Posts Tagged ‘facing’

WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab Facing Death Penalty for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Leading globalists are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their roles in the Covid plandemic, according to an International Criminal Court insider who revealed that preparations are underway for Crimes […] The post WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab Facing Death Penalty for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine

Big Pharma giant AstraZeneca is facing a $320 million dollar bill after 51 families launched a class action lawsuit against the vaccine maker after family members were injured or killed by the “defective” Covid jab. […] The post AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine appeared first on The […]

PRIME Drinks facing lawsuit after tests show each beverage contains 3X the LIFETIME amount of “forever chemicals”

(NaturalNews) The manufacturer of PRIME Drinks, a popular hydration brand created by influencer Logan Paul, is being sued after the beverages were found to contain… Source

She survived a death camp. Facing Biden DOJ charges, she is prepared to die in prison

(The Daily Signal) — Eva Edl turned 10 years old in a World War II-era death camp. She believes she may die in a United States prison. Charged by President Joe Biden’s Justice Department with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, Edl faces up to 11 years in prison and $350,000 fines. […]

Ukrainian front line is facing impending collapse

(NaturalNews) Ukraine’s western allies are worried that Russian forces will soon make their way through Ukrainian defensive lines.Now enjoying the upper hand… Source

Global Watchdog Warns Gaza Is Facing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger

A UN monitor group has warned that “famine is imminent” in northern Gaza, where an estimated 70% of the population face “catastrophic hunger“. Around 300,000 people remain trapped in the area, after months of Israeli bombardment […] The post Global Watchdog Warns Gaza Is Facing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

IVF company facing lawsuits registers to lobby Washington

An IVF company facing lawsuits for destroying embryos has registered to lobby Washington for the first time, the latest example of a reproductive health company going on the offensive after the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The filing for the IVF company, CooperSurgical, comes after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled last month that frozen embryos […]

Oregon State Rep. E. Werner Reschke Is Reportedly Facing A ‘Formal Complaint’ Over Remarks First Reported By Right Wing Watch

In January, Republican state Rep. E. Werner Reschke appeared on Christian nationalist Jason Rapert’s “Save The Nation” program to discuss his role as the new Oregon state chair of Rapert’s National Association of Christian Lawmakers organization, a collection of right-wing state legislators and activists dedicated to electing “godly leaders in our nation at every level” […]

“Greatest Headwind” Facing US Office CRE Sector Is “Years Of Supply”

There have been mounting concerns recently that the unfolding commercial real estate crash is accelerating and has rippled across the global financial system. From New York Community Bancorp to Japan’s Aozora Bank Ltd. and Germany’s Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG, sizable credit losses and/or write-downs of US CRE debt have plunged some lenders into turmoil.  Lenders heavily […]

Italy angry Antifa attacker is facing ‘harsh’ prison conditions in Hungary

Italy’s conservative government is complaining that an Italian citizen, Ilaria Salis, accused of participating in brutal far-left attacks in Budapest, is facing so-called harsh conditions in Hungary’s prison system. Among the critics of the woman’s treatment, which included her being handcuffed and shackled when she appeared in court, is Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who […]

Virgilio Aguilar Méndez is facing murder charges for an officer who died of natural causes while attacking him

An officer died of a heart attack while attacking Virgilio Aguilar Méndez; now Aguilar Méndez is facing murder charges. Source

UK’s Cameron opposes ‘Israel’ facing ICJ in Gaza genocide case

January 14, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has expressed disagreement with South Africa’s move to bring a case against “Israel” at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over the genocide in Gaza. Despite his earlier concerns about potential breaches of international humanitarian law by “Israel” in Gaza, UK […]

WOWSER! Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried Facing Potential Civil and Criminal Exposure Due to Alleged Involvement With FTX Fraud

Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried Facing Potential Civil and Criminal Exposure Due to Alleged Involvement With FTX Fraud Source

Polish MEPs Facing Prison Sentences for Liking Tweets Opposing Immigration

The European Union has vowed to imprison four Polish politicians for the crime of liking posts on social media that were critical of mass migration in 2018. The so-called ‘hate crime’ allegations were found credible […] The post Polish MEPs Facing Prison Sentences for Liking Tweets Opposing Immigration appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Pedophile and Mass Murderer Bill Gates Facing Life in Prison over Mossad Jeffery Epstein Crimes

“LIFE in PRISON? Oh HELL NO!!! Jesus the Christ said this was to be done to pedophiles. The Ole Dog! prescribes this form of execution for pedophiles. Their nuts are cut out and fed to them as a last meal if they want one. Then their dicks are cut off, shoved up their asses like […]

Bill Gates Facing Life Behind Bars on Child Rape Charges 

Bill Gates has already lost his marriage due his friendship with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, but he is about to lose a whole lot more, according to investigators who revealed the globalist billionaire is […] The post Bill Gates Facing Life Behind Bars on Child Rape Charges  appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Facing 50,000-plus lawsuits linking Baby Powder to cancer, Johnson & Johnson mulls a third bankruptcy filing 

BY JEF FEELEY AND BLOOMBERG October 26, 2023 Johnson & Johnson has talc cases set for trial everywhere from Pennsylvania to California between November and December 2024. JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES Johnson & Johnson faces at least 18 jury trials over the next year tied to claims of tainted talc in its iconic baby powder, prompting the company to […]

Women in Gaza are facing a healthcare catastrophe under Israeli bombardment

At least 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza are currently unable to access essential healthcare, as other women struggle to find basic menstrual hygiene products. The women’s healthcare crisis in Gaza is nearly catastrophe. Source

Canada facing ‘a very scary rise of anti-Semitism’

In Canada, as in US/DC and US/DC occupied States of America, Anti-Semitism is rampant at the highest levels of little children raping political war criminal whores. The blackmailed with Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Honeytrap video pedophile politicians are screaming for the slaughter the Semitic Indigenous Biblical Judea Descendants, the Palestinians at the hands of the […]

Journalists Facing Increasing Number Of Casualties In Israel-Hamas War

As of Thursday, there have been at least 10 journalists – nine Palestinians and one Israeli – killed while covering the violence in Israel and Gaza. Source

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