Posts Tagged ‘financial’

All of your stocks and bonds can be taken with total legal certainty in the next financial collapse

BY RHODA WILSON ON JULY 10, 2024 • ( 6 COMMENTS ) In the interview below, former hedge fund manager and investment banker David Rogers Webb explains the legal structures put in place to achieve the goal of us to “own nothing and be happy.” Webb calls this endgame ‘The Great Taking’. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively […]

Financial expert Ray Dalio urges investors to move assets out as he forecasts more than 1 in 3 chance of civil war in America

(NaturalNews) With the current political and economic situation in the United States, billionaire investor Ray Dalio has urged investors to move some of their… Source

The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children

by Greg Reese In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommey, Dr. Paul Thomas, explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients, and fines them if they don’t. Vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing. Dr Paul Thomas: […]

How the US financial system helps shelter profits from environmental organized crime

Environmental organized crime is a massive global enterprise, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars each year — and the U.S. financial system appears to be helping conceal its profits. Interpol estimates that environmental crime such as poaching and illegal logging generates up to $281 billion a year, making it the third-most lucrative illegal business worldwide. Although… […]

Russia is manipulated by the same elite financial interests that control the West

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 2, 2024 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) Even the most astute among us can fall victim to a well-crafted deception, and I fear that this is precisely what is happening to many Westerners regarding the alleged “tensions” between Russia and the West. Many are well-versed in the machinations of the central banking cabal and its grip on […]

DOLLAR DEMISE: Shift from dollar-based financial world to CBDC-focused system is IMMINENT

DOLLAR DEMISE: Shift from dollar-based financial world to CBDC-focused system is IMMINENT The Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, which involved representatives from 44 nations, established a system through which a fixed currency exchange rate could be created using gold as the universal standard. It made the dollar a superpower. Its two major accomplishments were the […]

Noetic Continental | Part II: How CIA Launder U.S. Financial Aid Through Its Contractors in Ukraine

We tend to believe that the Noetic International Inc. is a vivid example of the Continental Hotel from the John Wick franchise, where you can get any service at any time anywhere on Earth. Source

New Report Exposes Massive Government Surveillance of Americans’ Financial Data

 Today, the House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released an interim staff report titled, “Financial Surveillance in the United States: How Federal Law Enforcement Commandeered Financial Institutions to Spy on Americans.” The report reveals alarming evidence of federal law enforcement engaging in broad financial surveillance and prying into the private transactions […]

New EU law on Emissions will Have Big Financial Impact on its Citizens

The European Union’s recent move to outlaw both gas and coal fires in homes within a little over 15 years has sparked controversy and concerns about the financial implications for property owners. This regulation, passed by the European Parliament in collaboration with the European Council, aims to reduce emissions and energy consumption in buildings, with […]

Financial analyst warns China will overtake American economy and dollar is finished as global reserve currency

Financial analyst warns China will overtake American economy and dollar is finished as global reserve currency The Chinese economy is poised to take over the U.S. economy, according to financial analyst Richard Bove, who also believes the American dollar is on the brink of a devastating collapse. Bove, whose predictions have been accurate in the […]

Wall Street financial analyst: Washington is pressuring the Fed to project robust economy in time for 2024 elections

Wall Street financial analyst: Washington is pressuring the Fed to project robust economy in time for 2024 elections President Joe Biden’s administration is firm in declaring that the year 2024 is the time for Americans to start breathing easy again when it comes to inflation that haunted households for a few years. After more than […]

Do you see how the banksters are financial engineering an immense DOTCOM-like bubble with the ultra-hyped AI revolution led by the Khazarian-fabricated “MAGNIFICENT 7”?

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Feb 22 – Demonrats Want a Financial Crisis

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  WARNING: US Risks FISCAL CRISIS as its $1.6 TRILLION Annual Deficit & $34.2T National Debt  Lena Petrova is in touch with reality. They are spending as though they want to sink the system. Spending like a drunken sailor. Interest payments are rising  like a tumour that will […]

One of the Biggest Financial Scams in World History—Hundreds of Billions Stolen From Swindled Investors


The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game


BOJ Shocks With Hints Of Imminent Rate Hike, Traditionally A Signal Of Imminent Financial Crisis

After a brutal drop in interest rates across the globe in November, driven by expectations of imminent rate cuts by heretofore hawkish central banks, markets have seen a sharp reversal in tone in the past 12 hours, with bond yields seeing a significant increase overnight and equities losing ground, despite a major bond rally taking […]

IMF Director Says CBDCs Could Replace Cash, Increase “Financial Inclusion”

The concept of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – the opposite of decentralized crypto – whose purpose can be summed up as a way to keep financial power firmly cemented in the hands of governments and their central banks in the digital age, unsurprisingly has a staunch supporter in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Source

Israel, October 7 Attack: Foreknowledge in Financial Markets. Massive Short-selling

By Charlie Kirk Global Research, December 05, 2023  1 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow […]

IMF Director Asks World Governments to Replace Cash, Increase ‘Financial Inclusion’

    The concept of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – the opposite of decentralized crypto – whose purpose can be summed up as a way to keep financial power firmly cemented in the hands of governments and their central banks in the digital age, unsurprisingly has a staunch supporter in the International Monetary Fund […]

Voting group founded by Abrams, once led by Warnock, faces financial scrutiny

“Definitely not talking about that,” Ufot said, when asked about the allegations. “[The administrator] left the New Georgia Project because [they] weren’t that great at [their] job. And that’s all I’m gonna say.” Wilson said the administrator called him after their firing and expressed concern about what the allegations would mean for their future employment. […]

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