Posts Tagged ‘parkinson’

Study links tiny pieces of plastic in the environment to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases

Study links tiny pieces of plastic in the environment to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases It is no secret that the plastics in our environment are making us ill, but recent research demonstrates the power of a specific type of plastic to destroy our brains and cause diseases such as Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia. The […]

Decades of Parkinson’s Data Buried, Deadly Chemical Exposed

From Dr Mercola @ Note: Due to heavy censorship Dr Mercola’s articles are archived to paid sub within 48 hours so the link below may no longer lead to the actual article Story at-a-glance Paraquat is an herbicide and registered desiccant that has been used on American farms since 1964. A desiccant is a […]

Research suggests common dry cleaning chemical is linked to Parkinson’s disease

(Natural News) A study has revealed that a common chemical used to dry clean clothes may be linked to increasing cases of Parkinson’s disease, the world’s fastest-growing brain disorder. The study was published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease and was conducted by a group of scientists from Alabama, California, New York and the Netherlands. The research builds upon decades of research that linked […]

German Study Documents Heart Damage, Death of Parkinson’s Patient Caused by Covid Jab

New, mind-blowing research about the Covid so-called “vaccinations” has been published recently in medical journals. Sadly, mRNA “technology,” not Covid, is destroying people’s hearts and brains, and it’s being documented in medical journals for all the “pro-science” pro-vaxxers to ingest. Recently, a patient died a few weeks after getting his third mRNA stab. Right after […]

Iranian Christian with Parkinson’s disease and wife detained

(Article18) — An Iranian Christian with advanced Parkinson’s disease and his wife have been detained in Tehran. Homayoun Zhaveh, who is about to celebrate his 64th birthday, and Sara Ahmadi, 44, answered a summons to an administrative office of Evin Prison on Saturday, expecting to receive back their confiscated property. However, they were instead… Source

Can understanding constipation help diagnose Parkinson’s Disease earlier?

Browse > Home / Have You Heard? / Can understanding constipation help diagnose Parkinson’s Disease earlier? March 12, 2021 by Tali Aronsky Read on for article While Parkinson’s Disease is one of the most common neurological disorders, physicians still lack a validated lab-based methodology, or biomarker, for diagnosing it definitively. Rather, neurologists primarily rely on […]

Overinflated Covid Death Counts: Gunshot Wounds, Parkinson’s Disease, Car Accidents. Incorrectly Attributed to COVID-19.

When it comes to overinflated coronavirus death counts, we recently outlined how a fatal motorcycle accident in Florida was added to the state’s COVID-19 death toll. Still, no precise data shows just how overinflated death counts are on a state by state level. We have to rely on real journalism, such as a new report via CBS12 West Palm, that made a shocking discovery about […]

Pioneering Professional medical Look at TO DEAL WITH Psychosis Around Parkinson’s Individuals By means of Cannabidiol

Pioneering Professional medical Look at TO DEAL WITH Psychosis Around Parkinson’s Individuals By means of Cannabidiol THC directly corresponds along with the CB1 sense organ to get its psychoactive outcomes. The use of your vegan diet program may perhaps be followed regarding countless arguments: Along with ethical features, some reasons for vegetarianism encompass health, ghostlike, […]

Pioneering Professional medical Take a look at TO DEAL WITH Psychosis For Parkinson’s People today Utilising Cannabidiol


Pioneering Professional medical Take a look at TO DEAL WITH Psychosis For Parkinson’s People today Utilising Cannabidiol THC specifically matches with all the CB1 sensory receptor to generate their psychoactive outcomes. Can the actual vegan dietary regimen may be observed with regard to a variety of arguments: Coupled with lawful facets, many advantages of vegetarianism […]

Pioneering Professional medical Take a look at TO DEAL WITH Psychosis For Parkinson’s People today Utilising Cannabidiol

