Posts Tagged ‘earlier’

Israel Knew About Hamas Attack Plan Way Earlier Than Was Thought: New York Times

Israel’s military was aware of Hamas′ plan to launch an attack on Israeli soil over a year before the devastating Oct. 7 operation that killed hundreds of people, The New York Times reported Friday. It was the latest in a series of signs that top Israeli commanders either ignored or played down warnings that Hamas […]

UK’s Former Chief Scientist Says Future Lockdowns Must Be ‘Harder and Earlier’

The UK should have gone into lockdown at least a week before it happened, Sir Patrick Vallance has told the UK’s Covid Inquiry The Inquiry also heard that Vallance privately referred to his colleague Sir Chris Whitty as “a delayer” after a “palpable tension” between the two scientific advisers emerged about lockdown policy. BYPASS THE […]

New Jersey Governor No Longer Wants Immigrants After Earlier Advocating For Sanctuary State

By Naveen Athrapully via The Epoch Times New Jersey’s Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy has changed his stance on Source

Solar Cycle 25’s Maximum Might Arrive Earlier And Hit Harder

Solar Cycle 25’s Maximum Might Arrive Earlier And Hit Harder June 29, 2023 By Tyler Durden Solar Cycle 25 has been underway since April 2019. Ever since the cycle began, the sun has become more active, unleashing solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geomagnetic storms, with at least one scientist warning solar maximum could arrive […]

Deadly Bird Flu Returns to Midwest Earlier Than Expected

MINNEAPOLIS—Bird flu has returned to the Midwest earlier than authorities expected after a lull of several months, with the highly pathogenic disease being detected in two commercial turkey flocks in western Minnesota and a hobby flock in Indiana, officials said Wednesday. The disease was detected after a farm in Meeker County reported an increase in […]

Deadly Bird Flu Returns to Midwest Earlier Than Expected

MINNEAPOLIS—Bird flu has returned to the Midwest earlier than authorities expected after a lull of several months, with the highly pathogenic disease being detected in two commercial turkey flocks in western Minnesota and a hobby flock in Indiana, officials said Wednesday. The disease was detected after a farm in Meeker County reported an increase in […]

New Info Shows Omicron Spread Wider Earlier Than Thought

BRUSSELS (AP) — New findings about the coronavirus’s omicron variant made it clear Tuesday that the emerging threat slipped into countries before their defenses were up, as two distant nations announced their first cases and a third reported its presence before South African officials sounded the alarm. The Netherlands’ RIVM health institute found omicron in […]

China-Based Developer Says Bond Default Triggers Earlier Repayment Deadlines, Pulls Dividend

Men work at the construction site of a highrise building in Beijing, China, on Oct. 18, 2021. (Thomas Peter/Reuters) Chinese developer Modern Land (China) said on Monday a default on a bond repayment last week has pulled forward repayment dates for a further $321 million worth of notes, and the company withdrew an interim dividend […]

Republican governors press for earlier release of census data

Redistricting data is not expected to be released by the Census Bureau until later this summer. The governors are urging Raimondo, an appointee of President Joe Biden, to “release redistricting data this month or as soon as possible prior to the delayed release date,” citing an affidavit from Michael Thieme, a senior career official at […]

Is India A Fascist State Like Germany or Italy Earlier or Turning Into One?

India is not a fully-fledged fascist state or on the verge of turning into one like Hitler’s Germany, but proto-fascist. Even if turning into a fascist state it will have it’ s unique characteristics AUTOCRATIC NATURE OF INDIAN STATE A strongly concurring debate today is on the emergence of fascism in India as a full […]

A  Daughter Struggles For the Release of Her Distinguished Imprisoned Mother Who Had Earlier Protected Poorest People From Injustice 

Till some time back Sudha Bharadwaj was known to many friends and admirers as a public interest lawyer who had  protected many vulnerable and poor persons, particularly workers from injustice. She also taught law at prestigious institutions and was a source of inspiration for many of her students. How have conditions changed? Now her only […]

Greek-American NYPD Officer Fatally Struck at Scene of Earlier Car Crash

A Greek-American police officer was killed in a hit and run incident on early Tuesday morning. Credit: New York City Police Department A Greek-American police officer with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) was fatally struck in a hit-and-run incident in the early morning hours on Tuesday.  “It is with profound sadness that I […]

Learning From Earlier Sudden  Outbreaks of Diseases May Be Very Useful Today

At a time when the entire world is focused on COVID-19, it is important to recall some important lessons which emerged from the response to previous sudden outbreaks  like Ebola infectious disease and other diseases in recent times. Of course no two diseases are the same but lessons can be learnt in terms of  policy […]

Can understanding constipation help diagnose Parkinson’s Disease earlier?

Browse > Home / Have You Heard? / Can understanding constipation help diagnose Parkinson’s Disease earlier? March 12, 2021 by Tali Aronsky Read on for article While Parkinson’s Disease is one of the most common neurological disorders, physicians still lack a validated lab-based methodology, or biomarker, for diagnosing it definitively. Rather, neurologists primarily rely on […]

New Testing Indicates European Neanderthals Vanished Earlier

In a game-changing  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  article, a multinational team of archaeologists and paleoanthropologists have produced persuasive evidence that shows northern European Neanderthals disappeared much earlier than previously suspected. Applying the latest radiocarbon dating technology, the scientists re-tested European Neanderthal specimens discovered in Belgium’s Grotte de Spy (or Spy Cave), which […]

Pre-Columbian Explorers Settled the Bahamas Earlier Than Thought

New evidence suggests that the Bahamas were settled earlier than previously thought. But that’s not all. It appears that the first explorers to arrive on the islands transformed the entire landscape, rapidly. The Lucayan people were the original settlers of the Bahamas before the European conquest of the Americas in the late 15th century, after Columbus’s […]

Cuccinelli: Trump’s Thursday Statement on Riot Should Have Been Made Earlier

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” acting Deputy DHS Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said that President Donald Trump’s statement on Thursday about the riot at the U.S. Capitol is “what we wanted to hear on Wednesday,” the day that the riot took place, but that the president’s message about the riot on Thursday was one […]

Let my people vote (earlier): Israel set for chaotic eve-of-Passover election

When the clock strikes midnight on Tuesday night, it will signal the Knesset’s legal deadline for passing the 2020 state budget. If a budget law isn’t passed by then, or another bill isn’t passed extending the deadline, then the parliament will dissolve and elections will be called for 90 days later, on March 23. And […]

Pet vaccines are costly, toxic and dangerous – no WONDER pets die earlier now

(Natural News) Could it be that most of your pet’s health problems are due to vaccines? Let’s examine the consequences of over-vaccinating your pet, and the pragmatics of this type of healthcare as it affects the pet and your bank account in ways you never imagined possible. Little did you know that pet vaccines create […]

Going Underground – Why Are People in Tory Britain Dying Earlier Than in Other Developed Nations?

Going Underground – Why Are People in Tory Britain Dying Earlier Than in Other Developed Nations? Going Underground with Afshin We speak to one of the world’s greatest geographers, Professor Danny Dorling about stalling life expectancy in the UK. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View the […]

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