Posts Tagged ‘owners’

Renters and Owners Live in Separate Economies

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It turns out renters and homeowners are living in two entirely different economies, at least according to a new study by the Federal Reserve. Who, ironically enough, made it happen. In short, renters are in dire straits financially, while homeowners are “continuing to reap the rewards” of cheap pandemic money that left […]

FACT CHECK: Most U.S. slave owners, 78%, were JEWISH

FACT CHECK: Most U.S. slave owners, 78%, were JEWISH When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, […]

Canadian cops to car owners: Leave your keys at the front door so thieves will not have to break into your house

Canadian cops to car owners: Leave your keys at the front door so thieves will not have to break into your house Canadian policemen are advising people to leave their keys in areas that are more accessible to criminals so they won’t not have to break into their houses to steal them – a confrontation-less […]

New York Jews Were The Slave Ship Owners and Slave Traders In America

Slavery is wrong.That fact can not even be debated. I advocate for the freeing of all slaves in America from the Jews. First let us establish for the ignorant, the late War Crime of illegal invasion, gang rapes of little children, pregnant women, minister’s daughters, black and white, often to death, arson on an industrial […]

Gun Owners Score Major Legal Victories On Pistol Braces and Ghost Guns 

Gun Owners Score Major Legal Victories On Pistol Braces and Ghost Guns  This week, gun owners scored two major victories in the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. One judge granted a preliminary injunction that halts the enforcement of the recent Biden Administration’s pistol brace rule by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and […]

GUN GRAB: Firearms owners protest New Mexico governor’s ban on carrying guns following absurd “public health emergency” declaration by Gov. Grisham

(NaturalNews) Law-abiding gun owners calmly gathered around Old Town, Albuquerque while displaying their firearms to protest Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan… Source

Home Owners Risk Jail If They Fail To Comply With UK Governments Net Zero Rules

A new bill is being rushed through parliament, with only a handful of MPs voting against it. First it was our cars, now it’s our houses… The 446 page Energy Bill currently before the UK […] The post Home Owners Risk Jail If They Fail To Comply With UK Governments Net Zero Rules appeared first […]

Gun owners oppose new ATF regulation that prohibits private firearm transfers: REGISTRATION paves the way for CONFISCATION

(NaturalNews) Responsible gun owners across the U.S. are up in arms over a new regulation altering the classification of firearm dealers released by the Bureau of… Source

Aimed at Protests, Surveillance Contractor’s New Owners Expand Spy Tech Portfolio

In 2020, while protests raged in nearly every city in the United States, a privately owned Israeli spyware firm helped the Department of Homeland Security monitor the online presences of Americans—including protesters and journalists. That company is now set to join forces with competitors, creating a private social media surveillance apparatus unlike anything previously known. […]

Republican Rep. Introduces Bill to End FBI/ATF ‘No Knock Raids’ on Gun Owners

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) introduced legislation Tuesday designed to end the FBI and ATF coordinating with local enforcement to carry out “no knock raids” on gun owners. Source

Charging Woes Plague Electric Vehicle Owners as Biden Administration Seeks to Expand Network of Stations

White House announced a series of executive actions this month to create a national charging network for electric vehicles, even as EV owners and reviewers have continued to note short travel ranges, long charging times, and difficulty finding charging stations. A February 15 White House press release indicated that Tesla Motors will “open a portion […]

Joy Behar: ‘All Gun Owners Have a Mental Illness’ and ‘Must Be Stopped Immediately’

The View co-host Joy Behar lashed out at law-abiding gun owners on Thursday, accusing those millions of Americans of having a “mental illness” and declaring they “must be stopped immediately.” “We need to grow up,” […] The post Joy Behar: ‘All Gun Owners Have a Mental Illness’ and ‘Must Be Stopped Immediately’ appeared first on […]

SEC Charges Owners of Jersey Deli Somehow Worth $100 Million With ‘Brazen’ Fraud

On Tuesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged the owners of a publicly-traded New Jersey deli business with running a massive market manipulation scheme. The deli made headlines last year for somehow being valued at more than $100 million on the stock market. The SEC wrote in an announcement of the charges that the deli […]

Heating restrictions leave Spanish bar owners cold

​Spaniards are still enjoying the sun at roadside cafés. It’s been a hot summer and a difficult winter lies ahead. The Spanish Government has passed legislation limiting air conditioning to a low of 27 degrees and heating to a maximum high of 19 degrees. Bars fear losing business ​Bars, Shops and offices will have to […]

Heating restrictions leave Spanish bar owners cold

​Spaniards are still enjoying the sun at roadside cafés. It’s been a hot summer and a difficult winter lies ahead. The Spanish Government has passed legislation limiting air conditioning to a low of 27 degrees and heating to a maximum high of 19 degrees. Bars fear losing business ​Bars, Shops and offices will have to […]

Heating restrictions leave Spanish bar owners cold

​Spaniards are still enjoying the sun at roadside cafés. It’s been a hot summer and a difficult winter lies ahead. The Spanish Government has passed legislation limiting air conditioning to a low of 27 degrees and heating to a maximum high of 19 degrees. Bars fear losing business ​Bars, Shops and offices will have to […]

Blackout risk in California: EV owners told to avoid charging their vehicles or the power grid might collapse

Friday, September 02, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: autonomy, Blackouts, California, Climate, Collapsifornia, control, Democrat utopia, energy demand, energy diversity, energy shortage, EV mandate, fossil fuels, free market, gas cars, green tyranny, Libtards, power, power grid failure, Restrictions, socialism, transportation This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) […]

Blackout risk in California: EV owners told to avoid charging their vehicles or the power grid might collapse

Friday, September 02, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: autonomy, Blackouts, California, Climate, Collapsifornia, control, Democrat utopia, energy demand, energy diversity, energy shortage, EV mandate, fossil fuels, free market, gas cars, green tyranny, Libtards, power, power grid failure, Restrictions, socialism, transportation This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) […]

San Francisco Shop Owners Threaten To Stop Paying Taxes Unless City Tackles Crime, Homelessness

San Francisco Shop Owners Threaten To Stop Paying Taxes Unless City Tackles Crime, HomelessnessDate: August 28, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Zero HedgeBusiness owners in San Francisco’s Castro district have absolutely had it with the city’s inaction over burglaries, vandalism, and violent homeless people camping on the sidewalks in front of storefronts and residences.As the American Thinker‘s Olivia […]

California wants to charge property owners with private wells for the amount of water they draw

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) An anonymous tipster leaked a report suggesting that California politicians aim to start charging landowners to draw water from their own private wells.Starting in February 2023, according to a letter signed by Natalie Stork, chief of the groundwater management program at the California Environmental Protection Agency … [Read More…] Source

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