Posts Tagged ‘scary’

“This Is Scary”: Soros Prepares Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations Ahead Of US Presidential Election

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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: How Scary That Is

Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson is aghast that any of his colleagues would dare to argue “that our rights do not come from God”: “Think about how scary that is. If you believe your rights come from government, then it means you don’t owe any allegiance at all to God.” Christians nationalists like David […]

Canada facing ‘a very scary rise of anti-Semitism’

In Canada, as in US/DC and US/DC occupied States of America, Anti-Semitism is rampant at the highest levels of little children raping political war criminal whores. The blackmailed with Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Honeytrap video pedophile politicians are screaming for the slaughter the Semitic Indigenous Biblical Judea Descendants, the Palestinians at the hands of the […]

Ohio residents experiencing scary symptoms after toxic train derailment as thousands of animals die

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Five days after a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, prompting crews to burn toxic chemicals in hopes of avoiding an explosion, evacuated residents were told it was safe to return home.However, many residents have expressed fears about the ramifications on their health, and reports have been flooding in detailing … [Read […]

ChatGPT Co-Creator Says The World May Not Be “That Far Away From Potentially Scary” AI

The co-creator of ChatGPT warned that the world may not be “that far away from potentially scary” artificial intelligence (AI). Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, said in a series of tweets on Feb. 18 that it was “critical” for AI to be regulated in the future, until it can be better understood. He stated that he believes that […]

Mother shares scary video of son being strangled by older female student as teachers refuse to act despite judge’s protection order

(Natural News) An angry, frustrated Virginia mom has shared some horrifying video footage of her 12-year-old son being strangled by an older teen girl on a school bus. On Monday, Taylor Brock, a mother, posted a one-minute video showing her son being hit and grabbed by the mouth by a girl who then begins to […]

Whitney Webb Exposes Scary Truths About WHO’s New Chief Scientist

Jan 29 2023 Short version: _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step february 12th. One step at a time, […]

Liberals Sit Around Campfire To Tell Scary Climate Change Stories

YOSEMITE, CA — During a camping retreat this week to recharge for more rioting before, during, and after the midterm elections, a group of progressives sat around a campfire and enjoyed swapping scary stories about climate change. “Then, the tropical storms combined with the raging wildfires into an inferno – and then, the floods from […]

Biden’s ‘Disinfo’ Board Paused After ‘Scary Poppins’ Drafts Resignation

The Department of Homeland Security has ‘paused’ it’s newly created Disinformation Governance Board, after its head, Nina Jankowicz, was called out for being a Russiagate truther, and going full “libs of TikTok” with creepy Disney-themed songs in a fake British accent – lending to the nickname “Scary Poppins.”

Jewish Leader Warns Anti-Semitism At ‘Scary’ Levels And Jews Should Know When ‘It’s Time To Go’ Before It’s ‘Too Late’

(The Jewish Chronicle) Dov Hikind — a former member the terror group, Jewish Defense League — and acolyte of Jewish supremacist and convicted terrorist Meir Kahane — is urging Jews to be “proud, strong and unapologetic” in the face of “scary” levels of antisemitism in the United States and Europe — but at the same […]

The scary rise of private intelligence companies

While private military security companies (PMSCs) have been subject to some press scrutiny, most infamously after contractors for the company then called Blackwater massacred 17 people and wounded dozens of others in Iraq’s Nissour Square in 2007, rather than making governments wary about privatizing war, the industry has only grown in the years since. The […]

Scary Demonic Stuff At Travis Scott Concert-Sure VAXXES HAD EVERYTHING TO DO WITH DEATHS-American Life Under the Synagogue of Satan

Palestinians Living Under the Synagogue of Satan TOO! Nasima Begum also compared Israeli Jews to Hitler Nasima Begum also compared Israeli Jews to Hitler Nasima Begum also compared Israeli Jews to Hitler. Because you don’t have time for the EXTRANEOUS BS! Please Comment at Bottom Skip to content DIVORCE THE BRITISH-ISRAEL ROTHSCHILDS ZIO-CRIME SYNDICATE LIKE […]

We’re at the Fork in the Leftist Road – and It’s a Scary Place

The position of the left is well known by now: your speech is violence; their violence is speech. by Robert Arvay Moreover, even your silence is violence. If you disagree with them on any point, then you are not merely mistaken; you are evil. And if you are evil, you must be shouted down and […]

Intense, Scary and Spooky Classical Music

This collection from Brilliant Classics is chock full of classical music that is perfect for the lead-up to Halloween. [embedded content] Share now! Source

4 Scary Charts Show How Fast the Federal Government is Heading Toward Fiscal Disaster

By Brad Polumbo The national debt is rapidly closing in on $29 trillion. The federal government now owes an astounding $228,999 per taxpayer. All the while, politicians in Washington, DC are bickering over whether to spend $4.5 trillion more or “just” $1.5 trillion. Yet, almost entirely omitted from the debate over the so-called “infrastructure” spending […]

Leaked Zoom Call of Hospital Leadership: Make Stats More Scary So Public Will Take the Jab

(Vision Times) Leadership at a North Carolina hospital discussed padding their COVID-19 statistics for the purposes of increasing public fear in an attempt to drive vaccine acceptance, according to a leaked Zoom call. On Sept. 10, National File released a copy of the video they obtained from an undisclosed source, showing a physician, Mary Rudyk, […]

Doctor Wants To Be ‘Scary To The Public’ And Inflate COVID Numbers, ‘If You Don’t Get Vaccinated, You Know You’re Going To Die’

National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina. In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher […]

Senator Hawley: Big Tech “Acting Like Arms Of The Government”; “It’s Scary Stuff”

After a controversy surrounding racist messages sent to black England footballers led to calls for people to be forced to provide identity documents to create a social media account, some pointed to evidence suggesting the vast majority of the messages were posted by users from South Asia and the Middle East. Italy beat England on […]

Canadian Vaccine Researcher Warns mRNA Vaccines Are A ‘Big Mistake’ With ‘Scary’ Long-Term Effects

Dr. Bryram Bridle — a professor of viral immunology and prominent vaccine researcher — has been subjected to a vicious smear campaign after he revealed during a recent radio interview that releasing the experimental mRNA COVID vaccines has been a “big mistake” — and the long-term health consequences are “scary” — according to LifeSiteNews: “We […]

Nicaragua: Scary Covid Projections Are More Newsworthy Than Hopeful Results

Above photo: Guardian Nicaragua poster. One year ago, as both the Trump administration in the US and the Johnson government in the UK responded fitfully to the growing pandemic, the international media were looking for whipping boys: other countries whose response to the virus was even worse. There were some cases of obvious neglect—Brazil was […]

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