Posts Tagged ‘super’

Super RINO, Uniparty Traitor & Fake Christian Mike Johnson Must Be Removed From Speakership—POST-HASTE!!!

READ HERE: House Passes $95 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel And Taiwan – But Not US Border   Source

SOLAR ECLIPSE SUPER PSYOP: Different than anything we’ve seen before

Submitted by An Armchair Astrologer & Conspiracy RealistSOTN Exclusive Surely folks have realized by now that there’s something very wrong with what we will call the “Solar Eclipse Super Psyop”. KEY DATA POINT: The mainstream media has never hyped an eclipse like they have this one occurring on April 8th. Remember: That same mainstream media […]

CDC Warns ‘Super Gonorrhea’ Will Be Next Pandemic From China

China is fuelling a global rise in ‘super gonorrhea’ – a new infectious disease that is set to become the next pandemic, according to the CDC. 98 percent of bacteria samples taken from patients with the STD across 13 Chinese provinces sidestepped frontline antibiotics, according to a new CDC report. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to […]

SUPER TRUMP wins 14 of 15 states on Super Tuesday, forcing Haley to withdraw from GOP presidential race

SUPER TRUMP wins 14 of 15 states on Super Tuesday, forcing Haley to withdraw from GOP presidential race Former President Donald Trump won several states in the GOP primary race on Super Tuesday, March 5. According to LifeSiteNews, the real estate mogul-turned-president won in 14 of 15 states that held primaries on that day. Meanwhile, […]

NEOCON TRIKKI NIKKI: A Super RINO, Democrat Plant, Uniparty Fraud, Or All 3


Pennsylvania man pleads guilty to fraud over phantom Super PAC following POLITICO investigation

A Pennsylvania man on Thursday pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges following a 2020 POLITICO investigation into a super PAC that said it was spending millions of dollars in battleground Senate races but didn’t actually exist. The Department of Justice on Thursday announced that Christopher Richardson pleaded guilty to two charges stemming from fabricated transactions […]

Koch-backed super-PAC suspends funding for Nikki Haley after her devastating loss in South Carolina primary

(NaturalNews) A political action committee (PAC) backed by billionaire Charles Koch has suspended its funding of Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley… Source

KHAZARIAN CABAL: Their Rothschild Frontman, Super Stealthy MO & Greatest Challenge Ever

The Khazar-Rothschild Continuum and the Hidden Hand of History by Douglas C. Youvan, PhD. QAIE Virgo In this historical narrative, we trace the Khazars, a mysterious 8th-century group, to the powerful Rothschild dynasty. Over centuries, they subtly manipulate global events. Yet, with the rise of informed generations and decentralized technologies, their influence is threatened. The […]

Super Micro Meltdown As 3rd Leg Of Market Melt-Up Stool Breaks

After its 250% rally over the past 21 trading days, Super Micro (SMCI) is… umm… red! It’s been up 18 of those 21 days with the biggest daily decline being 0.6%, so this is notable… And its 0-DTE options traders that are suddenly reversing, dumping their calls… Source: SpotGamma It appears we were right… just […]

The Rafah Super Bowl Massacre, UNRWA Tunnel Claim Further Debunked & Twitter Censors For Zionism

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/14/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The Super Bowl Massacre: Israel’s Invasion Of Rafah Will Be Catastrophic

For weeks the Israeli leadership has threatened to invade the southern most city in Gaza, Rafah, where some 1.4 million Palestinians are crammed in tents and crude shelters along the Egyptian border. The Sunday night series of airstrikes on Rafah, which caused another civilian massacre during the American Super Bowl, is only a taste of […]

NYC ‘Super Speeders’ Amass Hundreds Of Speeding Tickets

“Super speeders” in New York – or people who have racked up over 100 infractions for going 10 miles per hour or more above the speed limit – are on the rise. In New York City, of all places. Is nothing sacred anymore? In a report published last week by Bloomberg, it was revealed that these repeat offenders […]

State AGs Pressure CBS To Not Run Temu’s 2024 Super Bowl Ad

Authored by Bill Pan via The Epoch Times, A group of six state attorneys general are asking CBS and its parent company, Paramount Global, not to run Super Bowl ads from Temu, a rapidly growing Chinese online shopping platform they claim is selling products of forced labor. This will be the second time Temu has […]

SUPER BOWL LVIII: It’s all fixed. They’ve always been fixed!

Submitted by A Former British BookieSOTN Exclusive Let’s make this short and simple so we can all get to tonight’s game—CON GAME, that is. Does anyone really think the most bet-on sporting event in world history has not been fixed, and sometime right down to the exact score? Why the exact score?  Because many of […]

Fetterman calls Rand Paul ‘peckerhead’ over Friday night, Super Bowl votes

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) called Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) a “peckerhead” for forcing colleagues to grind through procedural votes Friday night and Super Bowl Sunday in order to pass a funding package for Ukraine and Israel. Fetterman, who often sports a Pittsburgh Steelers beanie around the Senate, didn’t seem pleased at all over Paul’s threat… […]

NASA announces ‘super-Earth,’ exoplanet in ‘habitable zone’

A nearby “super-Earth” exoplanet was recently discovered just 137 light-years away from Earth, prompting scientists to dig deeper into if it has the conditions to sustain life, NASA announced. The planet, dubbed TOI-715 b, is about one and a half times as wide as Earth and orbits within a conservative “habitable zone” around its parent… […]

Latest MAGA Conspiracy: The Super Bowl Is Being Rigged to Help Taylor Swift Help Joe Biden

More evidence that anything can be turned into a conspiracy theory to manipulate MAGA activists:  MAGA political operatives are ranting that the NFL has rigged this year’s Super Bowl to help pop music superstar Taylor Swift help President Biden win election. The media’s infatuation with the relationship between Swift and Kansas City Chiefs star tight end […]

Super PAC’s $500K boost for Haley in NH: A bid to tip the scales in GOP showdown

In New Hampshire, a state known for its open primary system, this financial push is seen as a strategic move to bolster Haley’s visibility and appeal among independent voters. Source

Dems launch pro-Biden super PAC in New Hampshire, give Dean Phillips the cold shoulder

MANCHESTER, N.H. — For two hours, Dean Phillips sat at a Democratic Party dinner here as one top party official after another rose to fete his opponent, Joe Biden, and encourage voters to write in the president’s name on next month’s ballot. The longshot presidential candidate was among some 500 Democrats at a downtown Manchester […]

Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic ‘Super Soldiers’ That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation

The Pentagon is looking toward a future where the U.S. deploys “super soldiers” directly inspired by Captain America and Iron Man, officials said at a recent conference. Militaries across the world are trying to give their soldiers an advantage and technology has long played an important role in that. On Wednesday, a group of military […]

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