Posts Tagged ‘boosts’

Ireland boosts UNRWA funding amid Gaza crisis, condemns Israeli allegations

Ireland commits $21M to UNRWA, challenging the funding suspensions by other nations and criticizing Israel’s disinformation campaign against the aid agency. Source

Vaccine boosts death from coincidence

Prof.Angus Dalgleish: The COVID Booster Cancer Time Bomb “Recently the American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned of a surge in new cancer cases in the US this last year of over 2 million, with many of these cases occurring in younger patients.” LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY FEB 1 READ IN APP Exposing The Darkness is […]

Oops: The Daily Beast Inadvertently Boosts Sales of Company Selling HCQ and Ivermectin

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) In an unexpected development, The Daily Beast, a leftist outlet known for berating “anti-vaxxers” and the MAGA movement, just made a big-time miscalculation. The outlet, which describes itself as “intelligent,” has unintentionally bolstered the sales of […]

NATO boosts security in Kosovo after recent clashes with police and KFOR

A Turkish commando battalion has arrived in northern Kosovo in response to a request from NATO for more troops to help quell violent unrest between ethnic Serbs and Albanians. The battalion arrived in northern Kosovo where there have been a number of recent clashes between police, KFOR troops and ethnic Serbs who boycotted a regional […]

“Super Seaweed” Boosts Health So Dramatically It Could Revolutionize Modern Medicine

“Super Seaweed” Boosts Health So Dramatically It Could Revolutionize Modern Medicine May 13, 2023 By Study Finds There is a new way to enhance seaweed, a development that benefits the superfood, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries, scientists say. A team from Tel Aviv University and the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute have succeeded in doubling […]

Greek Central Bank Boosts GDP Growth Forecast For 2023

The Greek economy is expected to grow by 2.2 percent in 2023, higher than previous projections, the governor of the country’s central bank (BoG) said on Friday, trend reports citing Xinhua . The 2023 state budget, passed in December last year, projected a 1.8 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) growth for this year.… […]

Russia boosts gold stock to cushion impact of US, EU sanctions

(Natural News) Russia went on a gold-buying spree last year out of necessity. It wants to cushion the full impact of the trade and economic sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union (EU) nations following its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. According to Finance Ministry data obtained by Reuters on […]

New Bodycam Footage Boosts Interest in Release of 14,000 Hours of Jan. 6 Video

By Joseph M. Hanneman January 18, 2023 Updated: January 19, 2023   Dramatic bodycam footage showing protesters doing CPR on the lifeless body of Jan. 6 protester Rosanne Boyland has increased interest in the U.S. House authorizing the release of more than 14,000 hours of security video footage still being kept from the public two years after […]

A Mediterranean diet not only boosts health but also improves fertility

With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. New research shows that it may also help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and affordable strategy for couples trying to conceive. Conducted by Monash University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, and the University… […]

Scientists Made a Video Game That Boosts Short-Term Memory in Older Adults

Scientists Made a Video Game That Boosts Short-Term Memory in Older Adults Tech08 October 2022 By David Nield   (Sora Khan/Unsplash)   What if, as well as providing a fun way to enjoy our leisure time, video games could provide real benefits to our cognitive powers? That’s the promise of a new musical rhythm game […]

Silicon Surface Boosts the Output of Autonomous Power Sources

Research from Australia’s Curtin University has discovered an effective way to enhance the output of autonomous power sources commonly used to power essential mining equipment in underground or remote locations with no power points and where batteries are not practical. Published in the journal “Nano Energy”, the research found that using silicon on the surfaces […]

Silicon Surface Boosts the Output of Autonomous Power Sources

Research from Australia’s Curtin University has discovered an effective way to enhance the output of autonomous power sources commonly used to power essential mining equipment in underground or remote locations with no power points and where batteries are not practical. Published in the journal “Nano Energy”, the research found that using silicon on the surfaces […]

Analysis: Biden Boosts Foreign-Born Population Across 2024 Swing States

President Joe Biden’s policies are resulting in large boosts in foreign-born populations across a number of swing states critical to both political parties in the 2024 presidential election.

‘King’ Chaga: The Birch Tree Fungus That Boosts Your Immune System

By GreenMedInfo Research Group These bitter mushrooms act as parasites on birch trees, but they’re revered for their medicinal properties, including immunomodulatory, antiviral and antidiabetes effects Chaga mushrooms aren’t the most attractive fungi on the block, and they’re not the tastiest either, but when it comes to medicinal value, chaga mushrooms are king. Typically consumed […]

Canada Boosts US Natgas Exports, Drills More as Global Prices Surge

CALGARY, Alberta/NEW YORK—Demand has jumped for relatively cheap Canadian natural gas, driving exports to the United States to three-year highs and prompting producers in Canada to boost capital spending and drilling activity. Global natural gas prices have hit multi-year highs as world economies recover from last year’s slowdown during the pandemic. Now, natural gas stockpiles […]

COVID-friendly cuddle room boosts pensioners in southern Italy

This mobile cuddle room is touring a province in southern Italy and offering respite to pensioners left isolated amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The inflatable installation allows retirement home residents to have contact with relatives without fear of picking up the virus. It has been operational in the province of Avellino, near Naples, since Christmas and […]

Ga. Sen. Perdue boosts wealth with well-timed stock trades during pandemic

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A Delicious Spice Blend That Boosts Immunity [Recipe!]

November 19th, 2020 By Nick Polizzi Guest Writer for Wake Up World For thousands of years, the many herbs and spices of the Far East have brought an aromatic and flavorful punch to Indian cuisine. In more recent years however, science has proven that these spices also possess a host of medicinal qualities. One particular spice blend […]

As Gov’t Puts Kids In Bubbles, Study Suggests Playing In The Dirt Boosts Immune Systems

By Matt Agorist As more states and countries attempt to send children back to school amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen some utterly horrifying scenarios. Masked up and shielded children of all ages are being forced to stay behind plastic sheets, dividers, and some are even kept inside polyethylene cages with little to no […]

Awful Kamala Harris Debate Performance Boosts Trump Reelection Chances

Kamala Harris put in a terrible performance at last night’s Vice Presidential debate, often appearing robotic and repeating memorised “facts” that blatantly contradicted things Joe Biden had said in last week’s debate. Harris also appeared lost and confounded whenever Mike Pence interrupted her to point out such inconsistencies, as if she had been thrown off […]

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