Posts Tagged ‘harder’

Bobby Kennedy’s page turner makes it harder to bury your head in the sand

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book It goes back in time to the several decade-long lead-up to COVID, then continues into the future where the Real Anthony Fauci left off. MERYL NASS JAN 1 READ IN APP By Meryl Nass   January 1, 2024   History, Society, Vaccines   5 minute read When Bobby Kennedy […]

UK’s Former Chief Scientist Says Future Lockdowns Must Be ‘Harder and Earlier’

The UK should have gone into lockdown at least a week before it happened, Sir Patrick Vallance has told the UK’s Covid Inquiry The Inquiry also heard that Vallance privately referred to his colleague Sir Chris Whitty as “a delayer” after a “palpable tension” between the two scientific advisers emerged about lockdown policy. BYPASS THE […]

Democrat Rep Says Women In Sports Losing To Biological Males ‘Need To Work Harder’

Wisconsin Democrat Rep. David Considine has a message for women competing against biological males in sports: If they are beating you, you just “need to work harder.” Considine claims he asked his granddaughter, who is […] The post Democrat Rep Says Women In Sports Losing To Biological Males ‘Need To Work Harder’ appeared first on […]

Solar Cycle 25’s Maximum Might Arrive Earlier And Hit Harder

Solar Cycle 25’s Maximum Might Arrive Earlier And Hit Harder June 29, 2023 By Tyler Durden Solar Cycle 25 has been underway since April 2019. Ever since the cycle began, the sun has become more active, unleashing solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geomagnetic storms, with at least one scientist warning solar maximum could arrive […]

Weed Makes People Cum Harder, Study Says

Legendary astronomer and cannabis enjoyer Carl Sagan once waxed poetic about how weed “enhances the enjoyment of sex—on the one hand it gives an exquisite sensitivity, but on the other hand it postpones orgasm: in part by distracting me with the profusion of image passing before my eyes.” A new study from researchers at East […]

The Harder They Come …

DECEMBER 21, 2022 Source by Naresh Jotwani Alastair Crooke is a sage whose thoughtful writings pack vast breadth and depth of understanding of history and geopolitics. His analysis is free of the slightest hint of bias or narrow partisanship – a fact which seems almost incredible given that he worked for the UK Government for […]

Elon Musk Vows to Crackdown Even Harder on Hate Speech: ‘The ADL Will Moderate Twitter’

Elon Musk has vowed to crackdown more harshly than his predecessors on so-called “hate speech”, and will operate a “zero tolerance” policy on content deemed offensive by a select group of moderators. On Tuesday, Musk revealed that a small group of far-left “civil society leaders,” including the ADL, will be given tools to ban users […]

Making the decision to leave Gaza is harder than some would think

Many of Gaza’s youth decide to leave the open-air prison. But many of those who leave end up alienated or refugees. But sometimes to realize the value of your homeland, you have to leave it. Source

Democrats Are Not Going to ‘Vote Harder,’ Primaries Show

Shortly after a draft Supreme Court decision leaked suggesting the court would overturn Roe v Wade, the White House released a statement that read in part, “if the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. And it will […]

Joe Biden: ‘Heck of a Lot Harder’ to Be a Cop Today in a ‘Different World’

President Joe Biden acknowledged the difficulty of being a police officer in the current political and social climate during a speech at the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service on Capitol Hill on Sunday.

While corporations record you, Google makes your life harder

In this surveillance capitalism world, corporations obtain as much information on you as possible, and make huge profits from it. One of the most important protections ‘persons’ and ‘consumers’ have is the ability to document communication with either authorities or corporations, where in Australia the two apparently separate entities have merged into a corporation aggregate […]

Dems Announce Plan To Call People Racist Even Harder

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from their election losses, Democrats have vowed to adjust their strategy by calling people racist even harder.  “The real reason we didn’t win these elections is because we weren’t calling people racist hard enough,” said Joy Ann Reid, Democrat activist/journalist. “We called voters racist on the hour, when we really should have […]

Glasgow Climate Talks Are, In Many Ways, ‘Harder Than Paris’

Above Photo: An interior view of part of the Scottish Event Campus where the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held in Glasgow, United Kingdom this week. (Hasan Esen/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) Success Of The Two-Week Negotiations Rides On Wealthy Nations Committing To Fast Emissions Cuts And Paying Promised Aid To Poor […]

Afghan Christian: ‘We Are Not Leaving the Field; We Will Fight Harder and Continue God’s Work’

[embedded content] In a video released and being circulated online following the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, an unidentified Afghan Christian can be heard through tears speaking the following in his native language: “Hello dear brothers and sisters, I hope you are healthy. Today in Afghanistan is the first day of Taliban rule. I don’t know […]

Vx Challenge update from Sue Grey: ‘we now have a barrister’ as govt pushes back harder with ‘no jab, no job’ legislation (C-19 Public Health Response [Vx] Order 2021)

Sue Grey 1.94K subscribers Update about KTI’s urgent challenge to the High Court about the lawfulness of the provisional consent of the Pfizer vaccine and its rollout to everyone in NZ over 16 years, and the appointment of a barrister in anticipation of a document dump by the crown later this week. WATCH AT THE […]

Josh Bernstein Brags That He Wants to ‘Make It Harder to Vote in America’

Radical right-wing commentator Josh Bernstein posted a video on his website Sunday night reacting to former President Donald Trump’s speech at CPAC earlier in the day in which Trump called on states to enact a variety of voter suppression measures, such as requiring voter ID and limiting the use of early voting and mail-in voting. […]

Lack of Sleep Makes it Harder to Stop Unpleasant Thoughts

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Feeling more stressed than usual? If so, getting enough sleep is essential for keeping unwanted thoughts from hijacking your mind Insufficient sleep can significantly reduce your ability to keep unwanted thoughts at bay, according to a study out of the U.K. In a collaborative effort, researchers from the department of psychology […]

FBI Asks Facebook, Twitter to STOP Banning Extremists because it Makes it Harder to Spy on Them

Home » Manipulation, North America, Social » FBI Asks Facebook, Twitter to STOP Banning Extremists because it Makes it Harder to Spy on Them     I cannot believe that the FBI is demanding an end to social media bannings because it makes spying difficult. Just 1 week ago, in a report of ours called […]

FBI Profiler Says Banning People on Social Media Makes it Harder to Fight Terrorism

A lobbyist group is suing Apple in an effort to get free speech messaging platform Telegram removed from the app store, claiming that it allows ‘extremists’ to spread ‘hate speech’. Telegram has seen a surge in users since Twitter and Facebook permanently suspended President Trump. Last week the service gained more than 25 million new […]

Iran’s view of Biden as restrained could lead to hitting Israel harder, INSS

Iran could decide to hit Israel hard in 2021 if it views the incoming Biden administration as restrained, according to the INSS annual report issued on Wednesday.Covering regular national security issues ranging from Hezbollah to Syria to Hamas, to the impact of normalization and diplomacy with the Palestinian Authority, the report also addresses less conventional […]

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