Posts Tagged ‘commitment’

COVID-19 Tested Our Commitment to Freedom. Three Years Later, We’re Still Failing

The government never cedes power willingly. Neither should we. Source

Germany’s Commitment To End Coal By 2030 Is A Never-Ending Shell Game

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Place the idea of Germany ending coal use by 2030 on the list of energy things that has little chance of happening… Here is an article from November 2, 2022 that serves as a nice background starting point for today’s discussion. Reuters reports Germany’s Cabinet Approves Accelerated Coal Exit by 2030 in […]

The True Test of One’s Commitment to Free Speech

One’s commitment to the foundational, noble ideals of Western, liberal society is most revealingly tested in times of emergency and mortal danger. Core principles such as individualism, bodily autonomy, tolerance, pluralism, and informed consent are easy to support in abstract theory — until such issues carry real societal ramifications and reputational costs. The past few […]

Apple Touts Commitment to ‘Mother Nature’ in Cringe Climate Change Ad

Apple CEO Tim Cook released a cringeworthy ad on Tuesday featuring Apple execs touting their commitment to Mother Nature — as represented by a sassy black woman — and pledging to make all Apple products “have a net zero climate impact by 2030.” “Our aim is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere,” one Apple […]

‘We Will Uphold Moral and Historic Commitment to Hongkongers,’ Said UK Home Office

The British Home Office recently announced that since the launch of the British National (Overseas) (BNO) visa scheme in 2020, more than 140,000 Hongkongers have been able to live and work in the UK. Robert Jenrick, British Home Office Minister, praised the Hongkongers who migrated to Britain for contributing to the local community and economy, […]

Biden’s woke, politicized CDC orders schools to make commitment to ‘LGBTQ inclusivity’

(Natural News) When the precursory agency to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was founded in Atlanta, Ga., on July 1, 1946, it was envisioned to be an institution dedicated to work on malaria, typhus, and other infectious diseases. It was located down south, and not in Washington, D.C., because that’s where most of the… […]

CDC Pushes Teachers to Measure Commitment to ‘LGBTQ Inclusivity’ Instruction

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an “assessment tool” for teachers and school administrators to measure their commitment to “LGBTQ inclusivity” in their classrooms. Source

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

McCarthy, House Republicans Unveil ‘Commitment to America’

Monongahela, Pa.—Surrounded by Republican House leaders and representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) unveiled the party’s “Commitment to America” plan on Sept. 22 in front of an enthusiastic crowd at a manufacturing plant south of Pittsburgh. The platform was developed with input from Republicans nationwide, reflecting a mission to provide guidance from House members […]

The Kiev regime’s nefarious commitment to genociding all Russian speakers as well as total alignment with NATO’s proxy war, makes it necessary for Moscow to take the entire Ukraine territory.

Putin’s latest comments reveal that Moscow’s thinking has shifted and compromise is no longer on the agenda Dmitry Trenin is a Research Professor at the Higher School of Economics and a Lead Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council. Last […]

Kuwait always proves commitment to Palestinians and their cause, says veteran activist

The head of the International Committee to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People (ICSPR) has said that Kuwait has always demonstrated its commitment and loyalty to the Palestinians and their just cause. Dr Essam Yousef added that Kuwait’s positions adopted by its leaders, people and governments are not surprising. “Kuwait has never faltered for […]

Kuwait always proves commitment to Palestinians and their cause, says veteran activist

The head of the International Committee to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People (ICSPR) has said that Kuwait has always demonstrated its commitment and loyalty to the Palestinians and their just cause. Dr Essam Yousef added that Kuwait’s positions adopted by its leaders, people and governments are not surprising. “Kuwait has never faltered for […]

Kuwait always proves commitment to Palestinians and their cause, says veteran activist

The head of the International Committee to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People (ICSPR) has said that Kuwait has always demonstrated its commitment and loyalty to the Palestinians and their just cause. Dr Essam Yousef added that Kuwait’s positions adopted by its leaders, people and governments are not surprising. “Kuwait has never faltered for […]

Kuwait always proves commitment to Palestinians and their cause, says veteran activist

The head of the International Committee to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People (ICSPR) has said that Kuwait has always demonstrated its commitment and loyalty to the Palestinians and their just cause. Dr Essam Yousef added that Kuwait’s positions adopted by its leaders, people and governments are not surprising. “Kuwait has never faltered for […]

Unilever CEO Pledges Full Commitment to Israel in Groveling Letter to ADL Head Jonathan Greenblatt

By Chris Menahan Unilever CEO Alan Jope, the head of one of the biggest multinational corporations in the world, wrote a letter on Tuesday to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt begging for forgiveness over Ben and Jerry’s independent decision to end sales in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and pledging his full commitment to Israel. Greenblatt […]

America’s ironclad commitment to Israel is more ideological than logical

Two central pillars of U.S. foreign policy discourse have long been to be staunchly pro-Israel, while maintaining the language of Iran as a menacing threat. This dual discourse is so ingrained in U.S. policy thinking that its rhetoric bleeds into American popular culture. But what is the merit of this unquestionable policy position in terms […]

The Latest: Kerry launches Day 2 of summit with commitment

The Latest on President Joe Biden s global climate summit (all times local): 8:45 a.m. U.S. climate envoy John Kerry has kicked off the second day of the global climate summit with a commitment to meet the challenge with historic amount of new investment. The former secretary of state said Friday he heard from representatives […]

Blinken: US Commitment to Israel ‘Ironclad’

(JNS) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that America’s commitment to Israel is “ironclad,” and that he—and the Biden administration—supports more normalization agreements. Blinken appeared as part of a virtual event hosted by Israel’s embassy in Washington for Israeli Independence Day, which also featured U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader […]

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