Archive for the ‘death’ Category

Go On Then! Show Me the Evidence That More People Are Dying! Content Worth Considering

From A powerful starting place for waking people to their imminent danger from the deceptive jab campaign is the FACT of vaccinated people dying excessively. Once this barrier to awareness is demolished for those still happy to trust government ‘experts’, it may be easier to alert them to the jab as the cause. Clare […]

Should We Trust the Ministry of Health on Post-Vaccination Deaths?

From Check out our sister site for other news With the whistleblower vaccination data leak reverberating around the world, the NZ Ministry of Health appears to be in damage control mode and trying to hide the data. Dr Shane Reti, new Minister of Health has been quoted as saying: “There are many conspiracy […]

In memory of the very many infants & children under 2 years old who “died suddenly” in the United States & Canada in 2023

From Dr Mark Crispin Miller Dr Mark Crispin Miller has been collating the very many sudden deaths world wide that reported singly, escape your notice. En masse they are an horrific record of the slow democide occurring right before our eyes. Victims of a medical system that no longer honours its oath to ‘do no […]

Remember What Exactly?

That Weapons of Mass Destruction liar Tony Bliar is now a ‘knighted’ member of The Order of The Garter? That my MP Herr Gruppenführer Matt Midazolam Morphine ‘good death’ Hancock, who ate animal penis in the jungle for £300K, probably sits on a £multi-million nest egg for profiting from covid1984 after instructing my village to […]

How many other dead New Zealanders have been similarly fobbed off, not investigated, not compensated and ignored?

From The Detailed Case of Garrett Utting: New Zealanders Have No Protections, Are Being Lied To, and Our Systems are Not Fit For Purpose The following is the story of Garrett Utting. He was 30 years old when he died in December 2021.  He was young and healthy with only a history of galactosaemia […]

As NZ government’s infamous ‘Guidance Statement’ is revoked, an OIA reveals Police attended 5,032 sudden deaths between 1 Sept, 2022 and 31 Aug, 2023

From Post from NZDSOS on telegram: On 13 September 2023, shortly after NZDSOS filed a case against the Medical Council of NZ, the infamous ‘Guidance Statement’ which ensured that all medical professionals toed the party line and only spoke about the benefits of vaccination, has been revoked.RELATED LINKS:OIA request on sudden deaths in NZWithdrawal […]

Everybody Knows Somebody Legitimately Injured

From Recently on a TV debate, Chris Hipkins and Chris Luxon both said vaccine injured should not be compensated.  Hipkins implied that ACC was in place to compensate the injured, but our experience is that ACC is going out of its way to decline any claims for medical conditions or death related to the vaccine. Following […]

The Balfour Declaration and Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild’s death on August 27, 1937,_2nd_Baron_Rothschild *Credit to Steven H. The Rothschild that the Balfour Declaration is made out to died on the 201st day of his age.State of Israel = 201Jewish Mysticism = 201The Holy Bible = 201The Jesuit Order = 201Catholic Pope = 201Order of Illuminati = 201 & 93-Walter Rothschild = 93-Israel drawn up on September 3, […]

Israeli-American Peace Activist Killed by Hamas Saved 3 Others

An Israeli-American, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists, ended up saving three people, including two young children. Source

People Experience ‘New Dimensions of Reality’ When Dying, Groundbreaking Study Reports

Scientists have witnessed brain patterns in dying patients that may correlate to commonly reported “near-death” experiences (NDEs) such as lucid visions, out-of-body sensations, a review of one’s own life, and other “dimensions of reality,” reports a new study. The results offer the first comprehensive evidence that patient recollections and brain waves point to universal elements […]

Police: Mob Kicks, Stomps Bouncer to Death at Hollywood Nightclub

A security guard was fatally beaten by a mob outside a Hollywood nightclub Sunday after being knocked off his feet. Source

Official Government Data proves EMA approval of COVID Vaccine for Children has caused shocking 63,060% increase in Child Excess Deaths across Europe

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JUNE 11, 2023 • ( 12 COMMENTS ) In the scorching summer of 2021, a momentous decision swept across Europe, sparking a whirlwind of emotions among parents, who had fallen for the 24/7 propaganda, eagerly awaiting a ray of hope for their children. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had finally granted emergency use approval for the use of […]

In Loving Memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023

Views 45598 Posted on:  Saturday, May 20th 2023 at 8:00 am Written By:  Sayer Ji, Founder This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2023Visit our Re-post guidelines In loving memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023 It is with sadness, yet great appreciation, that we pay tribute to my friend and colleague Dr. Rashid Buttar, who passed […]

Life insurance companies have said that deaths have an unexplainable increased by 40% in 18-49 year olds

May 15 2023 BREAKING: U.S. Life Insurance Companies Say Deaths Have an Unexplainable Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds They saw 300% increase in cancer patients over the past year. From around 36,000 new cancer patients to over 120,000 in America. The data from the insurance companies has been confirmed by three military doctors […]

One baby dies and eight are left in intensive care after being struck down in ‘unusual’ cluster of usually-harmless infection

15 UK newborns diagnosed with myocarditis from June 2022 to March 2023 Further testing of nine of the cases confirmed they had common infection   By EMILY CRAIG SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE UPDATED: 09:56 EDT, 17 May 2023 One baby has died and eight have been admitted to intensive care in a mysterious cluster of infections thought […]

Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection

Story by David Nield  10 may 2023 Man on a ventilator© Provided by ScienceAlert COVID-19 is no longer classed as a global health emergency by the World Health Organization, but scientists are still working hard to understand more about the virus and its impact – including how the coronavirus affects the body and leads to death. A new analysis suggests that a high percentage […]

Canadian Doctors Testify

May 12 2023 In the wake of tyrannical pandemic measures and other threats to public health, medical health professionals have a choice to make. Will they continue to fall for the false ‘safe and effective’ narratives? Or will they acknowledge reality, stand up and speak out against the lies? These ‘Good Morning CHD’ doctors have […]

Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed

may 3 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step may 7th. One step at a time, hand in […]


Renowned Critical Care Physician and co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Dr. Pierre Kory, shares details on the alliance’s upcoming educational conference in Ft Worth, TX featuring an esteemed panel of speakers to discuss spike protein-induced diseases. CONFERENCE TEACHES TREATMENTS FOR VAX INJURED _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A […]

What’s in the Pfizer Documents?

12 april 2023 Naomi WolfCEO, The Daily Clout The modern pharmaceutical industry has in many ways proved itself a great benefit to mankind, making health- and life-saving drugs and vaccines widely available. But its reputation has come under attack in the wake of America’s opioid epidemic and the COVID pandemic. This fourth and final CCA […]

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