Posts Tagged ‘immigrant’

Tuberculosis Cases Reported In Chicago’s Immigrant Shelters

Authored by Stephen Katte via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Illegal immigrants board a bus as they arrived on a plane from San Antonio at Chicago Rockford International Airport in Rockford, Ill., on Jan. 1, 2024. (WTVO NewsNation via AP) Chicago’s Health Department has confirmed a few cases of tuberculosis among illegal immigrants who recently […]

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society -…

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society – Floods US with 3rd world invaders & terrorists. Mayorkas is on their board! HIAS Resettlement Partners Here they are, #GabFam. They should know how we feel about them aiding the invasion of our nation. Arizona: Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona (Tucson) – 520-795-0300 California: Jewish Family […]

Reporters Expose Nationwide Illegal Immigrant Child Trafficking Operation

Anthony Rubin and Carlos Arellano join Alex Jones live in-studio. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Reporters Expose Nationwide Illegal Immigrant Child Trafficking Operation first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Immigrant Parents From India Flee the United States After Elementary School Hides Gender Transition of Their Daughter

Immigrant Parents From India Flee the United States After Elementary School Hides Gender Transition of Their Daughter Source

Republicans Pick Democratic Israeli Immigrant to Run for George Santos Seat

The GOP hand-selected African-Israeli immigrant Mazi Malesa Pilip, a registered Democrat, to run for the New York House seat left vacant by George Santos’ ouster. Source

Ireland’s Prime Minister Condemns Anti-Immigrant Protesters Who Rampaged Through Central Dublin

LONDON (AP) — Ireland’s prime minister on Friday condemned anti-immigrant protesters who rampaged through central Dublin after three young children were stabbed, saying the rioters simply wanted to cause chaos, not protect the country’s way of life. Police made a number of further arrests on Friday evening as they mounted a significant security operation in […]

Maryland lawmakers threaten leading immigrant advocacy group for urging Gaza ceasefire

The retribution from state lawmakers was swift and severe after Gustavo Torres, the executive director of CASA de Maryland, posted a tweet and statement on November 6, calling out Israel’s “terror” against Gaza and urging a ceasefire. Outrage and threats rained down from donors and politicians against the largest immigrant rights group in the Mid-Atlantic […]

Immigrant says Immigration is Destroying Canada

“Canada has irrevocably changed in just the two decades since I immigrated. It is said that a frog in a pot that is slowly getting boiled fails to realize that it is getting cooked. But political correctness has meant that Canadians fail to understand what is happening to Canada even when the proverbial pot is […]

Calls Grow For Staten Island To Secede From NYC As Illegal Immigrant Crisis Escalates

By Matthew Lysiak via The Epoch Times Growing safety concerns over the city’s bussing of illegal immigrants into Source

Family’s Immigrant Story Inspires Cuban-American’s Patriotism

America is Freedom. Freedom is America. Freedom has been America’s guiding light for those who have come before us. Now, it must shine brighter than ever for those who are yet to come. Freedom requires strength. It requires boldness. Freedom requires sacrifice and it requires grace, because it is often in grace that we find […]

Illegal Immigrant Arrests at US-Mexico Border Jumps as End of Emergency Powers Looms

Arrests of illegal immigrants at the United States–Mexico border jumped in March by 23 percent over the month before, newly released statistics show. U.S. authorities carried out 191,899 apprehensions, up from about 156,100 in February, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said. More single adults, family units, and minors without responsible adults were encountered, driving the increase. […]

New Federal Data Shows 73,000 Illegal Immigrant “Gotaways” In ONE MONTH

New data compiled by the Customs and Border Protection agency has revealed that a record number of 73,000 undocumented migrants were able to escape into the U.S in November alone. The data, obtained by Fox News and highlighted by reporter Bill Melugin, reveals that 137,000 ‘gotaways’ were encountered since the beginning of October, which equates […]

Illegal Immigrant Arrests At Border Soar In September, Set New Fiscal Year Record

President Joe Biden is facing fresh criticism after his administration released illegal immigrant apprehension numbers from September, showing the number of arrests soared to a record high. Source

Illegal Immigrant Outside VP Harris House Tells Reporter “The Border is Open…No Problem” After Harris Says Border is Secure.

View at Rumble Next… ___________________________________________________________________________ Find Out How Bad is Your Batch ___________________________________________________________________________ As monitored phase III human clinical safety trials continue, with Pfizer’s trials complete in February 2024 and Moderna’s in December 2022, thousands of people who took the COVID vaccines report bizarre maladies which have their doctors and medical providers mystified. The number […]

Illegal Immigrant Outside VP Harris House Tells Reporter “The Border is Open…No Problem” After Harris Says Border is Secure.

View at Rumble Next… ___________________________________________________________________________ Find Out How Bad is Your Batch ___________________________________________________________________________ As monitored phase III human clinical safety trials continue, with Pfizer’s trials complete in February 2024 and Moderna’s in December 2022, thousands of people who took the COVID vaccines report bizarre maladies which have their doctors and medical providers mystified. The number […]

Immigrant On Way To Army Base Starting To Think That Martha’s Vineyard Resident Who Offered To Be Pen Pals Wasn’t Actually Serious

CAPE COD, MA — After being forcibly removed from a scenic island off the coast of Massachusetts and placed on a bus headed for a nearby military base, immigrant José Valdez has reportedly begun suspecting that the Martha’s Vineyard resident who promised to be his pen pal was not actually being serious. “She said she’d […]

Over 185,000 Illegal Immigrant Arrests Made at US–Mexico Border in August

Over 185,000 illegal immigrant arrests were made at the U.S.–Mexico border in August, according to provisional U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics obtained by The Epoch Times. Some 186,424 apprehensions were made by border agents during the month. Most arrests—about 53,400—took place in the Del Rio Sector an area of 55,063 square miles in Texas, […]

Border Patrol Agents Caught Illegal Immigrant Sex Offenders, Gang Members, Murderer in 3 Days

U.S. Border Patrol agents caught 10 illegal immigrant sex offenders, four gang members, a murderer, as well as a slew of deadly drugs, according to the latest report from Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz. Ortiz made the announcement on Twitter on Sept. 6, saying that border agents had encountered 2,690 illegal immigrants including 10 large […]

Biden Has Released 250,000 Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Children Into The US

Biden has continued to ignore constitutional law on immigration, which says that only Congress is able to determine immigration levels within any given period of time.   Source

Chinese Immigrant Suspect in Anti-Taiwanese Hate Crime Shooting at Church

The man suspected of killing one congregant and wounding four others in a shooting Sunday at the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Orange County, California, was a naturalized Chinese immigrant who allegedly acted out of hatred for Taiwan, officials said.

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