Posts Tagged ‘unusual’

An unusual but useful post I hope.

CV19 mRNA Vaccines Were Meant to Harm and Kill People – Dr. Michael Palmer “…There is no other interpretation in my mind that this is deliberate murder, deliberate killing. The entire gene-based (mRNA) vaccine agenda is a deliberate poisoning and killing.” Read more. EXCLUSIVE: Young Ontario Woman’s Life Becomes a Living Hell After Moderna Booster […]

“Turbo” cancers and other unusual tumorous conditions appearing in “very strange” ways since COVID jabs were unleashed, warns Dr. Harvey Risch

(NaturalNews) A professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and the Yale School of… Source

Unusual Viking Rituals That Will Surprise You (Video)

Vikings, renowned as fierce warriors, possessed an intriguing blend of superstition and battle strategy. Read more Section:  News Videos History Read Later  Source

Speaker of the Mongolian khural in Moscow – an unusual but revealing visit

On June 22, the visit of the Speaker of the Parliament (State Great Khural) of Mongolia to the Russian Federation ended. It is important to note that this is the first top-level Mongolian visit to Russia since the start of the Special Military Operation; the country’s president last visited Russia on an official visit in […]

Mongolia and India – an unusual but ambitious partnership

Mongolia is currently putting the finishing touches to its preparations for a visit by the Speaker of the House of the People, the lower house of India’s Parliament, which will take place from July 6-9 this year. The visit was announced in a meeting between India’s ambassador to Mongolia and the speaker of the State […]

One baby dies and eight are left in intensive care after being struck down in ‘unusual’ cluster of usually-harmless infection

15 UK newborns diagnosed with myocarditis from June 2022 to March 2023 Further testing of nine of the cases confirmed they had common infection   By EMILY CRAIG SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE UPDATED: 09:56 EDT, 17 May 2023 One baby has died and eight have been admitted to intensive care in a mysterious cluster of infections thought […]

Unusual Ruling Frees Christian Couple from Prison in Iran

Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh. (Article 18) (Morning Star News) – Iranian authorities released two Christian leaders from prison last week after a judge broke with common judicial practice in the country and ruled that home church participation was not illegal, sources said. Throwing out a 2020 conviction, a judge in Branch 34 of the […]

Putin’s Major Wartime Speech Postponed In Highly Unusual Move


Putin’s Major Wartime Speech Postponed In Highly Unusual Move


Putin’s Major Wartime Speech Postponed In Highly Unusual Move


3 Unusual Green Tea Benefits

Green tea’s powers are impressive. This delicious, invigorating tonic can help with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, brain function, and even staying calm under stress. Plus, you may reap even more benefits by trying out three unique forms of green tea. While coffee is the default stimulating beverage of Americans, two-thirds of the world’s population enjoys tea,[i] not only […]

[Premiering 8/31 at 1 PM ET] J6 Prisoners Experiencing Cruel and Unusual Punishment at Hands of Police, Prosecutors, Congress: Rep Andy Biggs | Facts Matter

This video is brought to you by Sekur: In this interview with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) we had the opportunity to discuss his take on the pre-trial solitary confinement for those who stand accused of violations stemming from their involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach. Biggs believes there’s been an outright breakdown of the […]

Gates Jab Unusual Blood Clots Analyzed

  Dr. Jane Ruby interviews embalmer who analyzed these blood clots.  FF to the 13 minute mark. for the beginning of the discussion: (You may have to cut and paste)   Dr. Judy Mikovitz discusses dirty meds and foods (made by Big Pharma and the industrial food corporations) versus natural medications.  Lots of good natural […]

South Korea’s President Demonstrates Unusual Behavoir

In materials dedicated to the new President of South Korea Yoon Seok-yeol, the author constantly emphasizes that it is wrong to perceive him as a typical representative of the conservative camp. Of course, part of his politics is dictated by him becoming president as the candidate from the People Power Party (PPP), but his personal […]

Curious and Unusual Spells from the Greek Magical Papyri

The Greek magical papyri, as it is commonly known, is an extensive collection of ancient Greco-Roman Egypt magical spells, rituals, remedies, hymns, and myth. Scholars have placed its origin between the second and fifth century BC during Roman occupation. The papyri, a great deal of which was first acquired by a diplomat who went by […]

The unusual origins behind the splashiest, newest political news site

But Grid maintains links to APCO, which represents a number of major UAE clients, including the company’s state-owned oil company. Former CNN journalist John Defterios, who has been based in the UAE for a decade, is a senior adviser at APCO and represents International Media Investments, a UAE-based investment fund, on Grid’s board, of which […]

The Great Silence of the Universe: Unusual Theories on Human Origins

Starting from the great enigmas of humankind, a series of questions have begun to emerge about the real truth behind human origins. Two of these are as follows: Has an advanced civilization dared to colonize the Universe, and are humans the result of such an action? Are humans under observation by “others” to see how […]

Tombs Unearthed in Rome Produce Unusual 2,000-Year-Old Dog Statue

Utility workers laying pipes under the pavement of the Via Luigi Tosti in Rome’s Appio Latino quarter found something ancient and historically significant. While chipping out tunnels they discovered a set of underground rock tombs, which were recognizable by their distinctive sizes and shapes. Within one of these was found a striking Roman terracotta dog […]

Dr. Clare Craig: Unusual Heart Disease Statistics and Censorship

Dr Clare Craig, a British diagnostic pathologist, spoke about her personal experience of censorship at #Together’s ‘Can there be Science without Free Speech?’ conference. There are three things you need in order to be able to carry out scientific enquiry: curiosity; acceptance that some of things you believe are wrong; and, the willingness to accept […]

“The will to live life differently can start in some of the most unusual places….”

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch “The will to live life differently can start in some of the most unusual places….” From Pam Warhust in Todmorden. Here is one of the most amazing videos (13 mins) you’ll ever see if you have a love for transformation (and gardening). Like those TV programs featuring transformation of your home, […]

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