Posts Tagged ‘slave’

The Ways of the Jewish Slave Traders

Do we really know the truth about anything anymore….. “As Mr. Yakub continued to preach for converts, he told his people that he would make the others work for them. (This promise came to pass.) Naturally, there are always some people around who would like to have others do their work. Those are the ones […]

Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers! (What Could Go Wrong?)

A Swiss tech startup has just announced the first “bioprocessor” constructed from 16 “human brain organoids.” Wait until you hear what that means. Source

Is building a slave state for Big Daddy the apex achievement of feminism?

The polite world was fascinated last month when long-time NPR editor Uri Berliner confessed to the Stalinist suicide pact the public broadcaster, like all public broadcasters, seems to be on. Formerly it was a place of differing views, he claimed, but now it has sold as truth some genuine falsehoods like, for instance, the Russia […]

Diddy’s “Sex Slave” Shot Up the Trump National Hotel in 2018

Oddi is shown here during a police interview talking about how he was paid to be a sex slave for Diddy aka Sean Combs. The latter would tell him to engage in sex acts with his then-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura while he played with himself, because he is not attracted to women. Oddi claimed that Diddy […]

David Irving delves into the often-overlooked participation of Jews in the slave trade.

Mr. Irving delves into the often-overlooked participation of Jews in the slave trade. It explores the origins, roles, and rationalisations behind the transatlantic slave trade. It sheds light on Jewish involvement, especially in South America and the Caribbean, and addresses the… — David Irving (@irving_books) April 24, 2024 Source

Government slave-driving for the ‘economy’ – Melbourne city retailers encouraged to adopt Twilight Trade

City of Melbourne traders should respond to changing consumer behaviour by extending core trading hours, creating a link between the daytime and night-time economy a new report by leading peak body Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has found. Commissioned by the City of Melbourne and Victorian Government, the ARA report recommends widespread adoption of twilight trading […]

FACT CHECK: Most U.S. slave owners, 78%, were JEWISH

FACT CHECK: Most U.S. slave owners, 78%, were JEWISH When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, […]

The unthinkability of slave revolt

Those who say that Israel knew about the plans for October 7 all along are repackaging an old colonial trope which believes that the natives are too docile, too submissive, too cowardly, and too inferior to revolt against their oppressors. Source

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours

After writing the post on what Martin Heidegger can teach us about technology, I realised that some readers might come to the conclusion that everything about technology is ‘bad’ – after all, Heidegger’s conception does strike one as being a very pessimistic one. It should be said, however, that the German thinker did not advocate […]

Forgive but Never Forget: Lessons from the West African Slave Trade

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL West Africans endured slavery for 400 years, when 15 million human beings were forcibly captured and sold into bondage. During this era, the world’s major secular and sectarian institutions regarded slaves as no better than animals, but modern West Africans look to the future, adopting a philosophy of forgiving but never forgetting. […]

New York Jews Were The Slave Ship Owners and Slave Traders In America

Slavery is wrong.That fact can not even be debated. I advocate for the freeing of all slaves in America from the Jews. First let us establish for the ignorant, the late War Crime of illegal invasion, gang rapes of little children, pregnant women, minister’s daughters, black and white, often to death, arson on an industrial […]

Liberation struggles, slave revolts, and revolutions are bloody but necessary

7 Nov 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English Robert Inlakesh The Palestinian people have the right, given 75 years of massacres, ethnic cleansing, land theft, torture, and abuse, to fight their occupier through any means necessary. Palestinians should enjoy the same rights and standards as the rest of humanity. This statement seems self-evident, but many who […]


The Roman Slave Religion Bible Thumper Pedophile Cult Versus Reality

A pedo pope gives a “private blessing” to Mossad’ Child Rape Tag Team I was told by a man who years back was involved with local Parents Teacher’s Association there was a rumor this pig fat charlatan had to pay a boy’s family off for molesting the boy. It is known historical FACT he was […]


I get so tired of seeing headlines for or against this or that candidate for “president” of a non existent country/nation. The US/DC is not a country, it is not a nation, it is a for profit corporation. Voting is designed to keep the sheep herd going in circles while the “government” sharpens their butcher […]

Report: Many politicians, including 5 presidents, found to have descended from SLAVE OWNERS

(NaturalNews) Most U.S. politicians, including five presidents, have descended from slave owners, according to a new Reuters special report.The report… Source


This Is The Most Important Video On YouTube. 1,000,000 MUST WATCH THIS – This Is The Most Important Video On YouTube. 2023 strange truth message world news current events full video new video today this week this month this year motivational motivation Now this is something I want you to understand and you need to […]

Will reparations finally resolve America’s tragic slave trade legacy?

“Most Black Americans favor the idea of monetary compensation for the hardship of their ancestors. But who is ready to shell out the cash?” It is historical fact New York Jews were the majority of slave ship owners and slave traders. The Jews of New York ran run distilleries. When they were not selling rum […]

Dutch Leader Apologizes For Netherlands’ Role In Slave Trade

A government report said institutional racism in the Netherlands “cannot be seen separately from centuries of slavery and colonialism and the ideas that have arisen in this context.” Source

Roman Mosaic Unearthed in Ancient Slave Monster’s Villa

At a luxury seaside villa at Posillipo near Naples, researchers have unearthed an ancient Roman mosaic which once decorated the home of a horrific and horrendous Roman tyrant known as Publius Vedius Pollio. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

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