Posts Tagged ‘cousin’

What Part of Cousin George’s Message Did the “Witch” Burning Cromwellian Marxist Yankees & Their Jew Masters In DC Not Understand?


Ok-Ok, General Longstreet Was My Cousin Too

His was a hit and miss record in battle, but he stood up and fought. At Gettysburg many Southerners blame Longstreet for the defeat but this I feel is unfair. Lee was not in the best of health and should have not been having the weight of the world on his shoulders, but there was […]

My Cousin General George S Patton Murdered By the US, 1st Cousin To George Washington, I’m a 2nd Cousin To Georgie

George was an American. He would not betray America to Red Russian Communism so the UNITED STATES murdered him. Thanks US for murdering George Washington’s 1st cousin for standing up for America and Americans. The Ole Dog! Source

My Cousin General Richard Taylor CSA, Son of My Cousin General & President Zachary Taylor

When Richard surrendered the last Confederate troops east of the Mississippi, he was talking to some yankee officers he had attended West Point with when a Red Russian Marxist wearing a yankee general’s uniform came up to him and in broken English told him “NOW you are going to learn REAL American values”. Richard told […]

My Cousin 3 ways (at Least) General Robert E Lee

Not counting him being the husband of my cousin George Washington’s step great granddaughter or a couple other surnames I recognize in my heritage I know if I took the time to research I can prove up. He was a God loving kind gentleman. When he inherited slaves he set them free. He said they […]

My 5th Cousin Lt. Col. John Washington CSA, Shot 3 Times Through the back From Ambush By Cowardly yankees When No Battle Was Ongoing

Last Washington to own and live at mount Vernon, Staff Officer To general Lee shot three times through the back from ambush by cowardly criminal invading yankees when no battle was ongoing. The Ole Dog! Source

MAGA, Tea Party’s steroidal cousin, will outlast Trump – but only by escaping primitive cult fixations

Trump finale emerges as the perfect lesson that Pride (still) Goeth Before the Fall, exposing the dangers of not knowing who you are, what you can and can’t do. Source

Cousin George Washington’s Command Flag Flies Above Limey St. George’s Flag Catching the Evil Spirit Of Pedo Fake queenie

When great grandfather type Edward the 1st died, he gave Europe the finger.The flag of the Royal line was transferred to America. If not before, the 2nd string line left in Merry ole was bastardized with the births of Edward the 4th and Richard the 3ed. Every English or British “royal” from them on have […]

The Indo-European, Ashkenazi Jew is not a Cousin of any Arab-Semitic Muslim

22 Jul, 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen Susana Khalil We are in the 21st century of secular values; the colossal Zionist propaganda distorts religion with ethnicity, to hide the colonial anachronism. Part I.  Seen the successful fraud of falsifying history, the theft of history by the Euro-Zionist colonial movement, where European converts to the Jewish religion […]

Queen Elizabeth’s Cousin Accused Of Willingness To Sell Kremlin Access

LONDON (AP) — An investigative report by British media said Sunday that Queen Elizabeth II’s cousin, Prince Michael of Kent, was willing to use his royal status for personal profit and to seek favors from Russian President Vladimir Putin. The undercover investigation by the Sunday Times and Channel 4 saw reporters posing as investors of […]

Report: Rapper Martell Derouen, Identified as Beyonce’s Cousin, Shot Dead in Texas

A rapper who has reportedly been identified as a cousin of superstar Beyoncé has been shot dead in Texas, with authorities issuing an arrest warrant for a 21-year-old woman. Rapper Martell Derouen, whose stage name was Kardone, was found dead of a gunshot wound inside his apartment in central Texas on Tuesday, according to a […]

Karl Marx Was Rothschilds’ Third Cousin

by Metapedia(abridged by Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883), was a 19th century Jewish political ideologue who presented himself to the world as a journalist and economist. He is best known for subverting the nascent Socialist movement, likely as an agent of his cousin Rothschild; and on instructions from his […]

Seriously injured 15yo cousin of Ahed Tamimi arrested by Israeli soldiers (VIDEO)

Haaretz reports that Muhammad Tamimi was among 10 Palestinians, including five minors, taken from his bed in the middle of the night in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Tamimi was seriously injured on December 15, 2017 when he was struck in the head by a rubber bullet fired by an Israeli soldier. Tamimi’s […]

The Story Behind Ahed Tamimi’s Slap: Her Cousin’s Head Shattered by Israeli Soldier’s Bullet

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The Story Behind Ahed #Tamimi’s Slap: Her Cousin’s Head Shattered by israeli Soldier’s Bullet

Just before Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi slapped one of the soldiers who’d invaded her yard, she learned that her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed had been shot in the head at close range By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac, Ha’aretz Half a head. The left side of his face is twisted, swollen, fragmented, scarred; there’s congealed blood […]

Jordan’s King Arrests Brothers and Cousin in Suspected Saudi-led Coup

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Israeli forces shoot boy in face, arrest cousin for protesting, her mother for looking into it

Correction: An earlier version of this article referred to Mohammed Tamimi as Ahed Tamimi’s brother. Ahed has a brother with the same name as the Mohammed Tamimi shot on Friday, however the Mohammed shot and injured on Friday is her cousin from the village, not her brother. We apologize for the oversight. Israeli soldiers forced […]

US not looking for ‘classic’ war with Syria – cousin of downed plane pilot to RT

“I can’t verify any information due to lack of confirmation, but they said that our Syrian troops are looking for him right now and we believe that they will find him,” Majd Fahd told RT. US-led coalition’s downing of Syrian plane ‘act of aggression’ & ‘support for terrorists’ – Moscow A Syrian Su-22 jet was […]

‘Bakr boys’ cousin shot and killed by Israeli forces while fishing off Gaza coast

In the latest tragedy for a well-known Gaza fishing family, Israeli forces have shot and killed Muhammed Majed Bakr, 25, while he was out fishing. Muhammed was the cousin of the four young boys killed in an incident that appalled the world when they were hit by an Israeli naval shell during the 2014 offensive […]

US billionaires buy stake in Premier League club Crystal Palace

Negotiations around the partnership had been ongoing for the last 18 months as Palace looked to raise capital to fund infrastructure projects including an improved training ground, upgraded academy facilities and an expanded stadium. An initial $80 million investment is earmarked for redeveloping Selhurst Park, although the full costs are expected to be two […]

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