Posts Tagged ‘unveil’

Yemen to unveil further confessions of members of Israeli-US spy ring

29 Jun 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English A security source tells Al Mayadeen that the Cultural Attaché at the US embassy in Yemen was linked to the US intelligence agency, the CIA. Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent confirmed that Yemeni security services in Sanaa will broadcast confessions of members from an American-Israeli espionage […]

Princeton Scientists Unveil Breakthrough In Fusion Reactor Technology

Authored by Brian Westenhaus via, Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) utilize liquid lithium coating in fusion reactor vessels to optimize fueling and enhance plasma stability. Findings published in Nuclear Fusion highlight the importance of neutral particle density at the edge of plasma for maintaining stability and efficient fusion reactions. Ongoing research aims […]

AOC, Sanders unveil ‘Green New Deal’ for housing

Progressives on Capitol Hill believe they have the answer to one of the most vexing policy challenges facing America: another “Green New Deal,” this time centering on housing. Today, a group of lawmakers led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will gather to relaunch a so-called “Green New Deal for Public […]

Scientists Unveil ‘Missing Law’ of Nature That Explains How Everything In the Universe Evolved, Including Us

Scientists have identified a “missing law” of nature that might explain the evolution of evolving systems in the universe, including stars, chemicals, and life, reports a new study.  The so-called “law of increasing functional information" predicts that all evolving phenomena are subject to natural processes that prioritize important functions, such as stability and novelty, thereby […]

Progressive groups unveil ‘Rural New Deal’ to ‘reverse decades of economic decline’

“Rebuilding and renewing supportive social and economic connections across rural and urban lines, empowering rural people and communities, moving away from extractive relationships of the past, is the course we must chart together.” Source

Senators Unveil Bipartisan Blueprint For Comprehensive AI Regulation

READ HERE: Two United States senators unveiled a bipartisan blueprint for artificial intelligence (AI) legislation on Friday, Sept. 8, as Congress intensifies its endeavors to regulate the emerging technology.   Source

IRGC to unveil most recent strategic systems, capabilities soon

TEHRAN – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) will soon disclose its latest strategic systems and capabilities, the IRGC spokesman announced on Monday. Source

Iranian Studies Center to unveil Persian paintings inspired by Nezami poetry

TEHRAN – The Iranian Studies Center plans to unveil five Persian paintings produced based on stories from the works of Nezami Ganjavi, the greatest romantic epic poet in classical Persian literature. Source

Iran Armed Forces Cmdr.: Army to Unveil New Achievement in a Few Hours (First Underground Air Force “Oqab 44” Base)

February 7, 2023  By Staff, Agencies Chief of Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on Tuesday that the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran will unveil a new achievement in a few hours. General Baqeri addressed the ceremony of renewing the allegiance to the ideals of the founding father of […]

Making France work until 65: PM to unveil controversial new pension reform

It is expected that the retirement age will be raised from 62 currently, to 64 or 65. Source

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

Clinton Investigator Ken Starr Dies at 76; Republicans Unveil Federal Late-Term Abortion Ban | NTD Evening News

Attorney Ken Starr, who led the Whitewater investigation into former President Bill Clinton and defended former President Donald Trump at his impeachment trial, died on Sept. 13, aged 76. Sen. Lindsey Graham and other Republican lawmakers have unveiled a bill that would ban many abortions at a federal level. * Click the “Save” button below […]

US, UK Unveil A Combined $2BN More In Ukraine Security Aid, Including “Offensive” Weapons

During his Thursday news conference at the Madrid NATO summit, President Biden announced yet more Ukraine security aid – this time to the tune of $800 million in the next round of security assistance. But what stood out compared to prior announcements of aid is that this includes some “offensive” weapons, in addition to air defense systems, which […]

Tennessee Republicans to Unveil Congressional Redistricting Map that Could Change Delegation to 8 to 1 GOP Advantage

Tennessee Speaker of the House Cam Sexton (R-Crossville) said on Monday that a new map of the boundaries of the state’s nine congressional districts will be unveiled at a House committee hearing on Wednesday. If the new map is approved and withstands any potential legal challenge, it could change the partisan makeup of the Tennessee […]

Putin Says Russia Ready To Unveil New Hypersonic Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed a new hypersonic weapon during a speech at the Russia Calling! Investment conference hosted by VTB Bank on Tuesday, according to RT News. He told attendees the new weapon is a high-speed missile that is “necessary” as a defense shield against “Western actions.” “We have already successfully conducted tests, and […]

Democrats Unveil ‘Tread On Me’ Flag

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Standing atop a large dais being held up by dozens of American citizens, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar unveiled a new flag they felt best represented the Democratic party’s goal for the role of government. Centered in the bright yellow flag was an image of a snake being squashed under […]

Feds declare anti-vaxxers are “terrorists,” unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence and blame it on “anti-lockdown extremists”

Just as we repeatedly warned would happen, the corrupt, criminally-run federal government has just declared war against the American people. In a widely-circulated Homeland Security warning, the federal government declared that anyone who opposes vaccines, masks, social distancing, or lockdowns poses a “potential terror threat” to society at large. Dubbed a “National Terrorism Alert” by CIA-run […]

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