Posts Tagged ‘improves’

Biden improves US-Saudi cooperation to confront Iran, say officials

US officials have detected improved cooperation between the US and Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, three months after relations reached a historic low between the two countries. The Wall Street Journal quoted officials in the administration of US President Joe Biden stating: "The Biden administration has dropped threats to retaliate against Saudi Arabia for an […]

A Mediterranean diet not only boosts health but also improves fertility

With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. New research shows that it may also help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and affordable strategy for couples trying to conceive. Conducted by Monash University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, and the University… […]

How union solidarity improves everyone’s health care

“People want to see us being treated well so they’re treated well. We were fighting for everyone.” Source

Taiwanese Celebrity Jimmy Lin’s Condition Improves Following Hospitalization and Surgery

Taiwanese artist and celebrity Jimmy Lin Chih-ying was involved in a self-induced car crash while driving a Tesla on July 22, 2022. His post-crash injury condition continued to attract attention from the public. The latest news is that he has been discharged from the hospital and returned home to recuperate. Chen Chien-tzung, director of Chang […]

Taiwanese Celebrity Jimmy Lin’s Condition Improves Following Hospitalization and Surgery

Taiwanese artist and celebrity Jimmy Lin Chih-ying was involved in a self-induced car crash while driving a Tesla on July 22, 2022. His post-crash injury condition continued to attract attention from the public. The latest news is that he has been discharged from the hospital and returned home to recuperate. Chen Chien-tzung, director of Chang […]

Taiwanese Celebrity Jimmy Lin’s Condition Improves Following Hospitalization and Surgery

Taiwanese artist and celebrity Jimmy Lin Chih-ying was involved in a self-induced car crash while driving a Tesla on July 22, 2022. His post-crash injury condition continued to attract attention from the public. The latest news is that he has been discharged from the hospital and returned home to recuperate. Chen Chien-tzung, director of Chang […]

Hellenic Initiative Donation Improves Lives of Children in Greece

The donation by the Hellenic Initiative will provide support for children in need. Credit: Facebook/Together for Children The Hellenic Initiative (THI) – a global movement of the Greek Diaspora – donated an additional $30,000 to the child welfare organization in Greece ‘Mazi Gia to Pedi – Together for Children’ (TFC) this week. THI, which recently […]

Virgin Coconut Oil Supplementation Improves Diabetic Related Kidney Dysfunction

by Crystal LauerHealth Impact News With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on the rise, and its clear relationship to unmanaged blood sugar and blood pressure unquestioned, virgin coconut oil is proving a valuable addition to the fight with ameliorate kidney function parameters in suffers of CKD and can even be protective for those at risk for the […]

Three-Spice Combo Improves Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Turmeric extract, when combined with gingerols in ginger and piperine in black pepper, shows promise for addressing osteoarthritis, with results similar to those  achieved by a common anti-inflammatory medication Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that is the leading cause of disability in the elderly and a major contributor to chronic, […]

Regular Tea Drinking Improves Brain Function

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Fancy a spot of tea? According to a first-of-its-kind study on tea and brain health, saying “Yes!” may help your brain work better and stay younger, longer A pioneering study led by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has shown that drinking tea may lead to better interregional brain […]

Drinking raw, organic milk improves your health

(Natural News) Raw milk is increasing in popularity in the natural health community — and for many good reasons. While there are indeed some concerns about the potential for raw milk to cause illness, for many, the obvious health benefits make raw milk an easy choice. One of the chief reasons why […]

Working Class Town Goes Green, Protect Environment, Improves Lifestyle

Straddling the northeast branch of the Anacostia River just outside of Washington, D.C., is a half-square-mile patch of green called Edmonston. It’s a tiny Maryland town where, despite its distance from the Chesapeake Bay, the residents seem to understand that what they do here affects what happens there. What started in the early 2000s as an effort […]

An apple a day really does work: The flavonoid-rich fruit improves cardiovascular health, decreases risk of disease

(Natural News) Apples once again show that they can keep the doctor away. A study has found that the flavonoid-rich fruit enhances cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of disease by improving endothelial function. Just eat it with its skin for more benefits. Past studies have shown that there is an inverse […]

Oil That Improves Vision and Removes Cataracts

Data from the American Ophthalmology Academy says that more than 20 million people in the USA over the age of 40 suffer from cataract. Cataract is a clouding of the eye lens usually associated with aging, although there are factors which can accelerate its appearance. The eye lens sits behind the pupil and iris. Over […]

How Curcumin Improves Memory and Mood

February 27th, 2018 By April McCarthy Guest writer for Wake Up World Lovers of Indian food, give yourselves a second helping: Daily consumption of a certain form of curcumin — the substance that gives Indian curry its bright color — improves memory and mood in people with mild, age-related memory loss, according to the results of a […]

Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease

Sayer Ji, Guest Waking Times Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human health The Ubiquity of Electrosmog Concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMF) are branded pseudoscientific conspiracy theories […]

Even one exercise event improves brain health, recent study finds

(Natural News) Here’s one more reason to start hitting the gym: according to a study, even a single workout can help improve your brain health. Based on a new review of the effects of acute exercise, researchers summarized both the behavioral and cognitive effects of a single bout of exercise and the data gathered from […]

Confirmed: Broccoli improves digestive health and protects against toxins, reducing inflammation

(Natural News) A new study has discovered a new health benefit of broccoli: It improves digestive health and protects against toxins, according to a Science Daily report. Researchers from Pennyslvania State University examined how cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts, can improve digestive health and protect the gut from toxins. “There are a […]

This Dirt Cheap Ancient Spice Fights Cancer and Improves Blood Circulation

Cayenne pepper, whose color can range from yellow to reddish-brown, has been used by households all over the world to add flavor and a little bit of heat to dishes for a while now – around a thousand years now. But did you know that eating cayenne on a regular basis can help your body […]

Iran doing business ranking improves

Financial Tribune – Iran’s ranking has improved across several indices in World Bank Doing Business reports in recent years because the country has increased its data-sharing with the bank, which had previously been flawed, announced the research arm of the parliament. “A review of WB reports during 2014-17 indicates that during this period, only three […]

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