Posts Tagged ‘ultra’

Do you see how the banksters are financial engineering an immense DOTCOM-like bubble with the ultra-hyped AI revolution led by the Khazarian-fabricated “MAGNIFICENT 7”?

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Ultra-woke Alameda County DA falls victim to crimes she refused to prosecute, with SMASHED car window and STOLEN laptop

(NaturalNews) Pamela Price, the district attorney (DA) for California’s Alameda County, has fallen victim to the same crimes she refuses to take seriously.The… Source

London FC club ‘open to hosting Greek Cup final’ despite fears of ultra fan clashes

Reports suggest that despite concerns about dangerous clashes between rival fans, the Greek Cup final may be held at Crystal Palace. The Greek Football Association (FA) is currently struggling to find a location for the match, which is scheduled for May 24, as there have been confrontations between the supporters of AEK Athens and PAOK,… […]

ACH (2114) Truthspoon – Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 7 2023, Andy is joined by Truthspoon, for a show entitled, “Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control.” We discussed: how most people who have seen the film “Shutter Island” members of the public and critics alike, do not understand the film; […]

Ultra-Orthodox Jews celebrate Purim holiday in Jerusalem

Ultra-Orthodox Jews dressed in costumes celebrated Purim in Jerusalem’s Mea Shearim neighbourhood. The holiday commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from a plot to exterminate them in the ancient Persian empire 2,500 years ago, as recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther. Source

Canada is now euthanizing 10,000 of its citizens a year – and some of the horrific stories of its ultra-permissive policy will horrify you

“Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier [in a battle to obtain a stairlift for her home] was offered an extraordinary alternative. A Canadian official told her in 2019 that if her life was so difficult and she so ‘desperate’, the government would help her to kill herself. ‘” And so the cull continues … […]

The Communist Party is the only force capable of challenging ultra-nationalism in Israeli society

The collapse of the “Zionist Left” during Israel’s most recent elections leaves Hadash and the Communist Party as the only force able to stand against the rise of ultra-nationalism. Source

Kanye Threatened With MK-Ultra Programming by jewish Trainer

Ye’s jewish trainer is threatening him with MK-Ultra type programming if he doesn’t back down from his stand against the jewish power structure. Source

Laundry Day Just Dropped an Ultra Sick Collection of Futuristic Smokeware

It’s a good day to be a 30-year-old Deadhead. Laundry Day, the aesthetic smoking brand whose glass step pipe looks like a mini version of Ricardo Bofill’s Muralla Roja, just got even more aesthetic thanks to a fresh fall rebrand. The company’s best-selling postmodern wares have been given new colorways, and product shots that would […]

WH Won’t Say They Agree with Any Part of House GOP Agenda, Says It’s ‘Extreme’ and ‘Ultra-MAGA’

During an interview with ABC on Friday, Principal Deputy White House Communications Director Kate Berner would not name any part of the House GOP agenda that the White House agrees with, but said they have worked with Congress on infrastructure and semiconductor chips. Host Alexis Christoforous asked, “So, Kate, does the White House agree with […]

WH Won’t Say They Agree with Any Part of House GOP Agenda, Says It’s ‘Extreme’ and ‘Ultra-MAGA’

During an interview with ABC on Friday, Principal Deputy White House Communications Director Kate Berner would not name any part of the House GOP agenda that the White House agrees with, but said they have worked with Congress on infrastructure and semiconductor chips. Host Alexis Christoforous asked, “So, Kate, does the White House agree with […]

Brinkley: Ultra-Right MAGA Contingent Wants to Overthrow U.S. Government

CNN history commentator Douglas Brinkley said Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom” that President Joe Biden is “trying to say” there is an “ultra-right MAGA contingent” in this country that wants to overthrow the U.S. government.

Ultra Biden: 78% of Americans Say Economy Is Bad

Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy. Just 37 percent of Democrats say Biden’s policies are helping the economy.

Report: Liberals Spent Six Months Coming Up with ‘Ultra MAGA’ Attack Line

Liberal, Democratic Party-aligned strategists, pollsters, and think tank experts spent six months coming up with the “ultra MAGA” label that President Joe Biden has begun to deploy against Republicans ahead of a difficult midterm election.

Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 133: Rise of ‘Ultra MAGA’; Guest: Nury Turkel Explains the Uyghur Genocide

Nury Turkel, vice chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and author of “No Escape: The True Story of China’s Genocide of the Uyghurs” explains why China has singled out the Uyghurs for genocide and what America can do to help.

Race-Hustling Leftists Turn Ukraine War Into Ultra-Cringe Virtue-Signal Woke-Fest

Twitter blue checks, a majority of whom a week ago couldn’t find Ukraine on a map and didn’t know the national flag’s colors, are now devoted to the cause of liberating the oppressed people of Ukraine. To be clear, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters and Eric Swalwell are not sufficiently devoted to hit the trail […]


The Rosicrucian Order is a secret religious cult that stemmed from ancient Babylonia. It was the basis of the OTO, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, the Order of Freemasons and its chick side-kick, the Order of the Eastern Star. Combined, all of these religious cults are referred to as a global […]

Archaeologists Find Ultra-Rare Roman-Era Wooden Statue in Britain

In a waterlogged ditch in a field near the village of Twyford, Buckinghamshire, a team of experts working for the HS2 archaeological contractor Fusion JV were stunned but delighted to discover an exceptionally rare early Roman-era wooden statue. The Roman-era wooden statue was partially degraded but still a recognizable carved wooden statue of a male […]

You Likely Haven’t Heard Of Ultra-Wideband Technology, But It’s Here And Poised To Take Society A Giant Step Closer To The Mark Of The Beast

Like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, ultra-wideband (UWB) is a short-range, wireless communication protocol that operates through radio waves. But unlike its counterparts, it operates at very high frequencies — a broad spectrum of GHz frequencies — and can be used to capture highly accurate spatial and directional data. In order for something like the Mark of the Beast to […]

A Lot of People are Dead Because of Mk-Ultra and Project Monarch.

by Admin · Published January 7, 2022 · Updated January 7, 2022 The Central Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon, my family, the Mormon Church, the Military Industrial Complex, and the Elite all want me to be silent on this issue or dead. Comment: The Rockefellers funded these EVIL Mind Control Projects to create Mind Controlled Assassin/SLAVES […]

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