Posts Tagged ‘medical’

FLCCC Alliance Announces Launch of New Independent Medical Journal

Published On: June 5, 2024 Journal of the FLCCC Alliance to expand and advance unbiased multispecialty medical research with emphasis on alternative therapies, use of repurposed drugs, as well as medical ethics and healthcare policies Washington, D.C. (June 5, 2024) — The FLCCC Alliance today announced the launch of a new medical journal, the Journal of the FLCCC […]

HHS sued over rule that forces medical professionals to perform genital mutilations

(NaturalNews) McComb Children’s Clinic in Mississippi has filed a federal lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for adopting a rule… Source

Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin

In the wake of the FDA settling a lawsuit brought against it for wantonly and aggressively smearing ivermectin, the agency has deleted its postings. That’s good, but we shouldn’t forget how egregiously it mischaracterized the drug, ignored copious evidence in its favor, and portrayed its proponents as dangerous crackpots.  About 30 months ago, America’s FDA […]

Covid – Dan Andrews made orders not backed by medical advice!

See The Herald Sun, online version of the article: Reference: Comparing this to the print version: Noting the following opening paragraph: “Former federal health minister Greg Hunt has taken a swipe at Victoria and other states for overarching during the pandemic and making orders that were not backed by medical advice.” Source

Medical Coder Blows The Whistle On The COVID-19 Illusion

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder — one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical […]

Letters to a Young Medical Student

The following text represents an interaction I had with a young medical student in the first year of medical school. I also include two brief excerpts showing how anti-intellectualism and closed mindedness are sabotaging key institutions, in this case the American Medical Association. The AMA has abandoned its commitment to merit, and the National Public […]

We’re paying off medical debt wrong 

We must rein in high prices and improve insurance coverage and hospital financial assistance so we can stamp out medical debt at the source.   Source

MD (Most Dangerous) Narcissists of All: Medical Doctors, Physicians – Prof Sam Vaknin

MD (Most Dangerous) Narcissists of All: Medical Doctors, Physicians – Prof Sam Vaknin  Tue 12:20 pm +01:00, 16 Apr 2024   posted by danceaway 32,025 views 10 Apr 2024 Psychopathic Narcissists in Social Settings Watch the film “Semmelweis”. Narcissists and psychopaths are over-represented in the medical professions and as the prevalence of cluster B personality […]

To rebuild Gaza’s healthcare system, medical students from Gaza need support

Samah Hararah’s fate is uncertain. “I aspired to graduate from medical school. But our university has been destroyed — its president and teachers martyred. Who will restore our dreams?” His story is a regrettably familiar one. For months, Israel has bombarded Gaza — killing more than 32,600, the vast majority being women and children. Part […]

The Ongoing Fight For Medical Truth & Transparency

April 2nd 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., […]

Medical Leadership Cannot Escape the ‘Misinformation’ Trap

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL On March 25, 2024, the online Medpage Today published an article written by the Presidents of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. In it, they make the claim that:  Online misinformation about vaccines harm (sic) patients, undermines trust in science, and places additional burdens on our […]

‘Torture, Medical Negligence’ – Detainee Accused to Be Hamas Spy Killed in Israeli Prison

March 16, 2024 By Palestine Chronicle Staff   The number of Palestinian detainees killed since October 7 as a result of torture and medical negligence has risen to 13, according to a joint statement by the Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club.  Palestinian citizen of Israel, Juma Abu Ghanima, was killed in an Israeli prison, five days […]

Medical test company’s ‘serious and systemic failures’ led to cyber-attack, watchdog says

Australian Clinical Labs hack alleged to have resulted in more than 200,000 health records and credit card details being published on dark web OAIC alleges significant failures by ACL to protect customer data from the hack by a group known as Quantum. Photograph: Wietse Michiels/Alamy Medical testing company Australian Clinical Labs had “serious and systemic […]

American medical system adopting woke DEI protocols that put patients at risk

(NaturalNews) As bad as it already is, the landscape of modern medicine in the United States is getting worse due to the rapidly spreading virus of “diversity,… Source


PANDEMIC OF HERNIAS! Caused By COVID-19 Bioweapon & Weaponized Covid ‘Vaccines’ Submitted by The Hernia Coach SOTN Exclusive Let me first describe my background and experience as a Hernia Coach for context. I was Board Certified in Integrative Medicine early in my career as a Holistic Health Coach and Wellness Counselor.  I eventually became a […]

My medical colleagues in Gaza are exhausted, and terrified of what is to come

When I left Gaza two weeks ago, my colleagues at the European Hospital in Khan Younis were already overwhelmed. Now, they are terrified Israel will invade the hospital and kill patients like they did at nearby Nasser Hospital. Source

DC Medical Examiner Will NOT Discard Remains of Babies at Center of Abortion Scandal

DC Medical Examiner Will NOT Discard Remains of Babies at Center of Abortion Scandal Source

My Medical School Dismissed Me Over Dissent

This original essay series is my attempt to tell my story. I was suppressed because of the widespread ideological possession among those in power. This pernicious problem stretches far beyond my life. Note to readers: we are proud to release the first part of an exclusive essay series by Kevin Bass on his suspension from […]

Ex-Pharma Insider Warns of Looming Government-Funded ‘Medical Disaster’

More American tax dollars are destined to be spent on a “medical disaster.” Enter Ozempic, a diabetes and weight loss drug that is “going to be the highest-funded drug by the US taxpayer in history.” Ozempic has some severe problems, according to ex-pharma insider Calley Means: 1. Gastrointestinal issues and stomach paralysis: • “The drug […]

AI-powered medical devices could enhance detection and differentiation of skin cancers – but could also give false readings

(NaturalNews) On January 16, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new, non-invasive skin cancer detection device that is powered by artificial… Source

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