Posts Tagged ‘Washington’

Washington Post: Trumpers Yelled to Police “Guy on the Roof With Rifle” for Minutes, Cheatle Confirms Crooks Seen with Range Finder

Above image: Photo taken by sniper of Crooks and texted to team 1/2 hour before shots What you need to know. After Cheatle testimony in Congress, someone tell me how this is NOT a deliberate plot to kill Trump. – Bystanders yelling man-with-rifle after snipers had already texted Crooks’ picture as a suspicious person a […]

Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia

Washington’s involvement in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev is not about “defending Ukraine,” but is actually an attempt to force regime change in Russia, according to former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy said […] The post Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Washington admits approving Ukraine strike on Russia using US weapons

1 Jun 2024 Source: Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English US Secretary of State Antony Blinken admits that the US approved the Ukrainian request to use US-supplied weapons to strike Russia. The US admitted on Friday that it approved the Ukrainian request to use US-supplied weapons to conduct strikes on Russia, explaining that the green […]


New Lines Magazine purports to be an independent media organization. Yet it constantly attacks genuine alternative media who stray from Washington’s official foreign policy line, all while employing many spooks, spies and other figures at the heart of the national security state. Worse still, its parent organization, the New Lines Institute, has recently admitted to […]

WOW!!! Israel killing more civilians than Hamas fighters – Washington

READ HERE: Israel’s airstrikes and ground offensive in Gaza have left more Palestinian civilians dead than Hamas fighters, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged.   Source

SHOCKING: Washington State Attorney General’s Office Claims COVID-19 Shots ‘safe and remain effective’

Dr. Joseph Sansone The Washington State Attorney General’s Office responded to National ARM’s Grand Jury Petition claiming that COVID-19 injections ‘are safe and remain effective’. This shocking statement was put in an official correspondence with National ARM president David Meiswinkle, Esq. This statement was made on April 23, 2024! As more and more people are […]

Washington’s Political Capture of the Philippines: A Former Colony, Now a Future Proxy – Brian Berletic

5,439 views 19 Apr 2024 – The US is transforming the Philippines into a belligerent proxy against China which happens to be the nation’s largest and most important trade partner; – The US is using the pretext of China’s supposed threat to maritime trade in the South China Sea, despite the majority of traffic through […]

Dept. of Ecology declares drought emergency for most of Washington state


A “great swarm” of earthquakes off the Washington Coast is raising concerns that the Cascadia Subduction Zone could blow

(NaturalNews) An area off the coast of Washington state is being shaken by hundreds and hundreds of earthquakes.  So is this an indication of potential trouble… Source

Washington offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report neighboUrs.

The Washington state legislature has passed a bill to create a statewide snitching infrastructure for residents to report their neighbors for “wrongspeak.” Senate Bill 5427, which passed both the Senate and the House and now awaits Gov. Jay Inslee’s signature, allows private individuals, including non-citizens and illegal aliens, to reports “bias incidents” to the state attorney […]

Wall Street financial analyst: Washington is pressuring the Fed to project robust economy in time for 2024 elections

Wall Street financial analyst: Washington is pressuring the Fed to project robust economy in time for 2024 elections President Joe Biden’s administration is firm in declaring that the year 2024 is the time for Americans to start breathing easy again when it comes to inflation that haunted households for a few years. After more than […]

Washington Monument closes due to strong winds

The Washington Monument closed on Sunday because of high winds, the National Mall National Park Service (NPS) announced on social media. The NPS later clarified that the monument itself was not at risk but that it was closing to make sure visitors were not standing in line for a prolonged period during that weather. “That’s… […]

THOUGHT POLICE SNITCHES: SB 5427 in Washington offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report neighbors guilty of “wrongspeak”

(NaturalNews) The Washington state legislature has passed a bill to create a statewide snitching infrastructure for residents to report their neighbors for… Source

IVF company facing lawsuits registers to lobby Washington

An IVF company facing lawsuits for destroying embryos has registered to lobby Washington for the first time, the latest example of a reproductive health company going on the offensive after the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The filing for the IVF company, CooperSurgical, comes after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled last month that frozen embryos […]

Republicans hatched a secret assault on the Voting Rights Act in Washington state

After he helped create the state’s voting maps, a redistricting commissioner quietly worked with national Republican figures to bring a lawsuit against his own work. Source

How Washington’s top book critic reads between 2024’s political lines

Carlos Lozada is a columnist for The New York Times, and before that, the longtime nonfiction book critic for The Washington Post. In 2019, Lozada won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism for a series of pieces that judges described as “trenchant and searching reviews and essays that joined warm emotion and careful analysis in examining […]

Iran Sends Russia Hundreds Of Ballistic Missiles, Washington Powerless

Back in early 2022 just weeks into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Western officials began raising suspicions that the Islamic Republic of Iran was supplying arms, and especially kamikaze drones, to Moscow for use on the Ukrainian battlefield. This proved true, and allegations of Tehran supplying ballistic missiles soon followed.  Now, just days away from […]

Medvedev Warns Of Nukes On Berlin, London & Washington Before Russia Would Return To 1991 Borders

READ HERE:   Source

Washington Bends Israel To Peace?

(Blinken and Bibi in Masonic Hand Shake) There are reports that Blinken is pressuring Netanyahu to replace extremist settler parties in his coalition with moderates, and to negotiate a cease fire. Blinken is part of the Commie wing of Freemasonry which may want to see Israel humbled. Another ceasefire would contradict other reports of a planned […]

My 5th Cousin Lt. Col. John Washington CSA, Shot 3 Times Through the back From Ambush By Cowardly yankees When No Battle Was Ongoing

Last Washington to own and live at mount Vernon, Staff Officer To general Lee shot three times through the back from ambush by cowardly criminal invading yankees when no battle was ongoing. The Ole Dog! Source

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