Posts Tagged ‘astrazeneca’

AstraZeneca Recalls Covid-19 Injectable Product

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL You might have heard that the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injectable product has been withdrawn from market use. It’s true. They’ve initiated a worldwide recall of their product as of May 8, 2024.  Figure 1: AstraZeneca withdrawal. Source: This comes months after the official withdrawal of marketing authorization, but I suppose, […]

AstraZeneca pays doctors to promote vaccines on ITV – AstraZeneca withdraws its covid vaccine worldwide

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 11, 2024 • ( 18 COMMENTS ) Every year, members of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry are required to disclose money that has been paid to healthcare professionals.  Disclosures for the year 2022 reveal that AstraZeneca paid doctors for “contracted services” who then appeared on ITV to promote vaccines or downplay vaccine injuries.  The affair […]

AstraZeneca just pulled their Covid jab….why?

The official story right now is that it has been superseded by “updated” vaccines. In its statement, AZ said: “As multiple, variant Covid-19 vaccines have since been developed there is a surplus of available updated vaccines […] According to independent estimates, over 6.5 million lives were saved in the first year of use alone and over 3bn […]

Covid ‘vaccine’ withdrawn – AstraZeneca

The AstraZeneca drug is erroneously or rather deliberately falsely advertised as a vaccine, which it is not, as it does not confer immunity. So, now this drug can no longer be used in the European Union. Will the colony called Australia follow? See article: In any event the authorities have lied about the death rates […]

AstraZeneca Withdraws Its Covid Jab Worldwide

Astra Zeneca is withdrawing its Covid ‘vaccine’ globally months after admitting that it could could cause life threatening injuries. The big pharma giant recently admitted in court documents that its vaccine, initially called Covishield, could […] The post AstraZeneca Withdraws Its Covid Jab Worldwide appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

AstraZeneca admits its COVID-19 vaccine CAUSES BLOOD CLOTS in U.K. court filings

(NaturalNews) Anglo-Swedish drug manufacturer AstraZeneca has admitted in British court filings that its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injection can cause deadly… Source

AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine

Big Pharma giant AstraZeneca is facing a $320 million dollar bill after 51 families launched a class action lawsuit against the vaccine maker after family members were injured or killed by the “defective” Covid jab. […] The post AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine appeared first on The […]

AstraZeneca Admits Its Covid Jab Can Lead To Fatal Side Effect

Bif pharma giant AstraZeneca has admitted in court documents, that its Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ can cause a side effect that could lead to blood clots and death. The UK-Swedish pharmaceutical company, which is currently fighting a […] The post AstraZeneca Admits Its Covid Jab Can Lead To Fatal Side Effect appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Audio recording leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified a national security threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.

Recorded at an internal executive meeting at the end of 2020. This recording has not been published previously anywhere. SASHA LATYPOVA FEB 7, 2024 On Feb 4, 2020 – AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national […]

Facebook and YouTube Censored Victims of AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine

Some of the censored content included clips from the official UK Covid Inquiry. Source

AstraZeneca is no longer available as an approved COVID-19 vaccine

The Australian authorities and mainstream call the AZ drug a ‘vaccine’ which implies that it confers immunity, which it does not. A US Supreme Court case in November of 2021 confirms this. On this day 3 years ago Australia’s largest health & legal farces began In any event see reference from the federal government: Source

MEP Grills AstraZeneca and Moderna Capos About Their Genocidal Vaccine Agenda – Video

Author’s note: Most of the material featured here comes from an article published by Rhoda Wilson on The Exposé on September 7, 2022. Readers can choose to watch the video (which I recommend) instead of reading the long transcript below. My opinion on the subject: “Meetings” like these are going to be pretty much for […]

WATCH this video showing man connecting to bluetooth he got vaxxed with AstraZeneca shot


Pfizer, Roche, AstraZeneca and J&J face newly revived lawsuit claiming they funded terrorism in Iraq

by Kevin Dunleavy | Jan 6, 2022 A newly revived lawsuit accuses AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Roche of making corrupt payments to terrorists who ran Iraq’s health ministry. The suit claims that the companies obtained the contracts through bribes which financed the terrorist attacks on Americans. Four pharmaceutical giants will have to answer […]

Woman in UK develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca dose

Home » Disasters, Europe, Health » Woman in UK develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca dose     A Nigerian woman from the UK is struggling to live a normal life with her new, horrifying reality that is unlikely to resolve itself anytime soon. Ms. Jane (Sandra) Stroud received her second AstraZeneca viral vector […]

Coroner confirms 44-year-old BBC presenter died from AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine side effect

Home » Crimes, Europe, Health » Coroner confirms 44-year-old BBC presenter died from AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine side effect     A coroner’s report has confirmed that late BBC Radio presenter Lisa Shaw died from “complications” related to AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine. Shaw died on May 21 at the age of 44 roughly three weeks after she […]

Australian MP Diagnosed With Bell’s Palsy After AstraZeneca Vaccine On Live TV

An Australian Member of Parliament, Victor Dominello has been diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after AstraZeneca vaccine (branded as Covishield in India) after viewers noticed his ‘droopy eye’ during the state’s live COVID-19 update press conference. NSW’s Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello got himself checked out after viewers tuning into the state’s daily COVID-19 press conference […]

YouTube’s parent company, Google, is directly invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine” (that NZ’s Medsafe has just provisionally approved by the way)

“This is why YouTube censors anything that threatens the rollout and future profits of COVID-19 gene modification therapies” Dr Mercola From Story at-a-glance YouTube’s parent company, Google, is directly invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine.” This is why YouTube censors anything that threatens the rollout and future profits of COVID-19 gene modification therapies Silicon […]

Euro Study: Clot Risk to 18-39s from AstraZeneca Vaccine is TWICE as High as Covid Death Risk

The HSE has admitted a greater risk of blood clotting in younger people still exists for the AstraZeneca vaccine, but that risk is now outweighed by a need to speed up public vaccination. The HSE has admitted a greater risk of blood clotting in younger people still exists for the AstraZeneca vaccine, but that risk […]

Fourth Australian Dies From Blood-Clots After Receiving AstraZeneca Vaccine

A 72-year-old woman has died after developing rare blood clots following the AstraZeneca jab. The South Australian woman received the vaccine on June 24, became unwell and was admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital on July 5. She passed away on July 11, according to State Premier Steven Marshall. “Our thoughts are with her family […]

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