Posts Tagged ‘older’

U.S. has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people aged 65 and older since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

U.S. has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people aged 65 and older since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines According to the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics on excess mortality, the United States has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people ages 65 and older since the rollout of the COVID-19 […]

SLOW EUTHANASIA: CDC pushing more COVID “booster” shots on people 65 and older: “every four months”

SLOW EUTHANASIA: CDC pushing more COVID “booster” shots on people 65 and older: “every four months” There is another new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” they are calling a “booster,” 2023-2024 edition, that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wants all seniors over the age of 65 to get this year. The CDC’s […]

CDC Tells People 65 And Older Who Get Social Security to Take More Killer Jabs-SS is Insolvent & Outflow Must Be Cut

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that adults aged 65 and above get an additional dose of the updated 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine following a heated debate by an advisory panel on the issue. The vaccination was recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel. “The recommendation acknowledges […]

CDC Tells People 65 And Older Who Get Social Security to Take More Killer Jabs-SS is Insolvent & Outflow Must Be Cut

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that adults aged 65 and above get an additional dose of the updated 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine following a heated debate by an advisory panel on the issue. The vaccination was recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel. “The recommendation acknowledges […]

CDC Tells People 65 And Older Who Get Social Security to Take More Killer Jabs-SS is Insolvent & Outflow Must Be Cut

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that adults aged 65 and above get an additional dose of the updated 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine following a heated debate by an advisory panel on the issue. The vaccination was recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel. “The recommendation acknowledges […]

Massive Lost City Found Covered in Vegetation, Site Is ‘Older Than Any Other’ and Could Rewrite American History


71% of drivers consider buying older cars due to data privacy concerns

Data privacy within the automotive industry was analyzed in a recent report by Kaspersky. According to the report, 72% of drivers are uncomfortable with the idea of automakers sharing their data with third parties. Eighty-seven percent of survey participants said automakers should be required to delete their data upon request, and 28% said they have some idea […]

For better or worse, older politicians are here to stay

We claim to have a representative democracy, yet half the nation is under the age of 40, and only 5 percent of Congress is.  Source

Key Information from Older Updates

DON’T BE FOOLED The artificially manufactured “Fire Judgment from God” we’re about to experience is just a scene in the “End Times” stageplay put on by the Kabbalist central banking families and the world’s royals (whom I collectively call “the globalists“). And there are no “good guys” or “bad guys” on the global stage; there […]

Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine for Older Adults Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome, But Drugmaker Says It’s ‘Safe’

Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine for Older Adults Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome, But Drugmaker Says It’s ‘Safe’ People who receive Pfizer’s respiratory syncytial virus vaccine should be monitored for Guillain-Barré syndrome, according to the authors of a Pfizer-funded study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine. By    Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.      Miss […]

‘Another Day Older & Deeper In Debt..’, The Biggest Economic Lies We’re Told

CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: ‘Another Day Older & Deeper In Debt..’, The Biggest Economic Lies We’re Told – By Robert Reich SM  Source – “…[url= 93% of U.S. counties%2C the same workers can%E2%80%99t afford a modest one%2Dbedroom.]Work a full-time minimum wage job? You won’t be able to afford rent on …Source

Mother shares scary video of son being strangled by older female student as teachers refuse to act despite judge’s protection order

(Natural News) An angry, frustrated Virginia mom has shared some horrifying video footage of her 12-year-old son being strangled by an older teen girl on a school bus. On Monday, Taylor Brock, a mother, posted a one-minute video showing her son being hit and grabbed by the mouth by a girl who then begins to […]

All the times Nikki Haley took shots at older politicians in her 2024 announcement

All the times Nikki Haley took shots at older politicians in her 2024 announcement lead image Source

Lasers Map Mysteries of the Maya Calendar, Centuries Older than Thought

Renowned for their precision, vision, and place in time, Mesoamerican calendars have long been held up as an example of the early advancement of the civilizations of the indigenous people of North, South, and Central America. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Americas History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Scientists Made a Video Game That Boosts Short-Term Memory in Older Adults

Scientists Made a Video Game That Boosts Short-Term Memory in Older Adults Tech08 October 2022 By David Nield   (Sora Khan/Unsplash)   What if, as well as providing a fun way to enjoy our leisure time, video games could provide real benefits to our cognitive powers? That’s the promise of a new musical rhythm game […]

Giorgia Meloni of Italy Bends Over Macaroni, “married” To An Older Man, the boy toy Of the Rothschild’s in France, And Does Not Use a Lubricant


Sitting and Watching TV May Boost Older Adults’ Dementia Risk

Adults 60 and older who sit for long periods watching TV or engaging in other passive, sedentary behaviors may be at increased risk of developing dementia, according to a new study. The risk is lower for those who are more active while sitting—engaging in behaviors like reading or using a computer. “It isn’t the time […]

Ancient Anomalous Human Skeletons: Humanity Could be Much Older Than We Think

Accepted history is US GRADE A UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT! Take the Roman Bible. There is a great flood which destroys all but a few humans. The cock crows three times. At the end of the era there is a great battle against evil called Armageddon. Viking history or “MYTHOLOGY”. There is a great flood which distorts […]

Sterkfontein Hominin Fossils Redated To A Million Years Older

Researchers at the Sterkfontein Caves in South Africa, famous for the discovery of ‘Little Foot’ and a ream of other ancient hominin remains, have yielded dating results that could overturn the evolutionary timeline for groups of human ancestors. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later  Source

The University of Oxford is Older than the Aztec Civilization!

The University of Oxford is so old that its existence predates the Aztec civilization by more than 200 years! Here are the facts: People were learning at the University of Oxford by 1096 Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

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