Posts Tagged ‘political’

A Brief History of Political Assassinations

Apropos of nothing at all, let’s look at some of the famous political assassinations throughout history, what they accomplished, and how they were perpetrated. Source

A Historical View of Today’s Political Theater

A few weeks ago, we woke to various bloviating regarding last night’s first presidential debate. Depending on which side you hold, your preferred candidate won. They may have had a disappointing performance, but the other candidate is a liar. One of them has a convicted felon for a son, and another is even a convicted […]

FBI Whistleblower Exposes Agency’s “Political Litmus Test”

It turns out that the FBI punishes agents who hold the wrong political views. This was unearthed when an FBI whistleblower handed over internal documents to John Solomon of Just The News. These documents show that the FBI has an internal “political litmus test” for security clearances. The whistleblower, with 12 years of service, had […]

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

By Brandon Smith Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles Americans are dealing with today. From early disagreements between various Founding Fathers on hot […]

IsraHELL’s bribed & Blackmailed Political prostitutes Know They Are Doing War Crimes -‘We’re next!’ US senators warn about ICC

A group led by Show me To The Kiddy Playground Lindsey Graham has urged sanctions against The Hague-based court in Self Defense Against Well Deserved Arrest warrants for war crimes, treason against America & taking delight in pissing in God’s own face!~ The Ole Dog! If the International Criminal Court is willing to go after […]

South Africa, Ireland, Palestine, and political strategy

Sinn Féin National Chairman Declan Kearney on the paradigm shift required within the Palestinian struggle to win. Source

Barron Trump to step into the political arena as a Florida delegate at the Republican convention

READ HERE:   Source

Kristi Noem and the open secret about the political publishing industry

From stories of psychopathically mass-shooting her animals to concocted tales of talking tough to Kim Jong Un, Noem’s answers for her claimed antics, and the repeated falsehoods claimed under her namesake, have gone from bad to worse. Source

CNN Admits Jailing Trump Would Be ‘Huge Political Gift’ for Him

A CNN analyst has admitted that jailing Tump would backfire massively for Democrats by turning the former President into a hero. Discussing NY Judge Juan Merchan’s threats to jail Trump if he violates a gag […] The post CNN Admits Jailing Trump Would Be ‘Huge Political Gift’ for Him appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Ancient Political Advice for Today’s Rulers

It is probably the case that politicians who are encouraged to read the works of the ancient Greek thinker, Plato – particularly The Republic – to learn something there about the prerequisites for being able to govern appropriately and wisely, would scoff at this suggestion, with perhaps a few rare exceptions. More specifically, among these […]

These Student Protests Against Israel Are the Most Important Political Movement of Our Lifetime

APRIL 23, 2024 ANDREW ANGLIN Things are really ramping up with the student protests are these various univeristies. Columbia, where it all started, is ground zero. The Independent: Columbia University faculty members are staging a demonstration in support of student pro-Palestine protestors as a rabbi warns Jewish students to leave campus. Students at Columbia ramped […]

J6 political prisoner says Ray Epps LIED multiple times in a call with FBI

(NaturalNews) One of the political prisoners of the Jan. 6, 2021 incident claimed in an interview with Gateway Pundit that alleged agent provocateur James Ray… Source

Washington’s Political Capture of the Philippines: A Former Colony, Now a Future Proxy – Brian Berletic

5,439 views 19 Apr 2024 – The US is transforming the Philippines into a belligerent proxy against China which happens to be the nation’s largest and most important trade partner; – The US is using the pretext of China’s supposed threat to maritime trade in the South China Sea, despite the majority of traffic through […]

Iran’s Response To Israel Was Pure Political Theatrics as the Genocide in Gaza Continues

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Iran’s response to Israel’s attack on their embassy in Syria which killed several people including top military personnel, resulted in ZERO Israeli deaths this past Saturday night. News sources reported that Israel was set to immediately strike back, until they received a phone call from U.S. President Joe Biden, […]

Send the Blackmailed With Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Videos Political Prostitutes To Die For IsraHELL

Mossad Jeffry’s clients are screaming American children must put on uniforms and die for IsraHELL which did 9-11. Most real Americans figure they will just sit this one out.Keep their kids and grandkids at home while the politicians fight the war they seem so determined to get started.But the pedophile politicians can take all the […]

Debate over political response to Gaza genocide marks pivotal moment for Muslim Americans

This Ramadan, the Muslim American community faced significant debate and introspection regarding effective political engagement in light of the atrocities in Gaza. Young activists, disillusioned with the status quo, are driving a significant shift in perspective within the broader Muslim community, widening a generational gap in how our community engages in politics in America. They […]

Conservative nonprofit didn’t disclose some political spending, filings show

A conservative advocacy group leading the effort to torpedo top Biden administration nominees has failed to disclose some spending on political ads, a move experts say could complicate its tax-exempt status. The organization, the American Accountability Foundation, reported no spending on lobbying or advertising in 2021 and 2022, according to filings obtained through ProPublica’s nonprofit […]

Political Sting on TikTok

Renee Parsons At the outset, let me share that I have no experience with TikTok, having viewed its videos less than could be counted on one hand.  I am, however, an unabashed devotee of the First Amendment and view the recent adoption of a ban on TikTok as nothing less than a political sting on […]

Extreme political uncertainty in US

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

A Dying Empire “Led” By Political Whores

There are three types of ass holes I despise cowards, treasonous f##ks and hypocrites. Cancun Cruz is all three. I saw a post on Twitter Litter by Cancun Cruz whining because folks are showing up at his big ole house to protest him helping the Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Babylonian Talmud […]

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