Posts Tagged ‘Cannabis’

Why the Blackout on the Effect of Cannabis Legalization?

(left, Cannabis infused gummies)  Cannabis has been legal in Canada for almost six years.  In the United States, cannabis is legal in 38 of 50 states for medical use and 24 states for recreational use. Yet there are practically no articles on the social or political impact of cannabis legalization in the MSM or online. Has […]

Mapping Out America’s Cannabis Dispensaries

American think-tank Pew Research released a new analysis that shows although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, many Americans live in states where cannabis is legal for medical or recreational use.  The new report on the status of marijuana in the US reveals that 74% of Americans reside in states that have legalized marijuana for either […]

Mapping Out America’s Cannabis Dispensaries

American think-tank Pew Research released a new analysis that shows although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, many Americans live in states where cannabis is legal for medical or recreational use.  The new report on the status of marijuana in the US reveals that 74% of Americans reside in states that have legalized marijuana for either […]

Mapping Out America’s Cannabis Dispensaries

American think-tank Pew Research released a new analysis that shows although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, many Americans live in states where cannabis is legal for medical or recreational use.  The new report on the status of marijuana in the US reveals that 74% of Americans reside in states that have legalized marijuana for either […]

Thailand to RECRIMINALIZE recreational marijuana following spike in cannabis-related hospitalizations and criminal incidents

(NaturalNews) Thailand is set to recriminalize recreational marijuana use just 18 months after the country decriminalized it.The major reversal in government… Source

First cannabis regulator in Minnesota steps down, one day after appointment

The woman selected to lead the regulation of cannabis in Minnesota announced Friday that she will step down after allegations arose that she sold illegal products at her cannabis store. The decision comes just one after Gov. Tim Walz (D) appointed Erin DuPree as Minnesota’s first director of the Office of Cannabis Management. Reports allege… […]

Cannabis: The “Gateway Drug” Leading AWAY from Prescription Drug Addiction

Cannabis: The “Gateway Drug” Leading AWAY from Prescription Drug Addiction Posted on August 2, 2023 by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News There are currently over 32 million Americans using FDA-approved anti-anxiety prescription drugs (benzodiazepines), based on 2018 data. That includes almost 400,000 children under the age of 5 years old, and over 100,000 infants under […]

French police seize thousands of cannabis plants in Alpine raid

An eight-month investigation uncovered an enormous growing operation near Grenoble. Police this week seized 4,000 vines of cannabis, worth around 1,100 kilos, from a vast indoor cultivation warehouse operated by French and Albanian nationals in a village in south-east France. According to the public prosecutor’s office, after an eight-month investigation, six people were arrested and […]

Matt Gaetz proposes end to cannabis testing for military

Nearly 33 percent more recruits tested positive for marijuana in 2022 than in 2020. | Steve Helber/AP Photo By Natalie Fertig 07/05/2023 01:46 PM EDT Updated: 07/05/2023 03:22 PM EDT A proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) would end cannabis testing for members of the military — both […]

Is Cannabis legal in Greece?

Cannabis is illegal to use for recreational purposes in Greece. The minimum prison sentence for possession of marijuana is five months. Smoking the substance in a public place is prohibited by the Greek government. A counselling programme can be a substitute for incarceration for a first offence. Further offences could lead to fines or imprisonment.… […]

Two new cannabinoids have emerged on the cannabis scene. What are they and how are they different?

Delta 10 vs. Delta 8: What’s the Difference?   By  Bobby Bernstein   Updated  Mar 13, 2023 at 8:46pm  The world of cannabis is always evolving, and as new cannabinoids are discovered and studied, we learn more about the complex interactions between these compounds and how our bodies react to them. Two of the latest […]

Cannabis Is No Better Than a Placebo for Treating Pain – New Research

Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. While there are only a few countries where cannabis is legal for recreational use, many more countries have legalised the use of cannabis for medical reasons. Reducing pain is one of the most common reasons people report using medical cannabis. According to a […]

Here’s How Long a Cannabis High Actually Lasts, According to Science

Here’s How Long a Cannabis High Actually Lasts, According to Science Health14 October 2022By Michelle Starr   (Tim Foster/Unsplash)   With the decriminalization of cannabis comes a list of questions and concerns over its medical and recreational use – including figuring out how long the drug’s effects actually last for. While society has had decades […]

Volos: Four elderly men arrested for possessing cannabis

Four elderly men planning a trip to Kalabaka from Volos had their day turn out very differently from what they expected after a random police check in the car they were travelling uncovered small quantities of cannabis. The four Voliotes from Agria, aged 65, 66, 68 and 56, were immediately arrested after a package with […]

Skin Fungus Can Be Cured With Cannabis (Really)

Skin Fungus Can Be Cured With Cannabis (Really) Sarah Tyrrell   Fungus is a common problem — luckily, cannabis can help. Image Credit: By Kateryna Kon on Shutterstock Skin fungus isn’t something anyone wants to think about, until it happens to them. Suddenly, you’re looking for the best possible treatment for your condition — but […]

67-year-old Greek man grows cannabis only 70 metres from police station!

A 67-year-old man had the audacity to grow a hashish plantation literally under the noses of the police, in two specially designed areas in reeds that are only 70 metres away from the building of the Police Directorate of Ilia! The comings and goings of the old man at the scene came to the attention… […]

Brittney Griner’s Lawyer: WNBA Star Had Doctor’s Letter For Cannabis

A lawyer for WNBA star Brittney Griner has presented a Russian court with a doctor’s letter recommending she use cannabis to treat pain. Source

Legal Cannabis Opens A Pandora’s Box Of Equity Issues

Above Photo: Define Urban. Coast to coast, the green rush is failing Black growers and entrepreneurs. This story is the first in a four-part series about cannabis equity in America. Full Disclosure: I am so thoroughly in the tank for cannabis that I believe negative “stoner behavior” can be chalked up to dosing issues. In my experience, cannabis […]

Could cannabis prevent COVID? To the authors of a new study, it sure looks like it

Could cannabis prevent COVID? To the authors of a new study, it sure looks like it But put away the pipe — it appears the compounds that may be most helpful in preventing COVID degrade at high temps By  Brett Bachman Published January 12, 2022 9:23PM (EST)     Cannabis plant (Getty Images) A groundbreaking new […]

Why Cannabis is Illegal (Cuts Into Profits of “Jewish” Big Pharma-Khazar Ashkenazi Mafia)

November 8, 2021 Save Get the latest Waking Times articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up here. Matt Agorist, The Free Thought ProjectWaking Times Despite the state spending thousands of dollars a second – ticketing, kidnapping, caging, and killing evil drug users, the rate of lethal drug overdoses in the last 15 years has skyrocketed at near-exponential rates. According to […]

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