Posts Tagged ‘mapping’

Mapping Out America’s Cannabis Dispensaries

American think-tank Pew Research released a new analysis that shows although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, many Americans live in states where cannabis is legal for medical or recreational use.  The new report on the status of marijuana in the US reveals that 74% of Americans reside in states that have legalized marijuana for either […]

Mapping Out America’s Cannabis Dispensaries

American think-tank Pew Research released a new analysis that shows although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, many Americans live in states where cannabis is legal for medical or recreational use.  The new report on the status of marijuana in the US reveals that 74% of Americans reside in states that have legalized marijuana for either […]

Mapping Out America’s Cannabis Dispensaries

American think-tank Pew Research released a new analysis that shows although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, many Americans live in states where cannabis is legal for medical or recreational use.  The new report on the status of marijuana in the US reveals that 74% of Americans reside in states that have legalized marijuana for either […]

3D Mapping Brings 2,000 years of Ancient Egyptian Graffiti into Focus

The oldest known graffiti in the world dates back to the ancient Egyptian civilization. It was carved and painted over 4,000 years ago on the walls of the temples and tombs. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Politicians and Israel orgs bash ‘Mapping Project’ to promote claim that anti-Zionism is deadly to Jews

Mainstream pro-Israel groups and politicians have made the Boston Mapping Project into a punching bag. Many are using the Mapping Project to bash the campaign targeting Israel with boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) and to affirm the center-right pro-Israel line that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. A group of Congress members even stated that the project was […]

Zionism, Policing and Empire: A dispatch from the Mapping Project

The Mapping Project shows connections between oppressive institutions where we live – including NGOs, weapons companies, computer/logistics companies, universities, biomedical research institutions, and others. The intersections between agents of oppression offer possibilities for connecting our struggles. They study us and are networked; we need to study them and form our own networks of resistance.

‘Our struggles are truly connected’: an interview with the Mapping Project

An interview with the activists behind the Mapping Project, a project created to “investigate local links between entities responsible for the colonization of Palestine, for colonialism and dispossession here where we live, and for the economy of imperialism and war.”

Mapping Tyranny: The Countries Where COVID-19 Vaccination is Now Mandatory

During a speech on July 12, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the introduction of compulsory vaccination for healthcare workers in hospitals and a number of other establishments. The new measures have proved controversial and are expected to impact around 700,000 people. The step was taken as part of a new phase of France’s plan to […]

Mapping Tyranny: The Countries Where Vaccination Is Mandatory

During a speech on July 12, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the introduction of compulsory vaccination for healthcare workers in hospitals and a number of other establishments. The new measures have proved controversial and are expected to impact around 700,000 people. The step was taken as part of a new phase of France’s plan to curb […]

Mapping Mustatils, Saudi Arabia’s 7000-Year-Old Stone Monuments

Over 7,000 years ago, people built hundreds of large stone structures in the area that is now northwest Arabia. Archaeologists have identified this act as the earliest known example of a widespread monument building tradition. The stone structures, called mustatils, predate the Egyptian pyramids and Britain’s stone circles – by millennia. From the Air to […]

Missions to Mars:  Mapping, Probing and Plundering the Red Planet

In the first month of 2020, Forbes was all excitement about fresh opportunities for plunder and conquest.  Titled “2020: The Year We Will Conquer Mars”, the contribution by astrophysicist Paul M. Sutter was less interested in the physics than the conquest.  A potentially very crowded scene was described.  Various countries would send their cluttering devices […]

Mapping The Lost Subterranean Christian Origins Of Hagia Sophia

At one time a cathedral, later a mosque, and now the chief museum of the Turkish Republic, Hagia Sophia, in the ancient Byzantine imperial capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul), was a world-famous architectural monument in both the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Located in the heart of Istanbul, a city fusing symbolic and architectural characteristics from […]

Does acupuncture work by re-mapping the brain?

     Acupuncture is a form of traditional medical therapy that originated in China several thousand years ago. It was developed at a time bereft of tools such as genetic testing or even a modern understanding of anatomy, so medical philosophers did the best they could with what was available – herbs, animal products and rudimentary […]

Face Mapping — The Window To Your Health and Wellbeing

August 18th, 2017 By Isabelle Clover Guest writer for Wake Up World Next time you look in the mirror, you may see yourself very differently… “Face mapping,” a practice that began over 5,000 years ago in China, is now becoming more and more popular among health practitioners to help diagnose, prevent, and cure disease. It […]

FBI creates and foils terrorist plot aimed at those who question government

     The FBI once again appears to have averted a terrorist plot of its own manufacture by arresting 57-year-old William Keebler, a man from Stockton, Utah described in press accounts as a militia organizer exhibiting an “extreme hatred” for the federal government. A vociferous critic of the federal Bureau of Land Management who was present […]

Sandy Hook Actor In Dual Roles as FBI Agent and Grieving “Dad”

NRA Revealed As Complicit in Sandy Hook Coverup More proof Sandy Hook Hoax Organized by Obama, DHS and FEMA:  In this video you will learn – beyond a reasonable doubt –  that David Wheeler is a professional actor who (1) played the role of an FBI SWAT agent and (2) Played the father of a […]

Sandy Hook Actor In Dual Roles as FBI Agent and Grieving “Dad”

NRA Revealed As Complicit in Sandy Hook Coverup More proof Sandy Hook Hoax Organized by Obama, DHS and FEMA:  In this video you will learn – beyond a reasonable doubt –  that David Wheeler is a professional actor who (1) played the role of an FBI SWAT agent and (2) Played the father of a […]

Sandy Hook Actor In Dual Roles as FBI Agent and Grieving “Dad”

NRA Revealed As Complicit in Sandy Hook Coverup More proof Sandy Hook Hoax Organized by Obama, DHS and FEMA:  In this video you will learn – beyond a reasonable doubt –  that David Wheeler is a professional actor who (1) played the role of an FBI SWAT agent and (2) Played the father of a […]

Sandy Hook Actor In Dual Roles as FBI Agent and Grieving “Dad”

NRA Revealed As Complicit in Sandy Hook Coverup More proof Sandy Hook Hoax Organized by Obama, DHS and FEMA:  In this video you will learn – beyond a reasonable doubt –  that David Wheeler is a professional actor who (1) played the role of an FBI SWAT agent and (2) Played the father of a […]

Sandy Hook Actor In Dual Roles as FBI Agent and Grieving “Dad”

NRA Revealed As Complicit in Sandy Hook Coverup More proof Sandy Hook Hoax Organized by Obama, DHS and FEMA:  In this video you will learn – beyond a reasonable doubt –  that David Wheeler is a professional actor who (1) played the role of an FBI SWAT agent and (2) Played the father of a […]

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