Posts Tagged ‘looking’

Looking at Kamala Harris’s record on Israel

If elected president, many believe that Kamala Harris will continue Joe Biden’s doomed policy in Gaza. Source

Makia Freeman – Short synopsis looking at the big picture of what Israel is doing and who is behind it

This is a source which I have followed for a considerable time and find reliable and trustworthy . I believe he is located in Hawaii, but I could be wrong. He is also an author. A good source to bookmark/sign up for his videos. He always cites his sources, as below.   IRAN ISRAEL & […]

Robert De Niro Worried That If Trump Wins “He’ll Come Looking for Me”

Actor Robert De Niro is starting to panic at the prospect of Donald Trump winning the Presidential election and is predicting that Trump will come looking for him. De Niro voiced his concerns during an appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher . BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to […]

Still Looking at You, Kids: Congress Aims to Extend Warrantless Surveillance for the Foreseeable Future

These measures have no place in a free and democratic society. Source

NEOCON ZIONIST WARMONGER Ben Shapiro looking for street cred after his “Gaza genocide” commentaries by becoming a cringeworthy rapper! (chuckle, chuckle)

___ Source

Report: Netanyahu Looking for Countries to ‘Absorb’ Ethnically Cleansed Palestinians

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told his supporters that he is working on finding countries ready to “absorb” Palestinians from Gaza. The Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom said Netanyahu made the comments at a meeting of his Likud party on Monday, in which he sought to clarify Israel’s plans for after the war had ended. […]


POSTED: November 17, 2023 You must Register or Login to post a comment. Pioneer for the vaccine injured, Brianne Dressen, co-chair of React19, discusses a new study aimed at solving the mystery around the massive amount of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine. Teaming up with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, this completely anonymous study will survey those injured […]

Silicon based Photonics is NOT the Quantum Computer you are looking for.

I got an article from a friend today; “Microsoft enters $100M partnership with Canadian firm after quantum breakthrough. Photonics founder and chief quantum officer says the company can bring a quantum computer to market within the next five years.” But Xanadu is already here. Xanadu uses Photonics. Photons. Is Photonics a shell company offshoot from […]

Looking for Trouble that Doesn’t Exist

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL About a month ago, I underwent my annual physical. I’m required to do this to keep my medical insurance. As I generally avoid medical treatment, I don’t value medical insurance as highly as do most other people. On a society-wide basis, medical expenditures deliver poor return on investment. While 2010’s […]

Report: Chicago Looking to Export Illegal Border Crossers to St. Louis, Missouri

Chicago is reportedly considering a deal with illegal alien advocates in St. Louis, Missouri, to ship thousands of border crossers there. Source

Tony Radakin – Through The Neocon Looking Glass – Serving Britain Or The US ?

On the night of October 27, the Kiev regime tried to carry out an unmanned attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant, located in the city of Kurchatov. The Russian Ministry of Defense reports that a Ukrainian drone was intercepted by air defense systems on duty. According to the latest data, we are talking about […]

The Best Wired Earbuds for Ignoring, Working, and Looking Cool

The Y2K era has such a soft spot in our hearts. Frosted tips, the McDonald’s ball pit, Motorola Razr flip phones, and our trusty, beloved wired earbuds—these are just a few of the things we hold dear about our childhoods and teen years in the time of Britney and Blink-182 (the first time around). While […]

The Best Ring Lights (for Looking Hot and Professional)

When it comes to meetings, Zoom calls are the new normal for many of us who are still WFH, now and indefinitely. The wrong angle and unflattering lighting can make you look… well…not your greatest. We’re all for loving yourself as you are au naturel, but if you can make yourself look even better with […]

Iran looking to export construction materials to Indonesia

TEHRAN – Head of Iran’s Kerman Chamber of Commerce Mahdi Tayeb-Zadeh has said the development of Indonesia is a good opportunity for the Iranian private sector to export construction materials to the country. Source

Report: DeSantis Donors Keeping ‘Powder Dry,’ Looking at Other Candidates

DeSantis’s top donors to his gubernatorial campaign are keeping their “powder dry” in the 2024 presidential race or donating to other candidates as the governor falls further behind former President Donald Trump, according to a report. Source

On The Outside Looking In

There are advantages of being on the outside looking in. This life I have no faith left in the American sheep. I know the US Empire must die, and it’s time has come. I know this evil must be everywhere as it is as a time of testing souls is upon the world. In times […]

Saudi Arabia looking forward to ‘new phase’ in ties with Iran: statement

TEHRAN – Saudi Arabia and Iran seem to be moving towards a fast all-out reconciliation as Riyadh expresses hope for a “new phase” of relations with Tehran. Source

Japan is looking for the best course for its foreign policy

It may well be that some of the readers (perhaps even most of them) will be surprised by the title of this article. Since the data from this space’s content adds to the idea that “Japan is not actually searching for anything in the international arena, having given its foreign policy to the capable hands […]

Liberal Government Looking for Input on New Law to Improve Safety in Long-Term Care

The federal government is looking for public input on a new legislation to improve safety in long-term care, in the aftermath of the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Liberals promised during their 2021 election campaign to table a Safe Long-Term Care Act, after widespread COVID-19 outbreaks drew attention to the struggle many homes […]

Bizarre Clouds Seen in India, looking like as if they were ready to Swallow the Earth

A spectacular storm cloud resembling a tsunami appeared over a north Indian city, video reportedly shows, as the region grapples with intense rainfall. The huge cloud formation came as monsoons have hit Haridwar, Uttarakhand, where weather warnings for severe rainfall are currently in place. The bizarre phenomenon is known as a ‘shelf cloud’ or ‘arcus […]

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