Posts Tagged ‘restore’

Trump Says Israel Needs to ‘Finish The Job’ in Gaza, Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby’s Power Over Congress

[embedded content] Former President Donald Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday that Israel needs to “finish the job” in Gaza and pledged to restore the Israel Lobby’s power over Congress if elected. He also said that unnamed people are telling him the October 7th attack “never happened” and compared them to “Holocaust […]

Gangsters Take Full Control of Haiti, UN Sends Kenyan Troops to Help Restore Order

    Haiti’s problems just went from bad to worse, as the UN and embattled Haitian government of Ariel Henry (who is currently abroad as armed rebels seek his ouster) prepare a Kenyan peacekeeping force to intervene amid constant armed gang warfare which have taken over the streets of Port-au-Prince. Despite for months not having […]

Why the U.S. must restore funding to UNRWA

The attack on UNRWA by Israel and its Western allies is an assault on the credibility of international legal and humanitarian bodies. Cutting UNRWA’s funding deepens the Biden administration’s complicity in the Gaza genocide. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 114: UN chief urges Western countries to restore funding to UNRWA

Thousands of Israelis protested in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem calling on Netanyahu to resign, while others attempt to block aid trucks from entering Gaza. Meanwhile, the UN said it has suspended the employees who Israel alleges took part in October 7. Source

Ten New Year’s Resolutions to Restore Medical Freedom

As 2023 staggers to its conclusion, leaving behind a world of brutal wars, tenuous economies, corrupt governments, and tyrannical elites, perhaps the most unsettling aspect of the year’s end is a strange silence. Some things always generate plenty of noise. The 2024 US Presidential election promises to be even more hysterical than the last two. […]

Art Bureau to restore Nasser Palangi’s Khorramshahr Mosque murals 

TEHRAN – The Art Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization has announced its plan to restore the surrealistic murals Nasser Palangi created on the walls of the Khorramshahr Mosque 41 years ago. The restoration project is part of the art festival entitled “My Home Is Khorramshahr” the center is organizing to celebrate the 41st […]

Son of Iran deposed Shah hopes to restore ‘historic friendship’ with Israel

The eldest son of Iran's deposed Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on Tuesday visited the Western Wall [Al-Buraq Wall] of Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Occupied East Jerusalem, and voiced hope to restore "historic friendship" with Israel, Anadolu News Agency reports. During his father's rule, before being overthrown in 1979 by the Iranian Islamic Revolution, the Shah […]

Restore Scientific Integrity. Declaration by 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists

Restore Scientific Integrity. Declaration by 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity. By Physicians and Medical Scientists Global Research, January 24, 2023 Global COVID Summit 11 May 2022 Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost […]

Cyprus calls on Azerbaijan to “immediately” restore traffic and energy supply to Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan has been called on to “immediately” restore traffic and energy supply to the indigenous Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) region by the Republic of Cyprus. The Cypriot foreign ministry said in a statement that it was “concerned about reports of traffic disruptions in the Lachin Corridor, which have resulted in the blockade of the people of… […]

Canada’s Passport Office Took Over 2 Years to Restore In-Person Staffing to Pre-Pandemic Levels: Federal Records

Canada’s passport office took more than two years to bring in-person staffing back to pre-pandemic levels despite being aware of increased demand for travel documents, federal records show. The records, obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter, also noted that more than a tenth of passport officers (11 percent) continued to work from home as late as this […]

Lawmakers Question Big Banks Over Wokism; Facebook to Restore Trump’s Account? | NTD Business

Scrutinizing the country’s biggest banks, lawmakers question executives over how woke ideology is affecting their industry. Facebook is deciding whether to restore former President Donald Trump’s account. What does it come down to? Are there similarities between the inflation here in the United States and in Venezuela? A Venezuelan economist shares his personal experience and […]

Hamas aims to restore Saudi Arabia ties 

Latest News / Turkiye condemns US lifting of arms embargo on Cyprus, warning of possible arms race  / Taliban, Pakistan forces clash at border over alleged building of military post / Tunisia Ministry of Interior: ‘Outlaw parties target country’s stability’ / US Senator Rubio calls to impose sanctions on Algeria’s purchasing of Russia arms  / […]

Hamas aims to restore Saudi Arabia ties 

Latest News / Turkiye condemns US lifting of arms embargo on Cyprus, warning of possible arms race  / Taliban, Pakistan forces clash at border over alleged building of military post / Tunisia Ministry of Interior: ‘Outlaw parties target country’s stability’ / US Senator Rubio calls to impose sanctions on Algeria’s purchasing of Russia arms  / […]

Hands Biden Says He “Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect”

Ya Know, the first scum sucking bottom feeding degenerate perverted hell bound son of a whore yankee “witch” burnin bitch liar to tell a lie in Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac really don’t stand a snow ball’s in hell chance of winning the Big Lie Contest. Share this: Source

Hands Biden Says He “Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect”

Ya Know, the first scum sucking bottom feeding degenerate perverted hell bound son of a whore yankee “witch” burnin bitch liar to tell a lie in Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac really don’t stand a snow ball’s in hell chance of winning the Big Lie Contest. Share this: Source

Hands Biden Says He “Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect”

Ya Know, the first scum sucking bottom feeding degenerate perverted hell bound son of a whore yankee “witch” burnin bitch liar to tell a lie in Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac really don’t stand a snow ball’s in hell chance of winning the Big Lie Contest. Share this: Source

Video: Biden Says He “Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect”

The New York Post noted last week that Joe Biden has spent a whopping 40% of his time as President on vacation. This past weekend, Biden again left the White House for a vacation, meaning that during the past month he’s been on vacation for 23 days. The post notes that “Biden’s weekend jaunts and […]

Video: Biden Says He “Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect”

The New York Post noted last week that Joe Biden has spent a whopping 40% of his time as President on vacation. This past weekend, Biden again left the White House for a vacation, meaning that during the past month he’s been on vacation for 23 days. The post notes that “Biden’s weekend jaunts and […]

Brazil’s presidential elections: Lula vows to restore ties with EU

Presidential hopeful, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, vows to restore ties with EU if he is elected in October.

Hamas to restore relations with Syrian regime

Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, prepares to restore relations with the Syrian regime after a 10-year hiatus, a Palestinian source said on Tuesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. "The two sides will open a new phase in their relations in the coming period," the source, who preferred to remain unnamed, told Anadolu Agency. The source said the […]

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