Posts Tagged ‘mental’

Mobilizing global support for Gaza’s mental health emergency

A new Gaza Community Mental Health Programme report paints a stark picture of the severe mental health crisis unfolding in Gaza due to the ongoing Israeli genocide. Source

Doctors urge Biden to take MENTAL COMPETENCY test following increasing evidence of president’s cognitive decline

(NaturalNews) Doctors have stepped up calls for President Joe Biden to undergo a mental competency test following a report that revealed his cognitive… Source

Study Says Energy Drinks Cause Severe Mental Health Issues in Children

Energy drinks could pose a risk to young brains, according to new research. Those who consumed energy drinks — which are intended to boost energy through the use of caffeine or other stimulants — were shown to have a higher risk of mental health issues, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. […]

Cruz, Graham defend Trump’s ‘mental stability’ as Haley, Pelosi attack it

Cruz, Graham defend Trump’s ‘mental stability’ as Haley, Pelosi attack it lead image Source

Census Bureau Wants to Question Citizens About Mental Health, Psychosocial Disabilities in Mandatory Survey


Hochul doubles down on mental health

With help from Shawn Ness What would you say is the “defining challenge of our time?” Climate change? A worsening housing shortage? The threat of another pandemic? Gov. Kathy Hochul’s answer: mental health. “Make no mistake, this is the defining challenge of our time,” she said while boasting her recent mental health proposals during Tuesday’s […]

Robert De Niro Left Reeling After Trump Calls Him a ‘Mental Midget’

Hollywood actor Robert De Niro was left reeling this week after Donald Trump took to social media to call the actor a “mental midget.” After unleashing a torrent of abuse towards the former President during […] The post Robert De Niro Left Reeling After Trump Calls Him a ‘Mental Midget’ appeared first on The People's […]

Blaming mass shootings on mental illness doesn’t address either issue

Since a gunman went on a rampage in Lewistown, Maine, killing 16 people, we’ve learned a few things about the shooter, Robert Card, who was found with a fatal self-inflicted gunshot wound after a two-day manhunt. A member of the Army Reserve, Card had recently been committed to a mental health facility after he reported hearing voices […]

How smartphone addiction affects brain function and mental health

Smartphone addiction has now become a global issue, thanks to the popularity of social media platforms and mobile games. While smartphones can make life easier in many ways, excessive use of smartphones and similar devices has been linked to many health issues. According to a recent study published in Computers in Human Behavior, problematic smartphone use can […]

Male raised as a female shares physical and mental health struggles – he was MUTILATED 2 days after birth and LIED TO for decades by his own parents and the medical system

(NaturalNews) Sophie Ottaway was born a male, but raised as a female. He recently shared his struggles after finding out the truth in an article he wrote for the… Source

Trudeau Announces Plans To Euthanize ‘Drug Addicts’ and ‘People With Mental Illnesses’

The Trudeau regime has announced plans to legalize euthanasia in Canada for people with a range of mental illness and people addicted to drugs in a move critics are comparing to “modern-day eugenics.” When Canada’s law […] The post Trudeau Announces Plans To Euthanize ‘Drug Addicts’ and ‘People With Mental Illnesses’ appeared first on The People's […]

California’s mental health courts can MANDATE psychiatric “treatment” against the “mentally ill” – will Trump supporters and “climate deniers” be targeted?

(NaturalNews) To help the mentally ill avoid jail time – or so they say – the state of California has established a mental health court system called the CARE… Source

WALES GOES MENTAL. 20mph nationwide. What’s this about?


Chris Christie: I’m ‘Really Concerned’ for Trump’s ‘Mental Health’

Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Balance” that he was “really concerned” for former President Donald Trump’s “mental health.” Source

NHS clinic slammed for approving Testosterone and Mastectomy for female with 14 mental health disorders

A taxpayer-funded gender identity clinic in Britain has been heavily criticized for approving testosterone treatment and a double subcutaneous mastectomy on a female patient who had been diagnosed with 14 separate mental health disorders. The Gender Identity Development Service (Gids), based at London’s Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, is due to close down next […]

Voting is a Mental Illness AND Treason

Voting is a mental illness. Voting in America never makes things better. No mater who is “elected” (appointed) as head CEO of the USA/DC Corporation, the march of making Americans slaves to a communistic one world un-elected dictatorship run by child raping Usury Soul-less “bankers” continues on unabated. No matter who is appointed the sheep […]

Why did Mental Health Professionals Go Along with Lockdowns?

Mental health took a hit during COVID. Research demonstrated the toll it was taking virtually from the start.  In a 2020 letter to the editor published in Psychiatry Research, a team from the University of Arizona College of Medicine reported on data collected from April to June demonstrating loneliness in US adults increased from April […]

Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes

Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions. Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch […]

July 15 – News from a Mental Asylum

(left, bygone era?)  I was the Editor of my Highschool newspaper. Now it feels like I am producing a newsletter for a mental asylum.  Debt forgiveness for everyone but the US Treasury US Federal Debt Interest Payments About To Hit $1 Trillion  There was a shocking number in today’s latest monthly US Budget Deficit report. […]

Magnesium: An underappreciated nutrient for brain health and mental well-being

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Every known illness is associated with a deficiency of magnesium and it’s the missing cure for many diseases, says American neurosurgeon Dr. Clyde Norman Shealy, a pioneer in pain medicine, integrative health and holistic healing practitioner.Magnesium is essential for cellular health and is a critical component of over … [Read More…] Source

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