Posts Tagged ‘decades’

Houston Mayor John Whitmire says city is “broke” after decades of overspending

Houston Mayor John Whitmire says city is “broke” after decades of overspending Houston Mayor John Whitmire, a Democrat elected in December, provided a bleak warning during a City Hall meeting about the city’s “broke” finances as he proposed a five percent cut across all city spending to alleviate the cash flow problem. “I think we […]

Expert warns: Gaza faces unprecedented famine in decades as Israel tightens grip

Experts alarm over the rapid deterioration of life in Gaza, citing Israel’s stringent blockade as a catalyst for a famine crisis unseen in modern history. Source

Australian Senator Has Legislative Proof Covid Was Planned Decades Ago: ‘We Will Expose Your Global Agenda’

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts has proof the Covid-19 pandemic was “planned and globally coordinated” decades in advance by globalist figures determined to seize totalitarian control of humanity. “It has become clear that people in this […] The post Australian Senator Has Legislative Proof Covid Was Planned Decades Ago: ‘We Will Expose Your Global Agenda’ appeared […]

Alcohol Consumption on the Rise in Russia for first time in Decades due to Ukraine War

Russia’s federal statistics agency, Rosstat, has unveiled a concerning trend: the first increase in nationwide alcoholism cases in over a decade. While stress induced by the pandemic is considered a key factor, which has now ended for many years. Experts also point to “intensifying geopolitical confrontations” (Ukraine war) as contributing to this surge, as reported […]

The Decades of Evidence That SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings

How Dangerous Must a Drug Be Before it is Pulled from the Market? A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR NOV 3, 2023Most holistic doctors consider Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) anti-depressants to be one of most harmful mass-prescribed drugs on the market (it typically makes their top 5). However unlike the other drugs, which are just unsafe and […]

Study: Average IQ of College Students Has Fallen Over Decades, Now Matches The General Population

The dumbing down of America has been a deliberate multi-generational campaign by those operating the US Corporation and the MASTERS of the little child raping pervert politicians in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Portomic. If those controlling the political cabal in America did not want the people stupid they would not be mass medicating the […]

Geoengineering: destroying food supplies for decades (Rosalind Peterson)

Note the info piece by YT about contrails. EWNZ RELATEDRosalind Peterson 2007 UN Climate Change Conference Source

The Extremist Israeli Gov Has Been Waging War On Palestine For Decades & All Civilian Lives Matter

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/9/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Hezbollah Next To Attack? War Could Spiral Into Biggest In Decades

(ZH) By Saturday afternoon (local time), some 200 Palestinians have been killed, with over 1600 wounded as the Source

Mafia Boss Who’d Been On The Run For Decades Dies Just Months After Capture

Matteo Messina Denaro’s need for colon cancer treatment led to his detention. Source

BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs

From “On the Unchartered Territory Podcast, Dan Astin-Gregory and Sam X discussed globalisation, deglobalisation, centralisation, decentralisation and localisation.” “….the term “BRICS” was coined a couple of decades ago by Jim O’Neill who was the Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs”. They talked about a move away from the dominance of America, Sam said, “They even […]

Progressive groups unveil ‘Rural New Deal’ to ‘reverse decades of economic decline’

“Rebuilding and renewing supportive social and economic connections across rural and urban lines, empowering rural people and communities, moving away from extractive relationships of the past, is the course we must chart together.” Source

Mortgage demand at lowest point in decades

The demand for mortgages has dropped to the lowest point since 1996, according to a new survey. The Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index found mortgage application volume dropped nearly 3 percent last week, compared with the previous week. “Mortgage applications declined to the lowest level since December 1996, despite a drop in mortgage rates. Both purchase… […]

French Riots Show That Decades Of Mass “Colonizing Immigration” Could Lead To “Collapse”, Says Former Head Of French Counter-Intel Agency

Authored by Olivier Bault via Remix News, After mass riots during the past week shocked France and the world, the former head of France’s powerful DGSE intelligence agency says the root cause of his country’s tragic situation is above all “the dominant ideology, which has justified and even glorified the massive colonizing immigration that has […]

After less than three decades of diversity, equity and inclusion, Africa’s richest city has turned into a “crumbling hellscape”

(NaturalNews) Not too long ago, Johannesburg, the capital city of South Africa, was a wealthy, vibrant and beautiful place – an economic gem and the pride of the… Source

Vaccines not only cause SADS they also cause SIDS – and have done so for decades

BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 22, 2023 • ( 11 COMMENTS ) Once A MidWestern Doctor (“MWD”) realised the public was becoming aware of the covid-19 “vaccines” causing sudden adult death syndrome (“SADS”), MWD decided we’d reached a point where something else needed to be focused on – vaccines causing sudden infant death syndrome (“SIDS”). Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big […]

Lies, Damn Lies, And UFOs: Deciphering The Truth Hidden Amid Decades Of Propaganda

Has the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe finally been answered?  Source

Decades of Parkinson’s Data Buried, Deadly Chemical Exposed

From Dr Mercola @ Note: Due to heavy censorship Dr Mercola’s articles are archived to paid sub within 48 hours so the link below may no longer lead to the actual article Story at-a-glance Paraquat is an herbicide and registered desiccant that has been used on American farms since 1964. A desiccant is a […]

Eight decades since the Warsaw Uprising, it’s time to honour and celebrate its heroines

Regardless of gender, faith, or creed, freedom can only come with equality. When we fight together, we are stronger than even the most nefarious of history’s evils, Revital Yakin Krakovsky writes. Source

Zach Galifianakis Paid Old Homeless Woman’s Rent for Decades & Spent Time with Her as She Lost Her Family

When Zach Galifianakis met Marie “Mimi” Haist, she was volunteering in a laundromat, surviving off tips left by customers. She was only allowed to sleep between the washers and dryers so customers couldn’t see her. Haist revealed that she became homeless after her divorce and had been on the streets for decades. Even though Galifianakis […]

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