Posts Tagged ‘movements’

As WEF Prepares for 54th Annual Meeting International Activist Movements Offer Alternative Vision of 2030

After 54 years of gathering, the World Economic Forum has greatly influenced the direction of the world. Now, people from all walks of life are rejecting their top-down, technocratic vision for the future. On Monday January 15th, the World Economic Forum will begin their 54th Annual Meeting as hundreds of heads of government, representatives of […]

How ideology can help (or hurt) movements trying to build power

Political educator Harmony Goldberg discusses whether the ideological traditions of the left are helpful for practical organizing. Source

The Secret History of British India’s “Freedom Movements”

The Phoenicians made considerable efforts to conquer India through the British. Would they give it all up to some local leaders after two centuries, or did they have their very own set of leaders/movements for a post-British Subcontinent? For the first time ever in history, we analyze the failed “Rebellion” of 1857 as a Spook […]

Why is the West Silent About Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Movements, Azov Battalion, & Bandera Legacy?

09:53 GMT 04.03.2022 © Alexandr Maksimenko  /  Go to the mediabank Subscribe Ekaterina Blinova All materialsWrite to the author French President Emmanuel Macron claimed in his Wednesday address to the nation that Russia’s special operation to demilitarise and “de-Nazify” Ukraine is “not a fight against Nazism”, thus joining the chorus of political leaders and media […]

Top commander: Iranian radar system detecting all enemy movements

TEHRAN- Commander of the Iranian Air Defense Force has emphasized the Islamic Republic’s great military might and deterrent capacity and asserted that the Air Defense Force can track even the smallest moves of adversaries within a range of 3,000 km. Brigadier General Alireza Sabahifard said the Air Defense Force is now outfitted with radars with […]

Top commander: Iranian radar system detecting all enemy movements

TEHRAN- Commander of the Iranian Air Defense Force has emphasized the Islamic Republic’s great military might and deterrent capacity and asserted that the Air Defense Force can track even the smallest moves of adversaries within a range of 3,000 km. Brigadier General Alireza Sabahifard said the Air Defense Force is now outfitted with radars with […]

Ecuador: Government And Indigenous Movements Very Far From Dialogue

On the 10th day of the national strike in Ecuador, the president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), Leonidas Iza, presented four conditions to the government of Guillermo Lasso before entering negotiations. The most significant condition was the end of police repression and cancellation of the nationwide state of exception. The indigenous […]

Movements are vying for political power — is ‘co-governance’ the answer?

As the left increasingly focuses on electoral politics, a new framework is emerging for how candidates who win should partner with social movements.

Health Authorities Tracked Movements of Canadians via Cellphones During Pandemic

Health authorities in Canada tracked people’s movements via their cellphones during the pandemic, with trips to pharmacies and liquor stores being logged, it has been revealed.

Movements Remember Victories That Helped The People Of Brazil

Above Photo: The solidarity of popular movements brought food to thousands of poor families in the country. Valmir Neves Fernandes / MST-PR and Giorgia Prates. Amidst The Chaos Of 2021. Suspension of evictions, a campaign against hunger, electricity for all, and vaccine access are among the achievements of movements in 2021. The year 2021 was […]

“Three Movements and The Dynamics of Indian Democracy” Political Scientist Zoya Hasan’s Analysis

Do social and political movements in India have a future despite the challenges posed by the regime in power?  This is a critical question often raised by scholars and political leaders amid concerns and anxieties over a range of issues—from authoritarianism to strategies of political exclusion and suppression of dissent/opposition. Yet, there really is a […]

Growing Need for Unity of Social Movements

            Two important aspects of present-day world are increasingly clear. Firstly, while the need for closer unity of sincere social movements has always been there, but in the middle of increasing and to some extent unprecedented difficulties, the need for such unity has certainly increased further in recent times. Secondly, ironically, while this need for […]

COP26: Governments Play Deaf To Social Movements

Above Photo: The climate summit COP26 was accompanied by protests by social movements, with demonstrators arriving in Glasgow from all over the world and expressing themselves in their own language or dressing up as dinosaurs to symbolize their criticism. Laura Quiñones / UN. Glasgow, Scotland – One element that runs through all social movement climate […]

Taliban Victory Potentially Strengthening Extremist Movements in the Region

September 11 marked exactly 20 years since the horrific terrorist attack that killed nearly 3,000 people in America. The US leaders of that time, in order to demonstrate to the world that they were the masters of the planet, decided to urgently strike in Afghanistan to show the world their power and might. A year […]

‘Cuba Is Not Alone,’ International Solidarity Movements Stress

‘Cuba Is Not Alone,’ International Solidarity Movements Stress Above Photo: TeleSUR. “How Could A Revolution That Has Given So Much To The Peoples Of The World Be Alone?” Said The Portuguese Council For Peace And Cooperation (CPPC). Progressive political organizations, social movements, intellectuals, and opinion leaders from around the world continue to affirm their support […]

Haitian Movements Caution Against Foreign Intervention

Above Photo: Haiti’s de-facto president, Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated in his house on July 7. Jovenel Moïse/Twitter. Civil society organizations and progressive sectors in Haiti and globally have warned that Jovenel Moïse’s assassination could be used as pretext to increase foreign interference and further deepen the socio-political crisis in the country. In the early hours […]

Social Movements And Protestors Intensify Struggle In Colombia

[embedded content] Today we look at the latest on the national strike in Colombia, a strike for better pay and staffing by health workers in New Zealand, and more In today’s episode of the Daily Round-up we look at the ongoing national strike in Colombia and the establishment of the National People’s Assembly by various […]

Brits Tracked by Phone After COVID Jab to See if Movements Changed

Via: The Sun: Health chiefs wanted the data to see if vaccinated people are moving about more after they have their inoculations. And Government scientists admitted in an official report that one in ten jabbed Brits were tracked via their phones in February without their knowledge, the Telegraph reports. The figures were then handed to researchers […]

Movements Not Saviors

Movements Not Saviors Lessons from Bobi Wine’s Tweet for Juan Guaido. Bobi Wine’s flirtation with US Venezuelan puppet Juan Guaido indicates that the Ugandan is also auditioning for the imperial puppet job. “A return to the oppressive conditions for the people will be inevitable if a dictator is removed but not the West’s ultimate control.” On […]

White supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are a ‘transnational threat’ which grows more dangerous by the day, says UN chief

The United Nations has warned that white supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are an increasing threat to the world we live in, adding that people in positions of responsibility are encouraging them in a way previously unthinkable. “White supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are more than domestic terror threats. They are becoming a transnational threat,” United Nations […]

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