Posts Tagged ‘manufacturer’

Boeing in talks to rebuy manufacturer linked to mid-air blowout

Boeing is in talks to rebuy Spirit AeroSystems, a manufacturer linked to a mid-air blowout on one of its planes earlier this year, which sparked backlash and led to several lawsuits. “We have been working closely with Spirit AeroSystems and its leadership to strengthen the quality of the commercial airplanes that we build together,” Boeing… […]

Chicago area activists shut down weapons manufacturer implicated in Gaza genocide

Activists shut down Woodward MPC manufacturing facility in Niles, Illinois, on Wednesday, February 7, to protest the company’s role in the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Source

EV COLLAPSE: Electric vehicle manufacturer Lordstown Motors files for bankruptcy

(NaturalNews) Electric vehicle manufacturer Lordstown Motors filed for bankruptcy protections on Tuesday, June 27, after announcing that it would put itself up for… Source

Manufacturer’s profits before environment

We (the ‘consumers’/shoppers according to their labels) are told/enticed/guilted/taxed into devoting a lot of resources in order to (allegedly) ‘save the planet’. The problem there is that the manufacturers, corporations and governments are realistically in charge of this. E-waste is a huge problem, both financially for the consumers and a burden on the environment which […]

Baby Formula Crisis Turns Focus on Manufacturer Monopolies, Federal Policies

The ongoing shortage of baby formula is pulling back the curtain on the how government policies have led to certain manufacturers dominating the market, the harm from a slow-moving Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and federal regulations that stymy competition.

House Oversight Committee Questions Baby Formula Manufacturer on Formula Crisis

The House Oversight Committee on Thursday sent a letter to Murray S. Kessler, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Perrigo Company, demanding answers on the baby formula crisis.

COVID Vaccine Manufacturer Ordered to Pay $263 Million for Role in Largest Overdose Epidemic in History

By Matt Agorist Despite the state spending thousands of dollars a second – ticketing, kidnapping, caging, and killing evil drug users, the rate of lethal drug overdoses in the last 15 years has skyrocketed at near-exponential rates. According to the most recent data on overdose deaths, despite the states immoral war on drugs, the Centers for Disease Control and […]

iPhone manufacturer promised ‘protection’ by govt after angry workers TRASHED factory in India over salary dispute (VIDEOS)

Indian officials promised to restore order and conduct a “fair” investigation after a labor riot broke out at an Apple product plant not far from Bangalore. Police have been ordered to provide “necessary protection” for Taiwan-based gadget manufacturer Wistron, whose assembly plant was hit by a riot on Saturday morning, Karnataka State Industries Minister Jagadish […]

UAE aerospace manufacturer Strata pivots from plane parts to mask production during pandemic

Like so many industries around the world, manufacturing has been badly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The key to its survival is digitizing and modernizing, so said executives at the Global Manufacturing & Industrialization Summit 2020 this September. Topics discussed by the captains of industry, ministers & diplomats, who gathered together virtually, included how the […]

WATCH: Startling investigation reveals top COVID vaccine manufacturer hinted at deliberate release of SARS coronavirus MONTHS before pandemic began

(NaturalHealth365) Remember Event 201? This was the “mock” coronavirus pandemic partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2019, just two months before the real coronavirus pandemic began in China. During the (incredibly eerie) mock exercise, experts predicted 65 million people would perish in this simulated pandemic. Well, it seems this wasn’t the only prediction made in […]

Israeli chip manufacturer Tower says it was targeted in cyberattack

Israeli chip manufacturer Tower Semiconductor said Sunday that it had been targeted in a cyberattack on some of its systems, and was working with law enforcement organizations and experts “to recover the impacted systems,” the Reuters news agency reported. “The company’s IT security systems identified a security incident on some of its systems as a […]

Exclusive–Manufacturer: Trump Economic Agenda ‘Very Successful’ for Working Class

The owner of a Wisconsin manufacturing company says President Donald Trump’s economic agenda has been “very successful” for working-class Americans, not just business. Debbie Flood operates Melron Corporation, a small foundry and machine shop in Schofield, Wisconsin, that employs about 19 Americans. She spoke at last week’s Republican National Convention (RNC) about the first-hand dangers she has […]

Why is the U.S. avidly promoting British vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca for COVID-19? With Trump expected to make a “major therapeutic announcement” at 530pm “sharp”, and tweeting that the “important White House news conference” will be “very good news”… … speculation is rampant what Trump will announce. One clue comes from the Financial Times which moments ago reported that the Trump administration is “considering the bypassing normal US regulatory […]

Arms Manufacturer Lockheed Martin Opening Preschools in Jerusalem

By Middle East Monitor One of the biggest weapons manufacture in the world is setting up shop in Jerusalem to deliver education programmes to children as young as five. Lockheed Martin is famous for manufacturing the F-35 fighter jet, famed for pummeling Palestinians in Gaza. The American aerospace and weapons firm is now partnering with the […]

Activists expose UK university’s links to israel weapons manufacturer

Activists expose UK university’s links to Israel weapons manufacturer MEMO | April 25, 2018 Relations between the University of Manchester (UoM) and Israeli arms manufacturers have been exposed in a new report by student activists. Members of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement revealed the web of connections between the university’s commercial arm and several weapons […]

Opioid drug manufacturer found to have repeatedly bribed doctors with lucrative kickbacks

(Natural News) If there was any lingering doubt in your mind that the major pharmaceutical manufacturers in the United States are truly evil, this story should kill it once and for all. The Daily Mail recently reported that the state of Arizona is suing pharma giant Insys – manufacturer of the fentanyl-based drug Subsys – for […]

Michael Oren, historian, gets US history wrong to score a propaganda point

Michael Oren, a member of Knesset who grew up in America and served as an ambassador to the U.S., is a leading spokesperson for Israel. He regularly comes on CNN to explain the country and a year ago rushed publication of a memoir in order to drum up American Jewish opposition to the Iran deal. […]

FBI shares Health Ranger’s concerns over genetically engineered biology and its potential to devastate human life

(NaturalNews) To what extent the emergence of synthetic biology might impact humanity was among the various points of discussion at a recent gathering that took place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. And in attendance at this event were representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department […]

Feds try to suppress herbal molecule that makes your liver nearly ‘bulletproof’ against alcohol damage

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

The Cure for Perfectionism (A Sneaky Name for Self-Judgment!)

11th January 2016 By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Perfectionism is sneaky – on the surface it sounds like it could be a good thing. After all, what’s wrong with perfection? It is true that perfectionism is a strategy for success, but when you measure success by your ability to be consistently […]

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