Posts Tagged ‘Letter’

A reading in Joe Biden’s letter to Hertzel

May 20, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Al Mayadeen English Bouthaina Shaaban The students of over 70 American universities expressed in their graduation ceremony the noblest feelings of the conscience of the American people. But what Biden doesn’t know is that he and his entire system will not be able in the near future […]

Thousands of Columbia University alumni sign letter vowing to withhold financial support over war in Gaza

(NaturalNews) Columbia University alumni have issued a letter threatening to withhold financial support over the Gaza war if the Ivy League school does not meet… Source

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now

It is with a heavy heart, but a hopeful spirit, that I write this. After all, it is not easy to acknowledge that one stands in a historical place where one is able to glimpse nothing less than the possible, but fortunately not probable, demise of a society characterised by the predominance of freedom.  I […]

Open letter to University heads: Listen to your courageous students and divest from Israel

As people of faith we believe in a better way. It is not too late for you to change course and rid yourself of deadly investments in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Join your courageous students and divest now.  Source

Letter From 49 Senators To The President

may 1st 2024 By Door to Freedom The letter calls for the administration to withdraw support for the current Pandemic Treaty negotiations and the International Health Regulation amendment negotiations. (Español) In light of the high stakes for our country and our constitutional duty, we call upon you to (1) withdraw your administration’s support for the […]

An Open Letter to Florida Attorney Jeff Childers…..

…and to all the Christian Zionists and Evangelicals at Coffee & Covid Hi Jeff, Let’s begin by acknowledging all the great work you’ve done for the people of Florida over the years on many important fronts. Let’a also offer our deep gratitude to you for the awesome research and invaluable advocacy you have conducted regarding […]

The WHO Proposals: An Open Letter

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In late May of this year, representatives of our governments will meet in Geneva, Switzerland, to vote on acceptance of two documents that, taken together, are intended to transform international public health and the way States act when the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declares an emergency. These […]

READ: Nathan Wade’s resignation letter

Nathan Wade, who helped lead former President Trump’s criminal prosecution in Georgia, resigned on Friday after a Georgia judge ruled that either he or Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) must step down due to a conflict of interest. Judge Scott McAfee’s decision comes after news broke in January that Willis and Wade engaged in a once-romantic relationship.… […]

Open letter from Asians and Asian Americans in support of Palestine and rejecting Zionism

A broad coalition of Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and other organizations working for justice and equity call on the API Council to reject the Jewish Community Relations Council’s “Outstanding Community Partner Award.” Source



UK Elderly Couple Ordered in a Council Letter to Sell Their House as its Needed to House Migrants

An elderly couple who had just moved into their £200,000 house were horrified to receive a letter from their council suggesting the property could be subject to compulsory purchase and used to house asylum seekers. Jose and Ted Saunders said they were ‘insulted and shocked’ when the strongly-worded letter from North Northamptonshire Council – which […]

An Open Letter to the Davos Crowd 

Dear self-styled “global elites:” No doubt, should this missive ever come to your attention, you will simply dismiss me as a “conspiracy theorist.” But no theorizing is necessary when the conspirators keep admitting to it, repeatedly speaking the quiet part out loud. Your creepy Bond-villain in chief, Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, […]

Open letter on the anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic environment at Emory University

Students at Emory University have been targeted by racist, anti-Palestinian, xenophobic, and Islamophobic harassment and attacks for their support for Palestinian human rights. Instead of helping, Emory has committed discriminatory acts of its own. Source

A Bit From a Great Aunt’s Letter About How The yankee “soldiers” “Fought” the War

Seated left, my great grandfather Carleton, grandson of an American Revolutionary War soldier who served three years under Washington, grandson of another American Revolutionary War soldier who served six years under Washington, the last 3 as a scout for Washington’s army, Great Grandson of another American Revolutionary War soldier who died soon after the war […]

Sayyed Nasrallah addresses the 12th Gaza Conference through a letter

January 21, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah sits at his desk and poses for a picture before a speech (Hezbollah Military Media) By Al Mayadeen English Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah makes a monumental address to the 12th Gaza Conference in Iran, discussing a myriad of points. The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, […]

MUST READ! An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability

See names of all 231 signatories here:   Source

Victoria Police – template letter of empty threats (Enforcement warrants and seven-day notices)

Enforcement warrants and seven-day notices. “DO NOT IGNORE THIS LETTER” or rather should it be ‘IGNORE THIS LETTER’? Some citizens or rather ‘sovereign citizens’ or the ‘free man’ on the land may interpret this letter as an offer to contract, but the reality is quite different. You’ve already ‘contracted’ with your friendly police force, hence you […]

Victoria Police – template letter of empty threats

DO NOT IGNORE THIS LETTER or rather should it be ‘IGNORE THIS LETTER’? Some citizens or rather ‘sovereign citizens’ or the ‘free man’ on the land may interpret this letter as an offer to contract, but the reality is quite different. You’ve already ‘contracted’ with your friendly police force, hence you are the proud recipient […]

Signatories Of Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Now Demand Greater Domestic Surveillance

Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, A handful of the 51 signatories of the debunked letter which falsely called Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation” are now calling on Congress to expand the scope of domestic surveillance in the United States… As reported by the Daily Caller, the letter to House lawmakers on Tuesday was signed […]

The Guardian DELETES Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America” 22 years after the fact, after waves of American youth call it “mind blowing” and “game changing”

The Guardian DELETES Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America” 22 years after the fact, after waves of American youth call it “mind blowing” and “game changing” On Nov. 15, 2023, the popular United Kingdom-based The Guardian media outlet removed Osama bin Laden’s infamous “letter to the American people,” first published on Nov. 24, 2022, because […]

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