Posts Tagged ‘answer’

Navalny widow: Putin ‘must answer for what he has done’

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, said Russian President Vladimir Putin “must answer” for what he has done with Russia, and for her husband’s death, in an emotional speech Wednesday. “Putin must answer for what he has done with my country. Putin must answer for what he has done… […]

US houses prices double in two years. RF Kennedy Jr has the answer.

In this interview with Howie Mandel and his daughter, Jackelyn Shultz, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s knowledge and poise shine through — even as his motives and integrity are questioned. Kennedy remains respectful and is eager to have an open, honest debate — a trait he says he learned as a child. “I was raised in […]

Ned’s cows have the answer to health

Do you avoid whole milk, or better yet, raw milk, because of its saturated fat content? If so, you may be missing out on one of the greatest health foods there is. Studies1 have repeatedly failed to find an association between full-fat dairy and cardiovascular events. Instead, they’ve found the opposite — full-fat dairy reduces your […]

Question: Who wears a MAGA hat to commit a hate crime? Answer: The Feds…

(NaturalNews) There’s a doozy of a clip circulating online showing a guy in a MAGA hat supposedly committing a “hate crime†against the transgender movement…. Source

Freedom’s the Answer! (What’s the Question?) – #SolutionsWatch

I’m not sure what’s the source of this text, but it is interesting. We, children of the earth, born of dust and starlight, why do we take up arms? Why do we pit brother against brother in the savage theatre of war, when peace seems but a heartbeat away? We are bound by the same […]

Covid Amnesty: Is Mercy the Answer?

Mercy is a missing ingredient of our modern society. As we fire 280-character social missiles, learn the necessary aim and outrage for maximum effect, update, and reload to fire again into the volley, I worry we might be forgetting about a world without constant cross-cultural conflict and the moral courage it takes to make peace. […]

Neural Reality – The Ultimate VR – Could Answer The Fermi Paradox

Neural Reality – The Ultimate VR – Could Answer The Fermi Paradox Authored by Ross Pomeroy via RealClear Wire, Scientific skepticism is Dr. Steven Novella’s bread and butter. As president of the New England Skeptics’ Society, his mission is to promote science and critical thinking. Novella casts the light of evidence on a range of […]

Video: Obama Won’t Answer When Asked If His Wife Will Run For President

Barack Obama provided no comment when asked if his wife is planning to run for the Democratic Party nomination. Obama was spotted emerging from a restaurant in Beverly Hills Saturday night, while Michelle Obama was hanging out with Tom Hanks on Steven Spielberg’s yacht in Portofino. The former President had nothing to say when asked […]

Merrick Garland refuses to answer questions by House Judiciary Committee about ongoing Hunter Biden investigation

(NaturalNews) In his testimony and subsequent questioning before the House Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to answer questions… Source

HACKED? F-35 mystery deepens after Pentagon refuses to answer questions | Redacted

Editors Note :- GPS tracker AD posted in order to assist rather than mock The Parasitical Pentagon LOL Hint – Once you have these new fangled GPS tracker gadgets you should never lose a $100,000,000  F35 again. Vassal state Taxpayers around the world would love to know why this basic feature is seemingly an optional […]

Judaism On Our Own Terms: The answer to an anti-Zionist Jewish future? 

Jewish institutions reject those questioning the role of Zionism in Jewish life, but the organization Judaism On Our Own Terms is creating a space where young Jews do not have to choose between their Judaism and their sense of justice. Source

Palestinian refugees answer questions about the Nakba

Despite the continued denial of the Nakba by Zionists, Palestinian refugees have not forgotten what was done to them. And more than four generations later, they have not given up on the hope that they will return. Source

Facile answer to made-up MAGA blight

Bottomless is this vicious pit –/ No lunacy they won’t commit. Source

Asbury ‘revival’ planned or an answer to prayer? Video posted a week before ‘revival’ began raises questions

While many are declaring that the “revival” taking place at Asbury University is real with people from various Christian denominational backgrounds praising the event and testifying of its authenticity—including those who preach a different gospel, such as Catholics and homosexual-affirming religious individuals, some are raising questions over a video that… Source

Rand Paul tears into corrupt FBI director with question he CAN’T answer (Video)

READ HERE:   Source

Will the US and Germany answer for the energy crisis they caused?

As you may know, the wars of the last century took place mainly because of energy resources, which the industry and economy of the developing world began to need particularly strongly. This is especially evident in the events of World War II, which not only demonstrated the struggle for spheres of influence in general, but […]

“Green energy” not the answer to global energy crisis

(Natural News) Little is reported about the gravity of the energy crisis that is plaguing the Western world as progressive governments make counterintuitive and destructive decisions in favor of “green energy” policies. These policies simply can’t work long-term. Governments know that it’s nearly impossible to run the increasingly demanding electrical grid without the help of […]

Video: White House Pres Sec. Refuses To Answer Questions About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was repeatedly asked and refused to answer questions Tuesday about Hunter Biden’s so called ‘laptop from hell’ and a voicemail on his phone left by Joe Biden seemingly discussing business dealings. Here’s the voicemail Joe Biden left for Hunter in 2018 saying he wanted to talk about their business dealings in […]

Donald Trump: Decision to Overturn Roe Is the ‘Answer to the Prayers of Millions and Millions of People’

Former President Donald Trump said the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is “the answer to the prayers of millions and millions of people” at a rally in Mendon, Illinois, on Saturday evening.  Source

Movements are vying for political power — is ‘co-governance’ the answer?

As the left increasingly focuses on electoral politics, a new framework is emerging for how candidates who win should partner with social movements.

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