Posts Tagged ‘kennedy’

Robert Kennedy Jr. Says What Every American Is Feeling

“The system’s rigged,” proclaimed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., channeling the frustration felt by countless Americans during a heated interview with The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur. “People know that they don’t own their government anymore … It’s rigged against them.” In a searing indictment, Kennedy described the current state as an “oligarchy” engineered to “strip-mine wealth […]

Robert Kennedy Jr. Drops Surprising Comments on the Trump Trial

Robert Kennedy Jr. says the 34-count felony conviction against Trump is going to “backfire” on Democrats. He says, “The Democratic Party believes it has a candidate that can’t beat President Trump and that they need to do it in the court.” “I think that’s bad for our country. I think it’s bad for democracy, and […]

John F. Kennedy and Trump: Challenging the Deep State

John F. Kennedy and Trump: Challenging the Deep State Source

Watch Pro-Vaxxer’s Face as Robert Kennedy Jr. Schools Him on Vaccine Safety

After being left speechless by Dr. Peter McCullough, podcaster and COVID vaccine advocate Brian Shapiro has recently challenged Robert Kennedy Jr. on vaccine safety. Things went exactly how you would expect. Shapiro got schooled again. However, that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t entertaining to watch. Shapiro asked Kennedy, “You would agree with me, though, that […]

‘Who is Bobby Kennedy?’

The Kennedy campaign reports that the 30-minute film produced by the Campaign has been censored by Meta, owner of Facebook and Instagram. AV24 launched the film on May 3, using YouTube as its host, on the website, But as Facebook users tried to share the film link, many discovered they couldn’t. In addition, Internet […]

Caller Drops Chilling Question on Robert Kennedy Jr.

On Wednesday evening’s NewsNation broadcast hosted by Chris Cuomo, Will, a caller belonging to the Baby Boomer generation, directed a haunting inquiry towards independent presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. He asked, “You are going after some of the largest entities that exist: Big pharma, Big Agra, Big government, the CIA, the FBI. Are you going […]

CDC Hit By New Bombshell Warning from Robert Kennedy Jr.

Seventy-five years. That’s how long Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide the Pfizer documents from public view — long after just about everyone affected is dead. It wasn’t until renowned attorney Aaron Siri led a FOIA case against the FDA that a federal judge ordered the documents to be released in 108 days, the […]

Anti-Defamation League Award Dinner for President John F. Kennedy

YOUR ALL BEING PLAYED!!!! Anti-Defamation League Award Dinner for President John F. Kennedy, seated at the main table, in Washington, D.C. January 31, 1963.     Photo by Cecil Stoughton.

US houses prices double in two years. RF Kennedy Jr has the answer.

In this interview with Howie Mandel and his daughter, Jackelyn Shultz, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s knowledge and poise shine through — even as his motives and integrity are questioned. Kennedy remains respectful and is eager to have an open, honest debate — a trait he says he learned as a child. “I was raised in […]

Kennedy, CHD Win Injunction in Landmark Censorship Case Against Biden Administration

02/15/24 A federal judge on Wednesday issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting key Biden administration officials and agencies from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to suppress or censor online content containing protected free speech. However, he also stayed the injunction until the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a similar injunction in Murthy v. Missouri, […]

Bobby Kennedy’s page turner makes it harder to bury your head in the sand

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book It goes back in time to the several decade-long lead-up to COVID, then continues into the future where the Real Anthony Fauci left off. MERYL NASS JAN 1 READ IN APP By Meryl Nass   January 1, 2024   History, Society, Vaccines   5 minute read When Bobby Kennedy […]

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

When Bobby Kennedy talked about writing this book a couple of years ago, I asked him, why? Mindful of how the truth about everything Covid (and much else) was being memory-holed, he said he wanted to create an accurate historical record of what happened, for the future.  I thought that was a good answer. We […]

The GOP Backs Trump – Kennedy Warns of Civil War

READ HERE:   Source

Robert Kennedy Jr. Unmasks the ‘Principal Villains’ Behind the COVID Cover-Up

Originally Published on Vigilant News According to the CDC, the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of over 1.15 million Americans. However, after nearly four years of death and economic carnage, there’s been an underwhelming effort to get to the bottom of where it originated, so this may never happen again. Independent presidential candidate Robert […]

STUNNING BETRAYAL! How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?

SOTN Editor’s Note: Many folks ask: Why has SOTN been so preoccupied with the POTUS candidacy of RFK, Jr.?  For example: There’s something very wrong with Bobby Kennedy! Mr. Kennedy, where are you? KENNEDY CRAZYMAKER ALERT! Here’s the former undercover CIAagent who RFK, Jr. just hired to be his campaign manager afterpro-Palestinian Dennis Kucinich resigned […]

Mr. Kennedy, where are you?

An Open Letter To Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dear Mr. Kennedy, You have bravely run Children’s Health Defense for nearly 16 years now. Today, we are all witnessing the horrible deaths of and injuries to thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza. Where are you, sir? We have heard barely a peep out of you […]

Poll: Kennedy Takes Almost A Quarter Of Votes In 3-Way Matchup Against Biden And Trump

A new Quinnipac poll has found that in a hypothetical three way matchup between Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden and Donald Trump the independent comes out with around a quarter of the votes. The findings, one year out from the election, reveal that Kennedy gets 22% support among registered voters, Biden gets 39% and […]

Kennedy offers hope

Tony Lyons wrote the following about Bobby Kennedy And I was going to write a sentence or two but my part expanded to 8 paragraphs MERYL NASS NOV 1 READ IN APP I’m posting what Tony Lyons wrote for a few reasons. Someone commented the other day that Bobby Kennedy favored partial birth abortions. That […]

Kennedy family feud cools as RFK Jr.’s independent run rattles Republicans

CHICAGO — Chris Kennedy expects Thanksgiving might not be so awkward this year now that his older brother, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is no longer running for president as a Democrat. Robert’s announcement earlier this week that he’s taking his bid outside the party structure could be damaging to either President Joe Biden or former […]

Dear oh dear Mr Kennedy

Bobby calls for “A sustained military campaign” Which will lead to lots of dead innocent Palestinians, to add to the dead innocent Israelis Mr Peterson shows his true colours too…. No mention of Ithe sraeli control of Hamas in the source, but still…… “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on X (Twitter), October 7: “This ignominious, unprovoked, and […]

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