Pioneering Professional medical Take a look at TO DEAL WITH Psychosis For Parkinson’s People today Utilising Cannabidiol THC specifically matches with all the CB1 sensory receptor to generate their psychoactive outcomes. Can the actual vegan dietary regimen may be observed with regard to a variety of arguments: Coupled with lawful facets, many advantages of vegetarianism […]

Pioneering Professional medical Verify TO DEAL WITH Psychosis For Parkinson’s Customers Utilizing Cannabidiol

Pioneering Professional medical Verify TO DEAL WITH Psychosis For Parkinson’s Customers Utilizing Cannabidiol THC precisely suits while using CB1 sense organ to build the country’s psychoactive outcomes. What’s so great about all the vegan diet system may just be check website put into practice with regard to different points: Together with meaning components, various advantages […]

Pioneering Surgical Check TO DEAL WITH Psychosis During Parkinson’s Most people Implementing Cannabidiol

Pioneering Surgical Check TO DEAL WITH Psychosis During Parkinson’s Most people Implementing Cannabidiol THC specially fulfils while using CB1 sense organ to make his or her psychoactive outcomes. The many benefits of your vegan dietary regimen could possibly be used to get various reasons: Along with honorable features, several possibilities for vegetarianism include wellbeing, psychic, […]

Brain Regeneration: Can Infrared Light Reverse Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s?

Contrary to conventional wisdom, brain regeneration is possible. One promising therapy that promotes neurogenesis and is effective in pre-clinical studies of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is near infrared light therapy, and it may improve other mental illnesses and neurodegenerative disorders including dementia, stroke, ALS, and traumatic brain injury as well. Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are […]

Excessive calcium in your cells may increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s

(Natural News) Michael J. Fox, Muhammad Ali, Charles M. Schulz, Linda Ronstadt and Billy Graham have one thing in common. They have Parkinson’s disease. The disorder also afflicts one of every 350 adults in the U.K., or an estimated 145,000 people. The sad part is, the solution to Parkinson’s remains elusive. The neurodegenerative disease […]

Former NSA spy believes he contracted Parkinson’s from a microwave attack

A former US National Security Agency officer believes that a weaponized microwave attack caused the Parkinson’s disease that is now slowly killing him 10 years later. Mike Beck was diagnosed with the degenerative neurological disorder in 2006, when he was only 46. The exact cause of Parkinson’s remains largely a mystery […]

Fight Parkinson’s disease with exercise; physical activity found to improve quality of life for PD patients

(Natural News) Physical activities such as exercise can go a long way in helping people who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease (PD), according to researchers. In an in-depth study published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, results confirm that people who live with PD will be able to improve their gait and balance, as well as […]

How Statins Can Cause Heart Problems, Neurodegenerative Disorders Like Parkinson’s

Next Story If you’ve never heard of the commonly used pharmaceutical drug “Statin,” it’s basically a prescription used to decrease “bad” cholesterol levels. It’s common for people with heart disease to take them, despite the fact that half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. In reality, cholesterol doesn’t necessarily cause heart disease. […]

Dramatic Recovery in Parkinson’s Patient with Gluten Free Diet

November 18th, 2017 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Could gluten’s toxicity extend to the nervous system, producing symptoms identical to classical Parkinson’s disease? A remarkable case study adds to a growing body of research indicating that wheat’s neurotoxicity is greatly underestimated. A remarkable case report describing the dramatic recovery of a 75-year-old Parkinson’s […]

Media Cover-Up Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease As It Ravages Her Brain

Fears have grown that Hillary Clinton’s battle with Parkinson’s disease has advanced to a stage where she is no longer able to walk unassisted. Yesterday, Hillary was seen at a Yale event using forearm crutches. While the mainstream media attributed the crutches to a broken toe, experts have pointed out that a broken toe does […]

Research: Pomegranate Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease

June 2nd, 2017 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World Pomegranate isn’t exactly the ‘new kid on the block’ where superfoods are concerned — most of us have been well-versed in the exceptional health benefits of this tasty fruit for quite some time. From its heart-healthy attributes to its ability to reduce cancer risk and […]

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