Posts Tagged ‘Environment’

Plastic bags four times better for environment than “green” paper bag alternatives, study finds

(NaturalNews) If environmentalists were truly concerned about saving the planet from carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases,” they would immediately… Source

Open letter on the anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic environment at Emory University

Students at Emory University have been targeted by racist, anti-Palestinian, xenophobic, and Islamophobic harassment and attacks for their support for Palestinian human rights. Instead of helping, Emory has committed discriminatory acts of its own. Source

Study links tiny pieces of plastic in the environment to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases

Study links tiny pieces of plastic in the environment to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases It is no secret that the plastics in our environment are making us ill, but recent research demonstrates the power of a specific type of plastic to destroy our brains and cause diseases such as Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia. The […]

Negative Impact of Supplements & Pharmaceuticals in 5G Environment

This article was first published as “Negative Impact of Supplements in 5G Environment” on January 22, 2023.  [1] It grew to be a mess as I was adding and removing information from multiple times a day since its release. Please email [email protected] if you’d like me to investigate anything else. When it came to the […]

The Betrayal of the Environment by Environmentalists 

I am an environmentalist. I value clean air, clean water, forests, rivers, lakes, jungles, and wide-open wild spaces and well-used, well-conserved means of enjoying them. Always have. Probably always will. And this is why I find the issues raised by so many of the self-described “greens” today who have been so subsumed and outright eaten […]

Environment Canada Issues Heat Warnings for BC, Parts of Alberta and the North

Parts of southern and coastal British Columbia as well as large swaths of Alberta and the North are under heat warnings as temperatures are forecasted to soar near or above 30 degrees Celsius over the weekend and into Monday. Environment Canada says heat warnings are issued when very high temperature could pose an elevated risk […]

Manufacturer’s profits before environment

We (the ‘consumers’/shoppers according to their labels) are told/enticed/guilted/taxed into devoting a lot of resources in order to (allegedly) ‘save the planet’. The problem there is that the manufacturers, corporations and governments are realistically in charge of this. E-waste is a huge problem, both financially for the consumers and a burden on the environment which […]

Humanity’s secret war against the environment, ourselves, and our children

Inequitable family planning and illogical pro-growth policies are taking away every child’s right to a fair start in life. Source

War has inflicted €36bn damage on Ukraine’s environment: Minister

Grinding war has devastated Ukraine’s natural world with €36 billion in damage, Ukraine’s environmental protection minister told Euronews. Source

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environmentDate: September 22, 2022Author: Nwo Report   Posted BY: Wyatt | NwoReport (Natural News) Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric […]

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environmentDate: September 22, 2022Author: Nwo Report   Posted BY: Wyatt | NwoReport (Natural News) Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric […]

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment and about as far from “green” as you can imagine

(Natural News) Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment, and is about as far from “green” as one could imagine. Not to mention, most […]

Switzerland’s Environment Minister Suggests People Shower Together to Save Energy

Switzerland’s environment minister is facing backlash after recommending that people shower together in an effort to cut energy consumption this winter and fend off power cuts. Simonetta Sommaruga, 62, suggested that people “turn off the computer when you don’t need it, or turn off lights, or shower together” as part of her measures promoting a 15 […]

Switzerland’s Environment Minister Suggests People Shower Together to Save Energy

Switzerland’s environment minister is facing backlash after recommending that people shower together in an effort to cut energy consumption this winter and fend off power cuts. Simonetta Sommaruga, 62, suggested that people “turn off the computer when you don’t need it, or turn off lights, or shower together” as part of her measures promoting a 15 […]

Punjab’s Growing Environment Activism is Welcome, Should Have Wider Horizon

In recent months there have been growing signs of increasing assertiveness of environmental movements in Punjab. This should be widely welcomed and is much needed, given the rapid degradation of environment here at several levels in recent decades. There was an impressive and successful mobilization recently to save the Mattewara forest in Ludhiana from the […]

Science shows US Supreme Court abortion, guns, environment rulings will have devastating consequences

We can’t allow ourselves to be discouraged. Too much is at stake. Source

Francis, a pope of the poor? A pope for the environment? Or a pope of the global elite?

Pope Francis emerged, at the end of winter 2020, as one of the major public voices in favour of the so-called sanitary restrictions that were implemented around the globe at the time by national public health agencies and governments, in accordance with the WHO’s guidance. When, to the great dismay of many Catholics, governments began […]

Curses Ahead Of “World Environment Day” @ 50

Social Environment is also crucial for Natural Environment, ignoring which no pious wish, no sci-tech can cure Nature Several species have shown their ability to change natural environment to some degree, Humans showed what maximum destructive changes can be done (an in some limited small-scale cases the opposite was tried). But ‘humans’ do not mean […]

Curses Ahead Of “World Environment Day” Turning 50

Who killed the baby? Who put fields on fire and why? Who spewed poisons in fresh village air? And, who robbed water underground? Moreover, will you only ban stubble burning without addressing the whole issue? An 18-month-old girl, Roopa, who stayed in hutments of migrant workers, was charred to death after a fire broke out […]

Russia and Japan: a Difficult Balance in a Challenging Environment

On February 7, 2022, US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, in a video message posted on Twitter, expressed support for Japan on the issue of ownership of the Southern Kuril Islands, stating that “the United States supports Japan on the issue of the Northern Territories and has recognized Japanese sovereignty over the four disputed Islands […]

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