge, betcha he would be very disgusted with “humanity”. ‘The With Pigs Fornicating Sheep […]

WOW!!! After intentionally mass murdering well over 22,600 innocent Palestinian civilians, the Zionist State of Israel is despicably pressuring nations to reject the ICJ charge of genocide. Just WOW!!!

Israel aiming to derail ICJ genocide case – Axios The Foreign Ministry wants other countries to back its claim that South Africa’s allegations are “absurd and baseless” Palestinians pray by shrouded bodies of people killed following Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip. ©  AFP The Israeli Foreign Ministry has ordered its embassies across the globe to pressure […]

Yemen, Gaza, And Lebanon All Show That Murdering Children Begets Blow Back

The recent resolution that was passed at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), gave the green light for Israel to escalate its genocidal attack on the people of Gaza. In light of this, it’s time to accept what the US Biden administration has done through its participation in the war on Gaza; it has declared […]

Seems Israel LOVES Murdering Children Using Hamas as the Pretext to Mass Murder All

The Mystery of Israel – SOLVED! Comment:  All terrorist groups work for gov’ts.  Hamas Works FOR Israel to fulfill Israel’s AGENDA. This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing […]

Black Drivers Are Now Deliberately Hitting and Murdering White Cyclists

There is apparently a new trend where black people are using their cars (sometimes stolen) to murder White Source

Vanessa Williams Rants at GLAAD Awards: ‘Drag Queens Are Not Murdering People’

Singer Vanessa Williams said in a recent interview at the GLAAD Awards that “drag queens are not murdering people.” “GLAAD Awards ain’t killing anybody, drag queens are not murdering people. We are a wonderful community,” Williams told Billboard. Watch Below: Williams also Source

Moderna Mass Murdering (HOLOCAUSTING) CEO Stephane Bancel admits CRIMINAL company made 100K “COVID-19” KILLER JAB doses in 2019 before the RATSCHILD’S Samdemic was even even Perpetrated

Mass Murdering Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel confessed to his Criminal Corporation’s crimes during a talk with the World Economic Forum (WEF) that the company was already manufacturing “COVID-19” “vaccines” as early as 2019, months before the SCAMDEMIC officially started. The admission occurred during a Jan. 19 panel session of the WEF 2023 conference in Davos, […]

Caesar Act: A US Law for Murdering Syria

Posted on February 9, 2023 by indigoblue76 8 Feb 2023 By Al-Ahed News What to know about the US law made to besiege Syria and prevent aid from reaching it in the aftermaths of the deadly earthquake that hit it on Monday. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Related Filed under: American crimes, USA | […]

White Cat House in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac Gets To Keep Mass Murdering Little Yemen Children For The Rothschilds

It was announced today the communist Israhell citizen Sanders Made it possible for the Mossad blackmailed Hands all over little girls Biden seen here kissing Israeli ass to keep mass murdering little Yemen children for Israhell. One twist to this is the USA run by Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mafia members who […]

Sheriff: Delivery Driver Confesses to Kidnapping, Murdering Seven-Year-Old Girl

Officials in Texas have a man in custody after a child was abducted then killed once she vanished Wednesday and her body was found on Friday. Source

RT Presenter Calls for Murdering Ukrainian Children & Claims Grannies Enjoy Being Raped by Russians

Ukraine accused the Russian state-controlled broadcaster RT of inciting genocide after a presenter said Ukrainian children who considered the Russians as occupiers under the Soviet Union should have been drowned. Source

Man Accused Of Murdering 18-Year-Old Conservative Released On Bail

During comments at the ironically titled “United We Stand” summit last week, Joe Biden declared that “hate” runs throughout American history, and once again singled out those who don’t agree with his politics as ‘violent extremists’. “There’s a through line of hate from massacres of indigenous people to the original sin of slavery,” Biden declared. He […]

Memphis Thug Livestreams Himself on Facebook Murdering Strangers at ‘Random’

A black male reportedly identified as 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly livestreamed himself Wednesday on Facebook driving around Memphis and shooting strangers at “random.”

Democrat Elected Official Arrested on Suspicion of Murdering Journalist – Media Silence

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } An elected Democrat official has been arrested on suspicion of murdering an investigative journalist who reported negative information about him — and the mainstream media is oddly […]

‘God gave us two arms – one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot’: Biden’s COVID coordinator says -But Only One Neck Is Needed To Hang A Mass Murdering Political Whore

“-‘God gave us two arms – one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot’: Biden’s COVID coordinator says White House plans to push for ANNUAL jabsWhite House officials on Tuesday said that a COVID shot should be considered as routine as an annual flu shotAshish Jha, White House COVID-19 Response […]

Appeal of Israeli terrorist convicted of murdering Dawabsheh family rejected

The Israeli Supreme Court of Justice today rejected the appeal of the Jewish-Israeli terrorist, serving three life sentences for the murder of 18-month-old baby Ali Dawabsheh and his parents, Saad and Riham in 2015. According to Haaretz, the judges in the case unanimously rejected Amiram Ben-Uliel’s claim that he was interrogated under torture by the […]

German diplomat charged with murdering Belgian husband in Brazil

According to prosecutors, the murder was “committed with cruel means” and Hahn’s husband was “severely beaten, causing intense and unnecessary suffering”.

Pedo pope of Anti-God Roman Slave Religion Cult Which Has Been Mass Murdering Humans, Stealing from the Poor, Buggering Little Boys & Burning People Alive to Death For Differing With the “church’s” Beliefs For Damn Near 2 Thousand Years IS “Concerned about Human Rights, Freedom of Worship & Morality”

Pope Blessing Baby Rapers That will teach him not to say the world is not flat when the “church” says it is! As millions die from the Killer Jabs the Popester tries to get humans to commit suicide with the jabs. Hey little boy raping popester, I though suicide was against the “church’s” rules? VATICAN […]

Report: NYC Man Accused of Murdering Nephew with Machete Claims ‘I Chopped Him Up’

A Queens man who allegedly killed his nephew with a machete reportedly admitted cutting him to pieces, according to the New York Post.

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