Posts Tagged ‘countries’

US postpartum mortality rate 395 percent higher than other wealthy countries

A recent report from The Commonwealth Fund reveals that the United States continues to have the highest rate of maternal deaths among high-income nations. The findings show that, despite improvements since the pandemic, the U.S. maternal mortality rate remains alarmingly high, with significant disparities affecting Black women. The report highlights that, in 2022, the U.S. […]

The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that Are Pouring into Our Respective Countries Are in Fact UN Soldiers

Freedom activist powerhouse, John O’Looney joins former Brexit Party Parliamentary candidate, Jim Ferguson for a riveting podcast about the sneak invasion of troops of UN soldiers into the West. It’s too important to miss. ### by Jim Ferguson “these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they […]

These Were The Deadliest Countries For Journalists In 2023

These Were The Deadliest Countries For Journalists In 2023 50 media professionals were killed due to their journalistic activities in 2023, according to the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) database. As Statista’s Anna Fleck reports, by far the deadliest place for journalists last year was in the Palestinian territories, where 16 deaths were counted in just the […]

These Are The 20 Countries Most Indebted To China

These Are The 20 Countries Most Indebted To China In this graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu ranked the top 20 countries by their amount of debt to China. These figures are as of 2022, and come from the World Bank (accessed via Yahoo Finance). This dataset highlights Pakistan and Angola as having the largest debts to China by a wide […]

BlackRock CEO: ‘Xenophobic’ Countries With Shrinking Populations May Be The ‘Big Winners’ in AI-Driven Future

Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock who has spent years pushing open borders and mass immigration onto America, told the World Economic Forum this week that “xenophobic” countries with “declining populations” may actually be the “big winners” in a future dominated by AI and robotics. NEW – BlackRock CEO: “The social problems that one will […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 192: European countries urge Israel not to respond to Iran attack; Israeli army targets Gazans returning north

Casualties  33,729 + killed* and at least 76,371 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 466+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

The World needs to take back their Countries

The World needs to take back their Countries

Rothschilds Rubbing Dog’s (countries) Noses Together To Make Them Fight

Back more years than I care to remember when a brother three years older and I were teenagers, he excitably called me over one day. He had discovered a new trick. He said watch! My father had two dogs which were not only half brothers, but big buddies, friends. My brother got them, rubbed their […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 140: UN experts urge countries to stop arming Israel as Netanyahu unveils postwar plan 

Benjamin Netanyahu’s postwar plan would see Israel exerting direct control over a demilitarized Gaza Strip while permanently dismantling UNRWA and assigning “local officials” to govern civilian affairs. Source

26 EU Countries Call For Immediate ‘Humanitarian Pause’ In Gaza (But Not In Ukraine)

Almost all European Union countries issued a joint call for an immediate ‘humanitarian pause’ of fighting in Gaza on Monday. Hungary was the only country that didn’t sign on to the statement. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced that 26 of 27 EU states had agreed to call for “an immediate humanitarian pause that […]

Interference with UK and other NATO countries air traffic from Russian jamming devices

Putin’s threat to civilian airlines: Top secret Russian electronic weapon ‘based in Kaliningrad’ is jamming GPS technology on flights and ships across eastern flank of NATO, Western intelligence fears A top secret Russian electronic weapon allegedly based in Kaliningrad has been jamming GPS technology on flights and ships across the eastern flank of NATO, Western intelligence […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 114: UN chief urges Western countries to restore funding to UNRWA

Thousands of Israelis protested in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem calling on Netanyahu to resign, while others attempt to block aid trucks from entering Gaza. Meanwhile, the UN said it has suspended the employees who Israel alleges took part in October 7. Source

Report: Netanyahu Looking for Countries to ‘Absorb’ Ethnically Cleansed Palestinians

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told his supporters that he is working on finding countries ready to “absorb” Palestinians from Gaza. The Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom said Netanyahu made the comments at a meeting of his Likud party on Monday, in which he sought to clarify Israel’s plans for after the war had ended. […]

US Attacked 100 Times In Iraq & Syria Since October, Both Countries which US Corporation Illegally Invaded & Is Illegally Occupying

Before I explain how to stop the attacks on US Occupation troops in countries US illegally invaded, a short American History lesson is in order so Americans can understand how their country ended up in the Cluster F##k it is in. 1776 Americans rebelled against England. 1783 the war was won, although it was some […]


November 21 marked the 28th anniversary of the signing of the US-brokered Dayton Agreement, which brought an end to the proxy war in Bosnia after three years and eight months. It is an event few celebrate – although there was much cheering in Sarajevo two days later when Stuart Seldowitz, the man who led negotiations […]

50 Countries Sign Treaty With Bill Gates To Implement Social Credit Score System

50 countries have signed a treaty with Bill Gates and the UN to begin implementing a social credit score system within the next four years. The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and […] The post 50 Countries Sign Treaty With Bill Gates To Implement Social Credit Score System appeared first on The […]

Tedros the Terrorist urges countries to launch propaganda campaigns to foist WHO’s Pandemic Treaty onto citizens

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 17, 2023 • ( 7 COMMENTS ) Ethiopian terrorist and human rights abuser Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus inverts the truth and outright lies about the Pandemic Treaty in an attempt to get countries to assist him in “actively countering false narratives.” As Reclaim the Net noted: “Tedros seems to be trying to not only persuade countries about ‘fake news, lies, […]

These Are The Countries With The Highest Inflation Rates

Venezuela is the country with the highest inflation in the world, with an increase in consumer prices estimated at 360 percent in 2023, according to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), published in October. This is the tenth consecutive year that the inflation rate in Venezuela is one of the highest on the planet, although it […]

Five Countries Have Requested the Rothschild Owned and Controlled ICC Investigate The War Crimes Done In Palestine By Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom Illegally Occupying Palestine

Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, Djibouti and South Africa have requested the Rothschild owned and operated ICC investigate the War Crimes and Holocaust of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judeans being done by Rothschild’s private Fiefdom Illegally Occupying the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judeans own Ancestral Home Land of Palestine. Asking […]

Chicago Declared ‘Worse Than Venezuela’ As Migrants Flee Back To Home Countries

Democrat-run Chicago has been declared one of the world’s worst slums, with conditions worse than the countries from which most of the migrants in the US originally came from. It’s true that Chicago has a shockingly high crime rate, far worse than most Third World nations. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news […]

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