Posts Tagged ‘fiscal’

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In case you thought anybody in Washington was driving this thing, they are not.  It’s official: the Department of Treasury is now issuing debt at pandemic levels. It’s worth noting the pandemic record was double the previous record, which had stood for 231 years. In raw numbers, the latest numbers for […]

GOP’s ‘fiscal sanity’ plan under fire for targeting Social Security and Medicare amidst 2024 electoral battle

This 180-page document proposes significant reforms to these cornerstone programs, stirring a debate that resonates deeply with American seniors and their advocates. Source

The veiled threat of fiscal commission as gateway to Social Security and Medicare cuts

NationofChange remains a vital, ad-free source of progressive news and activism, all thanks to donations from readers like you. Support our transparent, reader-funded journalism with your generous donation. The House Budget Committee, now under Republican control, is convening a critical hearing this Wednesday. The agenda? To scrutinize a proposal to form a fiscal commission focusing […]

Coalition implores Biden: Reject ‘inhumane’ program cuts amid fiscal negotiations

An unyielding stance against austerity measures as government shutdown approaches. Source

New York City to spend $4.7 BILLION this fiscal year dealing with illegal immigrants

(NaturalNews) New York City’s migrant crisis is expected to cost the city $4.7 billion this fiscal year.This is according to data released by the government of… Source

Fiscal Insanity: The Government Borrows $6 Billion a Day, and We’re Stuck with the Bill

We’re not living the American dream. We’re living a financial nightmare. The US government is funding its existence with a credit card. The government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones being forced to foot the bill for the government’s […]

Rand Paul Slams Alarmist Default Rhetoric, Outlines Fiscal Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has slammed ‘doomsday’ talk regarding the debt ceiling and a potential default, saying that such rhetoric is “completely dishonest.” Appearing on Fox Business with Larry Kudlow, Paul noted that such alarmism will “worry the markets, and is bad for the country and bad for all of us,” further explaining that “There is […]

Fiscal Insanity: 4,155-Page, $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill


Illegal Immigrant Arrests At Border Soar In September, Set New Fiscal Year Record

President Joe Biden is facing fresh criticism after his administration released illegal immigrant apprehension numbers from September, showing the number of arrests soared to a record high. Source

Biden’s Treasury: Race Must Be Considered in Crafting All Fiscal Policies 

Biden’s Treasury has issued a plan requiring the agency in charge of the nation’s fiscal infrastructure to consider race in all policies.

Pentagon projected to hand $407 billion to private military contractors this fiscal year

President Joe Biden signed a record-shattering military budget earlier this week, and a new analysis published Thursday predicted that if recent contracting trends continue, the Pentagon will funnel $407 billion worth of public funds to private weapons makers this fiscal year—more than the federal government spent when sending $1,400 relief checks to most Americans in […]

4 Scary Charts Show How Fast the Federal Government is Heading Toward Fiscal Disaster

By Brad Polumbo The national debt is rapidly closing in on $29 trillion. The federal government now owes an astounding $228,999 per taxpayer. All the while, politicians in Washington, DC are bickering over whether to spend $4.5 trillion more or “just” $1.5 trillion. Yet, almost entirely omitted from the debate over the so-called “infrastructure” spending […]

Which State Will Be The First To Suffer Fiscal Collapse?

By Daniel J. Mitchell Tax-motivated migration may put fiscally irresponsible states at risk of financial collapse. Which will be first? I’m a big fan of federalism because states have the flexibility to choose good policy or bad policy. And that’s good news for me since I get to write about the consequences. One of the main […]

The Federal Reserve has already lost control of the markets: ‘US not on a sustainable fiscal path’

     Professional trader Gregory Mannarino says the new Fed Head, Jerome Powell, caused the market to sell off last week, not Trump tariff talk. Powell blurted out in Congressional testimony that the “U.S. is not on a sustainable fiscal path.” Mannarino explains the truth bomb Chairman Powell dropped, “I think this guy was nervous. I […]

Coming Fiscal Derailment – Why FY 2019 Will Sink The Casino

Coming Fiscal Derailment – Why FY 2019 Will Sink The Casino Above Photo: Jack Bonner/ Flickr December 21, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – Since last November 8th the Russell 2000 has risen by 30% and the net Federal debt has expanded by an astounding $1.0 trillion dollars. In a rational world operating with honest financial markets those two results would not be found in even […]

The Undrained Swamp: Wasteful Spending Marks End Of Fiscal Year In DC

Despite promises of fiscal conservatism, a balanced budget, and a reduced federal deficit, the Trump administration has given in to a “use it or lose it” spending frenzy spurred by the end of the 2017 fiscal year. The spending binge, long a fixture in previous administrations, took place during the end of September, as federal […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ The day after Phoenix & a little more)

[Addendum – 23 September 2017] – The globalists push the Easy Button in Phoenix… Well that went easier than expected. With a Trump-hostile mayor, like the one in Charlottesville, I was expecting the Phoenix police to push the pro-Trump and anti-Trump crowds together. And if that had happened, we might have seen the pro-Trump Southern […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 [+ Will the Phoenix burst into flames? & This event has globalist fingerprints on it (at bottom of top addendum)]

[Addendum – 22 August 2017] Before I found out about the US-North Korea wargames this week, I identified the second strike window as August 21 – 23 (it’s now extended to August 21 – 31). So is it “just a coincidence” that the Navy had its accident right as we entered that timeframe? I don’t […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ an addendum, at top)

[Addendum – 22 August 2017] Before I found out about the US-North Korea wargames this week, I identified the second strike window as August 21 – 23 (it’s now extended to August 21 – 31). So is it “just a coincidence” that the Navy had its accident right as we entered that timeframe? I don’t […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ a P.S. – “DOUBLE SECRET ALERT”: Trump will be exposed for the North Korean EMP flyover tomorrow + a P.P.S.)

Yesterday – on a Saturday when people typically do other things than watch the news – the globalists set the stage for a WMD attack on the US to be blamed on or executed by North Korea. First I saw this… …from The Hill And when I later saw this, I knew they were opening […]

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