Posts Tagged ‘jailing’

CNN Admits Jailing Trump Would Be ‘Huge Political Gift’ for Him

A CNN analyst has admitted that jailing Tump would backfire massively for Democrats by turning the former President into a hero. Discussing NY Judge Juan Merchan’s threats to jail Trump if he violates a gag […] The post CNN Admits Jailing Trump Would Be ‘Huge Political Gift’ for Him appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Joe Biden Tosses Cuba Regime a Financial Lifeline After Mass Jailing of Child Political Prisoners

The administration of leftist President Joe Biden announced late on Monday that it would undo measures implemented under predecessor Donald Trump to keep American money from enriching Cuba’s communist regime, expanding travel to the country and removing limits of cash flows to the regime in the form of remittances.

At Behest Of Powerful Jews U.K. Moves Closer To Jailing Anyone Who Shows Public Or Private Support Of Palestinian Cause

(The Jewish Chronicle) The ultimate goal of the Board of Deputies Of British Jews — a Jewish supremacist organization — appears to be jailing anyone who criticizes Jews or the ersatz state of Israel — and they have taken another significant “step” in that direction when Home Secretary Priti Patel — while attending a Chanukah […]

Craig Murray’s jailing is the national security state’s latest assault on independent journalism

Former British diplomat and independent journalist Craig Murray is the first person imprisoned in the UK over media contempt in 50 years. This article was originally published at Jonathan Cook’s blog. Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no […]

At least 13 arrested as rioting resumes in Barcelona over jailing of rapper who praised terrorists, insulted monarchy (VIDEOS)

Violent protests over the jailing of rapper Pablo Hasel have resumed in Barcelona, reportedly leading to more than a dozen arrests as rioters torched a police van, threw objects at officers and damaged banks and other businesses. Video footage posted Saturday on Twitter shows men in dark hoodies dousing a police van with flammable liquid […]

Russians set for candle-lit Valentine’s Day protest after Navalny jailing

 Supporters of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny plan to hold candle-lit gatherings in residential courtyards across Russia on Sunday despite warnings that they could be arrested. Navalny’s allies have declared a moratorium on street rallies until the spring after police detained thousands of people at protests in the past few weeks against the opposition politician’s arrest […]

The US Is Using The Guardian To Justify Jailing Assange For Life

Why is the paper so silent? Julian Assange is not on trial simply for his liberty and his life. He is fighting for the right of every journalist to do hard-hitting investigative journalism without fear of arrest and extradition to the United States. Assange faces 175 years in a US super-max prison on the basis […]

Secret FBI Program Now Jailing Activists for Speaking Out Against Police Brutality on Facebook

By Jay Syrmopoulos Dallas, TX – When militarized FBI agents clad in tactical gear raided the home of Rakem Balogun in December 2017—forcing him and his 15-year-old son outside in their underwear on the cold and windy night as agents ransacked his residence—he thought it had to be a mistake. In an exclusive […]

Cook County Data Shows Reforms Haven’t Stopped The Jailing Of People For Being Poor

Cook County Data Shows Reforms Haven’t Stopped The Jailing Of People For Being Poor Above Photo: From Volunteers report that the rate of pretrial release has nearly doubled, but further changes are needed to end the unjust incarceration of legally innocent people. Last fall, the Coalition to End Money Bond organized more than 70 volunteers to […]

UN Slams israel for Jailing Ahed #Tamimi

UN Slams Israel for Jailing Ahed Tamimi Michael Lynk: ‘Israel detains and prosecutes between 500 to 700 Palestinian children in military courts annually.’ (Photo: MEMO) Israel is violating the international Convention on the Rights of the Child by detaining a Palestinian teenager for slapping an Israeli soldier, UN human rights experts said on Tuesday. After […]

“I Put 311 People In Jail For Marijuana And I Was Wrong”: Judge Admits Jailing People For Pot “Haunts” Him After Cannabis Saved His Life

Prior to this year, the state of Florida was regarded as one of the worst possible states to be caught in possession of cannabis. According to a 2009 analysis by former NORML Director, Jon Gettman, no state in this country punished people more severely for minor marijuana offenses than Florida. However, thanks in part to a former […]

What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Jailing Of Opposition Leaders In Venezuela

Venezuela’s opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez (left) and Antonio Ledezma (AP/Fernando Llano/Eraldo Peres) CARACAS, Venezuela — Just days after Venezuela’s controversial vote to form a constituent assembly via free and open elections, the Western media – having summarily condemned the vote as “autocratic” and a step towards dictatorship – has once again been whipped into a […]

Judge Admits Jailing People For Pot Is Wrong After Cannabis Saves His Life

Before this year, Florida had some of the harshest cannabis laws in the country, and Judge Doug Bench sent hundreds of people to prison, often for minor marijuana offenses.  But now the Florida judge has seen the light and is begging for forgiveness from those people whose lives he likely ruined. After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, […]

“I Was Wrong”: Judge Admits Jailing People for Pot “Haunts” Him After Cannabis Saved His Life

June 29, 2017 By Matt Agorist Prior to this year, the state of Florida was regarded as one of the worst possible states to be caught in possession of cannabis. According to a 2009 analysis by former NORML Director, Jon Gettman, no state in this country punished people more severely for minor marijuana offenses […]

Texas House Votes To Stop Jailing Those To Poor To Pay Fines

A prison guard on horseback watches inmates return from a farm work detail at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, La. Legislation that would make it easier for poor people to satisfy traffic tickets with alternatives to payment cleared the Texas House on Tuesday on a vote of 75-70. The bill needs to be approved […]

The Chilling Effect Of Mass Surveillance Quantified

There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. but at any rate they could plug in […]

Remembering Adam Rupeka: The Police State Activist

Adam Rupeka, 36, and his girlfriend took their lives over the weekend in Tijuana in what appears to be a dual suicide by drug overdose. Which just doesn’t seem right. Why flee to Mexico only to kill yourself there? And that’s just one of the many questions that will no longer be answered with any certainty. While many want […]

‘I’m not a criminal’: Transport police beat man with baton at London’s St. Pancras Station

     Video footage appears to show a police officer striking a man with a baton at London’s St. Pancras International station after he refuses to comply with instructions to get on the floor. The footage, shot on Tuesday, shows a man shouting “I am not a criminal” while asking two British Transport Police officers why […]

Judge: Big Food Covered Up Spending $22M to Stop GMO Labeling

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   A superior court judge in Washington State ruled against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) for violating “the spirit and letter” of campaign-finance disclosure law in that state. The GMA was found to have been trying to hide the identities […]

Up To 57 Different Pesticides Are Poisoning Honeybees In Europe

According to new research European honeybees are being poisoned with as many as 57 different pesticides. The alarming discovery was made by a team from the National Veterinary Research Institute in Poland using a method, more commonly used to detect pesticides in food, to analyse poisoned bees for a range of substances. Using  the new […]

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