Posts Tagged ‘memory’

Democrats fume over special counsel report questioning Biden’s memory

Democrats are outraged over a special counsel report that raised new fears about President Biden’s memory, super-charging a long-standing issue that threatens to be the party’s biggest political liability in November.  In a 388-page report, special counsel Robert Hur argued it would be unlikely for a jury to convict the president for his handling of… […]

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States & worldwide, Jan 9-Jan 15, 2024

From Dr Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack Musicians in US (7), Brazil (2), UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany (2), Italy (3), Congo, Russia, India, Vietnam, Japan; cops in US (8), Brazil, Paraguay, Spain, Italy, India, Australia; & more READ AT THE LINK Check out our sister site for other news Share this: Like Loading… Source

In memory of the very many 11-20 year olds who “died suddenly” in the USA and Canada in 2023

From Dr Mark Crispin Miller Dr Mark Crispin Miller has been collating the very many sudden deaths world wide that reported singly, escape your notice. En masse they are an horrific record of the slow democide occurring right before our eyes. Victims of a medical system that no longer honours its oath to ‘do no […]

In memory of legendary journalist John Pilger: The New Rulers of The World

Sadly, John Pilger has died. He has featured greatly in my own reading, especially of Australia’s real history. He always so skillfully laid bare the lies, the lies of those ‘new rulers’. I treasure his books, they are a mine of knowledge and truth that the whore media no longer dares to publish. Or did […]

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Egypt, Nigeria, S. Africa, Ukraine, Russia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, December 18-December 25, 2023

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack The ongoing record of those ‘died suddenly’ events … do you consider this normal? … EWNZ NZ actor Levi Holley (48, C); Egyptian photog Sherif Sonbol; S. African singer Eric Moyo; Russian actors Alexei Chernykh, Sergey Pepelyaev; Indian comic Bonda Mani; Malaysian singer Surj; & more READ AT THE […]

In memory of the very many infants & children under 2 years old who “died suddenly” in the United States & Canada in 2023

From Dr Mark Crispin Miller Dr Mark Crispin Miller has been collating the very many sudden deaths world wide that reported singly, escape your notice. En masse they are an horrific record of the slow democide occurring right before our eyes. Victims of a medical system that no longer honours its oath to ‘do no […]

In memory of the very many 2-10 year old children who “died suddenly” in the USA & Canada in 2023

Dr Mark Crispin Miller has been collating the very many sudden deaths world wide that reported singly, escape your notice. En masse they are an horrific record of the slow democide occurring right before our eyes. Victims of a medical system that no longer honours its oath to ‘do no harm’. Hear Dr Miller in […]

EI livestream: In memory of Refaat Alareer

Join us this afternoon for a special edition of the EI livestream in memory of our dear friend and colleague Dr Refaat Alareer, who was assassinated by Israel in Gaza last week. We will be joined by many of his students and friends. Refaat is eternal. The timezones are: 1900 Palestine time / 1700 GMT […]

Doctor: Transgenderism Mimics the 1980s ‘Recovered Memory’ Craze

Transgenderism mimics the 1980s craze among young people who claimed to have had a “recovered memory” of sexual trauma, says a Finnish doctor. Source

Ancestral History, Memory and Place in Subjugated Artsakh

by Lucine Kasbarian | Artsakh Almanac “If the world chooses to look away and not take action to save lives and challenge the Aliyev regime’s weak claim to the historically Armenian territory of Artsakh, the only “peace” to celebrate will be the peace of the graveyard – populated by generations of Artsakh Armenian families successfully […]

Today, We Pause to Honor the Memory of the Great Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, Marking One Year Since His Passing

I never had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, but I was an avid listener and admirer from afar. He was more than a doctor; he was a divinely-inspired person, and his fearless, unapologetic way of truth-telling had a profound impact on me. During COVID, at the hard-hit epicenter of New York City, Dr. […]

In Loving Memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023

Views 45598 Posted on:  Saturday, May 20th 2023 at 8:00 am Written By:  Sayer Ji, Founder This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2023Visit our Re-post guidelines In loving memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023 It is with sadness, yet great appreciation, that we pay tribute to my friend and colleague Dr. Rashid Buttar, who passed […]

20 Years After the Invasion of Iraq, Will the Media’s Complicity be Flushed Down the Memory Hole?

“All wars are fought twice, the first time on the battlefield, the second time in memory.” — Viet Thanh Nguyen As mainstream U.S. media outlets pause to remember the US invasion of Iraq, it’s clear that there’s a lot they hope we’ll forget – first and foremost, the media’s own active complicity in whipping up […]

Japan’s Ancient Secret to Better Cognitive Memory (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Film Review: ‘Film, the Living Record of Our Memory’: The Medium Is the (Often Ailing) Star

NR | 1h 59min | Documentary, Film History | 5 March 2023 (Spain/Canada) Divided into four distinct chapters, “Film, the Living Record of Our Memory” (FTLROOM) delves into an overlooked and largely unknown area of movie history that, even many of those who consider themselves industry experts, will discover they are woefully uniformed. Wasting zero time, writer and director Ines Toharia […]

Caracalla Erased Hated Brother’s Memory Using Damnatio Memoriae

We’ve all had issues with family at one time or other. But the lengths taken by the Roman emperor Caracalla really take the biscuit. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Biden Team Illegally Ordered Twitter to Memory-Hole Hunter Biden Story Days Before 2020 Election

Just days before the 2020 presidential election, the Biden team secretly ordered Twitter to scrub all information critical of Hunter Biden from their website, according to a series of bombshell documents released by Twitter on […] The post Biden Team Illegally Ordered Twitter to Memory-Hole Hunter Biden Story Days Before 2020 Election appeared first on […]

The Quantum Field and Memory

DNA and Consciousness Amazing story:  Watch until the end.  The presenter does an excellent job of being fair and impartial Memory is a quantum field phenomenon:  Sabine is not quite accurate when she limits consciousness to a brain function.  The reality is that our dna is a transceiver that processes information between the etheric world […]

A Palestinian Address to Balfour: In honor of truth, memory, and justice

On November 8, 2022 Dr. Salman Abu Sitta spoke at the University of Edinburgh to commemorate the centenary of the British Mandate in Palestine. In his speech he addresses the disgraced British colonial servant Lord Arthur Balfour, and issues a call for repair and justice to the British government today. Source

Scientists Made a Video Game That Boosts Short-Term Memory in Older Adults

Scientists Made a Video Game That Boosts Short-Term Memory in Older Adults Tech08 October 2022 By David Nield   (Sora Khan/Unsplash)   What if, as well as providing a fun way to enjoy our leisure time, video games could provide real benefits to our cognitive powers? That’s the promise of a new musical rhythm game […]

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