Posts Tagged ‘meltdown’

The Meltdown of Commercial Real Estate 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In case you’ve still got money in a bank, Bloomberg is warning that defaults in commercial real estate loans could “topple” hundreds of US banks. Leaving taxpayers on the hook for trillions in losses. The note, by Senior Editor James Crombie, walks us through the festering hellscape that is commercial […]

Robert De Niro’s Latest Vulgar Anti-Trump Meltdown Includes The Disturbing Phrase “We Got To Get Rid Of Him”

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 Hollywood actor Robert De Niro’s latest vulgar rant against President Donald Trump, this time on Jimmy Kimmel’s ABC talk show, included the disturbing line “We got to get rid of him.” “He’s so f— stupid,” De Niro said, proving that actors who got big in the 1970’s probably do […]

Super Micro Meltdown As 3rd Leg Of Market Melt-Up Stool Breaks

After its 250% rally over the past 21 trading days, Super Micro (SMCI) is… umm… red! It’s been up 18 of those 21 days with the biggest daily decline being 0.6%, so this is notable… And its 0-DTE options traders that are suddenly reversing, dumping their calls… Source: SpotGamma It appears we were right… just […]

Anthony Weiner Suffers Unhinged Meltdown After Being Asked About Clinton Body Count

Disgraced former Democratic New York congressman Anthony Weiner, who remains a close friend of Hillary Clinton, suffered an unhinged meltdown when was asked Thursday about rumors that the Clinton family has a “body count.” Weiner, […] The post Anthony Weiner Suffers Unhinged Meltdown After Being Asked About Clinton Body Count appeared first on The People's […]

Climate Czar John Kerry Has MELTDOWN After Being Caught Lying About Private Jets

President Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry, who is demanding everyday Americans stop flying to reduce their carbon footprint, threw a temper tantrum on the US House floor after his routine and hypocritical preference for private jets was raised. Kerry has faced longstanding accusations of exhibiting hypocrisy by traveling worldwide in his own private jet, all […]

BIG MIKE MELTDOWN! Bitter Michelle Obama Releases Statement Following SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action – But Conveniently Leaves Out Why She Was Accepted to Princeton

Bitter Michelle Obama Releases Statement Following SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action – But Conveniently Leaves Out Why She Was Accepted to Princeton Source

We’re having a violent meltdown

From the pole to the equator, the specter of violence looms. Source

EDC’s Are Not Conspiracy Theory, Hotez Meltdown, Lab-Grown Meat, Your Dark AI-Modulated Future

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/21/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The New Woke/WEF Twitter CEO & The Partisan Meltdown (On Both Sides)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/13/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Why this week’s media meltdown was years in the making — and what comes next

This week in Washington — more so than anytime in Joe Biden’s presidency — the news has been all about… the news. To start, it’s the weekend of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner. But outside of the brunches and parties, a different type of media intrigue has been dominating politics. BuzzFeed News, the colossus […]

Global Financial Meltdown: Sweeping Deregulation of the US Banking System

Global Financial Meltdown: Sweeping Deregulation of the US Banking System By Prof Michel ChossudovskyGlobal Research, March 17, 2023 Author’s Introduction  The 1999 financial sector reforms had set the stage for the 2007-2009 as well as the current 2020-2023 financial crisis.  While the 1999 US Financial Services Act does not in itself break down remaining barriers […]

Economists warn of Israeli financial meltdown

March 02 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Experts are warning that Netanyahu’s actions will lead to long-term damage to economic growth and Israelis’ standard of living. Israeli economists issued a warning that they are at the crack of a financial meltdown and that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right coalition could have grave implications for the […]

15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening Right Now

TOPICS:Economic CollapseMichael Snyder DECEMBER 21, 2022 By Michael Snyder Economic conditions just keep getting worse.  As we prepare to enter 2023, we find ourselves in a high-inflation environment at the same time that economic activity is really slowing down.  And just like we witnessed in 2008, employers are conducting mass layoffs as a horrifying housing crash […]

‘Stop the Steal’ Founder Ali Alexander Has Epic Meltdown in Which He Promises Christian Fascism

Far-right activist and so-called “Stop the Steal” founder Ali Alexander went on a manic rant during his podcast Monday in which openly advocated for Christian fascism and “a violent Christian crusade” against his perceived political opponents. Buoyed by reports that Elon Musk will purchase Twitter and that Kanye West was photographed wearing a “White Lives […]

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown

American’s capacity for denial is truly a thing to behold. For at least 27 months, it should have been obvious that we were headed for a grave crisis. Not only that: the crisis was already here in March 2020. 

Unhinged Mastriano Repeatedly Lies, Smears Breitbart Reporter in Meltdown Interview

Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano repeatedly lied about Breitbart News and questioned the religious faith of a Breitbart reporter in an unhinged interview Wednesday morning then refused to answer any questions about the statements. Mastriano, a Republican and retired U.S. Army Colonel, has publicly floated a possible gubernatorial bid in Pennsylvania next year—and is expected to formally […]

Afghanistan: Spectre of famine follows drought and economic meltdown

The U.N.’s World Food Programme (WFP) said Monday the number of people living in near-famine conditions in Afghanistan has risen to 8.7 million, up by 3 million from earlier this year. Among them are the frail children being treated on the malnutrition ward at the Indira Gandhi hospital in Kabul. Zia Mohammed, an assistant director […]

Mandate Meltdown: 26 NYC Firestations Shuttered, LA Sheriff Warns Of “Mass Exodus”, Tucson Water District Faces ‘Staff Shortage’

By Tyler Durden While the vast majority of employees across most industries and sectors have acquiesced to mandatory vaccine mandates, enough Americans are refusing to get the jab that states and municipalities are losing a dangerous game of chicken with employees who refuse. On Saturday, the New York Post reported that 26 New York fire […]

The Dimona Meltdown and America’s Afghanistan Debacle

In and around 1990, Israel’s nuclear weapons facility at Dimona suffered a catastrophic accident, one documented by US security agencies and the IAEA from their observation post on Golan. This story is going to include documentation that will be necessary to add weight to assertions that totally vary from the false historical narrative. It is […]

Nevada meltdown gives Iowa hope of saving first-in-the-nation fame

The chair of the Nevada Democratic Party, Judith Whitmer, blasted the move as an “insurgency within our own party.” Watching the Nevada fireworks explode from halfway across the country, Iowa Democrats glimpsed a flicker of hope. As the national party considers the 2024 calendar, Iowa — in comparison to Nevada — might not look so […]

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