Posts Tagged ‘nationwide’

Nationwide Ground Stop Lifted For Alaska Air After “Tech Problem Cropped Up During System Upgrade”

Update (1216ET): Alaska Air resumed departures around noon after an hour-long ground stop for all departure flights nationwide. The Wall Street Journal says the ground stop was due to a “technology problem that cropped up during a system upgrade.” Even though the ground stop has been lifted, Alaska Air passengers can expect delays throughout the […]

Reporters Expose Nationwide Illegal Immigrant Child Trafficking Operation

Anthony Rubin and Carlos Arellano join Alex Jones live in-studio. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Reporters Expose Nationwide Illegal Immigrant Child Trafficking Operation first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Russia Rolls Out VPN Ban Nationwide

The Russian government is employing an increasingly strict approach to manage and rein in the digital freedom its citizens have enjoyed in recent years by introducing a ban on VPN services. The embargo, poised to be enforced this month, targets not just VPN ads but also websites offering advice on how to navigate around the […]

Russia Moving Nuclear Missiles Nationwide

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EPA to fund Clean Ports Program at ports nationwide

The agency said it will fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure and climate and air quality planning at U.S. ports under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Source

Polish farmers announce nationwide strike in protest against EU agricultural policies

Farmers across Poland have declared a general strike, appealing to the public for understanding and awareness that their industry is defending itself against being driven into bankruptcy. Farmer protests are raging in many European countries, primarily due to the European Commission’s ideologically driven Green Deal policies and the flooding of European markets with agricultural products […]

One Regulation Could Have Stopped a Nationwide Car Theft Wave. Why Don’t We Have It?

The U.S. is dealing with an unprecedented wave of car thefts as thieves target some nine million Kias and Hyundais manufactured between 2011 and 2021. People who bought those vehicles had no idea they were buying cars with built-in vulnerabilities. Many have had their cars stolen multiple times, which causes real hardship in both stark […]

Emergency drills held nationwide in US, Colombia and Russia (updates added)

From Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack Dear Mark, I am writing to you from Colombia. We had a nationwide emergency evacuation drill here this morning. I noticed that something similar has happened in Russia today, and is scheduled for the USA later this afternoon. Kind of strange that at least these three countries […]

BEWARE! October 4 Test of Emergency Alert System Nationwide. No, it’s won’t trigger the CDC’s “Zombie Apocalypse”!

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WALES GOES MENTAL. 20mph nationwide. What’s this about?


Biden Launches Nationwide Workforce Initiative — for Illegal Aliens

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has launched a nationwide workforce initiative that seeks to funnel millions of border crossers and illegal aliens into United States jobs — even as the labor force participation rate for Americans continues to decline. Source

Mexico’s Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion Nationwide

Mexico’s Supreme Court has decriminalized abortion nationwide two years after ruling that abortion was not a crime in one northern state. Source

History must record Trump’s plan for a nationwide ‘Kent State’ massacre

there are two particularly chilling passages in Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump: Both, to my mind, invoke Kent State, but on a much larger scale. Source

Poll: Trump Leads Biden by 3 Points Nationwide, 6 Points in Swing States

A poll shows former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by three points nationwide and six points in swing states. Source

Megachurch Pastor Jack Hibbs Launches Nationwide Campaign to Out LGBTQ Students

California Republicans recently introduced a bill that would require school districts to notify parents within three days of learning that a student is “identifying at school as a gender that does not align with the child’s sex on their birth certificate, other official records, or sex assigned at birth.” LGBTQ activists say that Assembly Bill […]

Liberal Outrage After Abortion Pill Blocked Nationwide By Order From Texas Judge

In a decision which the liberal media called an “unprecedented” decision, late on Friday a federal judge in Texas issued an order that will shut down the prescription and distribution of mifepristone in seven days, one of two drugs used for medication abortions that has been on the market in the U.S. for more than two decades. […]

Trump-Appointed Judge Rules to Ban Abortion Pills Nationwide

A Texas judge ruled late Friday to block the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a common and effective abortion pill. Under this order, which is set to take effect in seven days, the drug mifepristone—which is safer than Viagra and 18 times safer than childbirth—may be yanked from the market regardless of whether a […]


NATIONWIDE CALL for VACCINE AUTOPSIES Posted by Lou on March 22, 2023 Spike proteins in the brain and vascular system of COVID jabbed victims now showing up in autopsies as MAIN CAUSE of strokes and heart attack. Mar 21, 2023  by S.D. Wells This article was originally published by SD Wells at Natural News under the title: NATIONWIDE […]

Iran celebrates 44th anniversary of Islamic Revolution with nationwide rallies

Saturday, 11 February 2023 6:25 AM  [ Last Update: Saturday, 11 February 2023 10:49 AM ] Iranians mark the 44th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in the capital Tehran on February 11, 2023. (Photo by IRNA) Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets across the country to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that toppled the US-backed […]

*NEWSFLASH* Iran Under Attack Nationwide!

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