Posts Tagged ‘jails’

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 194: Palestinians mark ‘Prisoners’ Day’ with more than 9,500 in Israeli jails

Casualties  33,899 + killed* and at least 76,664 wounded in the Gaza Strip.* 468+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

New Zealand jails whistleblower exposing deaths from vaccine

A tiny country’s health ministry tried to take down the website of an American scientist, journalist and entrepreneur (Steve Kirsch) for posting anonymized, important public health data. He said no. The same health ministry did its best to confuse the public about New Zealand’s November 2023 rejection of the WHO’s IHR amendments. Who are they […]

Palestinian prisoners in Israel jails refuse meals in protest at reduction in visitation rights

Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Ofer jail closed the prison sections and refused meals on Sunday evening. The protest step came after the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) proceeded to transfer 120 Palestinian prisoners from Nafha prison to a collective isolation section, the Commission for Detainees’ and ex-Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said in […]

Communism in America: Biden regime jails four Americans for saying things the administration doesn’t like, calling it ‘weaponized’ speech

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) First things first: If somehow we could communicate with our founding fathers, they would be appalled at how much freedom of speech and expression has been limited and even criminalized in the country they founded and bequeathed to us.For instance, they would be shocked at laws against so-called “hate speech,” which a) […]

Ukrainian Civilians Vanish And Languish In Russian-Run Jails

Vita Hannych is one of many Ukrainian noncombatants being held by Russian forces for months following their invasion. Source

Israel’s kangaroo court jails Palestinian charity worker for 12 years

Palestinian aid worker Mohammed El Halabi is yet another political prisoner in Israel’s apartheid dungeons. (WAFA/El Halabi family campaign) On Tuesday Israel sentenced Palestinian aid worked Mohammed El Halabi to 12 years in prison — based on a sham conviction in a kangaroo court which relied on entirely fictional charges. Former director of the Gaza […]

Iran jails two Swedish citizens for alleged drug trafficking

Tensions between Tehran and Stockholm soared after a Swedish court convicted a former Iranian official of war crimes during the 1980s.

‘Extreme tension’ in Israeli jails as Palestinian prisoners protest abuses

There is “extreme tension” in Israeli prisons amid a growing standoff between officials and Palestinian detainees, a Palestinian NGO said on Friday, Anadolu News Agency reports. Palestinian prisoners in various Israeli jails kicked off a series of protests this week against persistent mistreatment by officials. Israeli authorities have responded with even harsher steps, including “doubled […]

Palestine inmates stage sit-in in Israeli jails

Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails started a sit-in against the Israeli prison authorities, a Palestinian non-profit group said on Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said all of the inmates left their cells and gathered in the prison yards. It added that the move is part of their “escalating […]

Palestine inmates stage sit-in in Israeli jails

Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails started a sit-in against the Israeli prison authorities, a Palestinian non-profit group said on Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said all of the inmates left their cells and gathered in the prison yards. It added that the move is part of their “escalating […]

Palestine inmates stage sit-in in Israeli jails

Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails started a sit-in against the Israeli prison authorities, a Palestinian non-profit group said on Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said all of the inmates left their cells and gathered in the prison yards. It added that the move is part of their “escalating […]

Palestine inmates stage sit-in in Israeli jails

Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails started a sit-in against the Israeli prison authorities, a Palestinian non-profit group said on Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said all of the inmates left their cells and gathered in the prison yards. It added that the move is part of their “escalating […]

Bolivia Jails Conservative Ex-President for 10 Years for Constitutional Inauguration When Socialists Fled

Lawyers for conservative former President Jeanine Áñez announced on Monday that they would appeal a conviction handed down last week by a Bolivian court sentencing her to ten years in prison for constitutionally assuming the presidency in 2019.

Florida Jails Already Overflowing With People Who Said The Word ‘Gay’

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Just hours after Ron Desantis signed the hateful “Dont Say Gay” Bill, state officials have reported that all of their jails are practically overflowing and approaching their breaking point. This controversial and homophobic bill is the first of its kind, where a specific word of the English language has become a jailable offense.  “We’re out of room to […]

Documents Prove Tennessee County Disproportionately Jails Black Children

Above Photo: Alex Bandoni/ProPublica. Rutherford County court document obtained by ProPublica and Nashville Public Radio. And It’s Getting Worse. Newly Obtained Reports Show That Black Children In Rutherford County Are Locked Up More Than Twice As Often As Population Size Would Suggest. And As The Rest Of The Country Has Made Progress On Racial Disparities, […]

Our Biggest Jails Are Frontline Environmental Justice Communities

Above photo: Grist / Joe Sohm / Visions of America / Universal Images Group via Getty Images. The three biggest county jail systems in the U.S. demonstrate how incarcerated people are uniquely exposed to environmental hazards. For more than half a century, 441 Bauchet Street has been the address where Los Angeles’ most stark social […]

Alexei Navalny: Russian court jails Kremlin critic for 30 days

A Russian court has sentenced Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny to 30 days in prison, pending a trial, a speedy judgment following an unprecedented, ad-hoc one day hearing which seemed to ignore most aspects of law and process. The hearing, in a police station, started earlier on Monday, less than 24 hours after Mr Navalny had […]

Prisons And Jails Are COVID-19 Super-Spreaders

By Marc Norton, Popular Resistance. January 1, 2021 Above photo: March, 2020. A prisoner at California State Prison, Los Angeles County, shown, tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times. Give Prisoners the Vaccine Now. Inmates in federal prisons, state prisons and local jails should be in the first cohort of […]

Israeli minister orders jails not to vaccinate Palestinian security prisoners

Order defies health ministry guidelines that prisoners should be part of second group of Israelis to be vaccinated Public Security Minister Amir Ohana’s statement did not single out Palestinian inmates, but there are no non-Palestinian security prisoners in Israel (AFP) By MEE and agencies Published date: 27 December 2020 15:47 UTC  Israel’s Public Security Minister Amir Ohana […]

China Jails Citizen-Journalist For 4 Years Over Wuhan Reports On Virus

SHANGHAI (Reuters) — A Chinese court handed a four-year jail term on Monday to a citizen-journalist who reported from the central city of Wuhan at the peak of last year’s coronavirus outbreak, on grounds of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble,” her lawyer said. Zhang Zhan, 37, the first such person known to have been tried, […]

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