Posts Tagged ‘detainee’

‘Torture, Medical Negligence’ – Detainee Accused to Be Hamas Spy Killed in Israeli Prison

March 16, 2024 By Palestine Chronicle Staff   The number of Palestinian detainees killed since October 7 as a result of torture and medical negligence has risen to 13, according to a joint statement by the Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club.  Palestinian citizen of Israel, Juma Abu Ghanima, was killed in an Israeli prison, five days […]

Qatar pursues US-Iran nuclear steps after detainee swap

Qatar wants to capitalise on a US-Iranian detainee deal that it mediated during months of delicate diplomacy to find common ground on a more intractable issue between the two hardened adversaries: the dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme. Russia’s war in Ukraine may have top billing at the UN General Assembly, but Iran’s nuclear ambitions cast a shadow […]

TIMELINE – US-Iran relations from 1953 coup to 2023 detainee swap deal

The United States and Iran are to free five detainees each under an exchange agreement that also involves the transfer of $6 billion of unfrozen Iranian assets from South Korea to accounts in Qatar. The deal removes one major irritant between Iran and the US, whose animosity dates back to the Central Intelligence Agency’s orchestration of the overthrow of […]

Saudi executes fourth detainee in less than 24 hours

The Saudi Interior Ministry yesterday announced that it had carried out the death penalty against Ahmed Al Badr, who is from the Shia minority in the east of the country, making him the fourth detainee to be executed in less than 24 hours. The ministry explained that Al Badr was found guilty of “communicating with […]

Egypt: Detainee deaths continue inside Badr Prison 

The number of deaths among political prisoners inside the Badr Prison Complex in Cairo has risen to four, just a few months after opening the huge complex. This follows the death of detainee Hassan Diab Hassan inside his cell in Badr 3 Prison due to medical negligence. The Egyptian regime opened the prison complex at […]

 Palestinian Detainee Ends Hunger Strike After Securing His ’Release Deal’

Sept 1, 2022 By Staff, Agencies Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawdeh has ended his 172-day hunger strike after the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime reportedly agreed to release him in October. Awawdeh ended the protest action with a cup of tea on Wednesday, Palestinian news outlets reported. Speaking from his hospital bed, the 40-year-old said he would remain […]

 Palestinian Detainee Ends Hunger Strike After Securing His ’Release Deal’

Sept 1, 2022 By Staff, Agencies Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawdeh has ended his 172-day hunger strike after the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime reportedly agreed to release him in October. Awawdeh ended the protest action with a cup of tea on Wednesday, Palestinian news outlets reported. Speaking from his hospital bed, the 40-year-old said he would remain […]

Jan. 6 Detainee at Risk of Dying from Lack of Medical Care, Attorney Says

A January 6 defendant being held in Virginia is extremely ill and at risk of dying because the jail refuses to provide proper medical care and a special diet for his celiac disease, New York attorney Joseph McBride alleges. “They’re starving the guy out,” McBride told The Epoch Times. “They have moved him six times […]

US Military Jurors Decry Guantanamo Detainee Torture

Above Photo: Military officers serving as jurors in the case of Guantanamo Bay detainee Majid Khan are urging clemency. (Charles Dharapak/The Associated Press) Guantanamo Bay prisoner Majid Khan last week detailed torture at CIA black sites in unprecedented testimony. Seven United States military officers have written a letter urging clemency for Guantanamo Bay detainee Majid […]

Detainee Says China Has Secret Jail In Dubai, Holds Uyghurs

A young Chinese woman says she was held for eight days at a Chinese-run secret detention facility in Dubai along with at least two Uyghurs, in what may be the first evidence that China is operating a so-called “black site” beyond its borders. The woman, 26-year-old Wu Huan, was on the run to avoid extradition […]

Son of Guantanamo Bay detainee found about his father’s imprisonment on Google

“I found out about my father’s case from Google when I was 12 or 13 years old. I read about his story on Wikipedia. My name is Jawad. I am the son of Ahmed Rabbani who is in Guantanamo Bay. I am 17 years old and I have never met my father, nor has he […]

Injured detainee in Israeli jails wins Palestine’s ‘Woman of Year’ award

The Palestinian Ministry for Women’s Affairs on Thursday awarded Israa Jaabees, an injured Palestinian woman who remains in Israeli police custody, as this year’s “Woman of Palestine.” A 32-year-old mother, Jaabees was arrested in 2015 after being shot at by Israeli soldiers in East Jerusalem. She sustained severe burns in an ensuing gas explosion.  “Palestinian […]

Palestinian detainee dies in custody after brutal beating in West Bank (VIDEO)

     A Palestinian man died hours after he had been severely beaten during an arrest by Israeli forces amid clashes in the West Bank. While the troops are accused of intentionally killing the man, the IDF say he tried to attack them. The confrontation between the 33-year-old Yassin al-Saradeeh and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) […]

Former Israeli soldier insists he beat a Palestinian detainee despite government investigation exonerating him

Solidarity / BDS Israeli veteran, government clash over alleged abuse of Palestinian JERUSALEM (Reuters) 22 Nov by Dan Williams — An Israeli ex-soldier who serves as a spokesman for a group that documents alleged abuses of Palestinians has set off a legal tussle with the Israeli authorities by saying he himself beat a detainee. After […]

Video: A Case of Mistaken Identity, Then the Death of an ICE Detainee

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Raul Awards Venezuela’s Maduro with Cuba’s Highest Honor Before a Meeting with Fidel

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Hardly noticed during the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama and delegates to Cuba, former Cuban President Fidel Castro met Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and awarded him the José Martí” National Award, Cuba’s highest honor. A message from the former revolutionary leader styled at least as much to Washington as to Caracas? […]

The CIA, the X-Files, and the North Korean H-bomb: A coordinated campaign? (+ a P.S. – The North Korean missile and the Super Bowl)

The truth is out there… but you won’t find it in Hollywood… …(former Hollywood bigwigs Michael Eisner and George Lucas with alien deception propagandist Jordan Maxwell) The CIA connection to Hollywood should already be well known by any awakening person. The mass media complex of which Hollywood is an integral part serves as one of […]

By 2030 Robots Will Be Able To Read Your Mind, Experts Say

By the year 2030 robots will be able to read your mind, and there will be no laws or regulations to prevent them from doing so, according to a panel of scientists at the World Economic Forum.  Experts say that smartphones, tablets and computers will be able to examine brain activity in humans and see […]

France Announce Permanent Police State Until ISIS Is ‘Defeated’

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said that France will keep its state of emergency status until ISIS have been completely defeated, hinting at a more permanent police state in France.  The emergency measures were initially introduced after the Paris attacks on the 13th November 2015. Police in France currently have extended powers to conduct […]

Big Changes ahead in 2016 as the status quo of the power elite is challenged

     Though pessimistic news still dominates and controls the headlines in both mainstream and alternative media worlds, a closer look at what’s going on right now might reveal glimpses of profound changes occurring just below the surface echo chambers. This presentation will focus on the most visible signs reflecting the current underlying transformative metamorphosis the […]

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