Victoria Police – template letter of empty threats (Enforcement warrants and seven-day notices)

Enforcement warrants and seven-day notices.


Some citizens or rather ‘sovereign citizens’ or the ‘free man’ on the land may interpret this letter as an offer to contract, but the reality is quite different.

You’ve already ‘contracted’ with your friendly police force, hence you are the proud recipient of this letter.

In this letter Victoria Police claim that there is in ‘outstanding’ (as in spectacular?) warrant to arrest.

They then state that if you do not respond within 7 days (where 14, is normally acceptable, and 28 can also be used), the police will ‘assume’ that you are avoiding them.

What about if you’re on holidays locally, interstate or overseas? What about if your work has taken you away from home for a month? What about if you’ve landed in hospital had an operation or three, and have gone into rehabilitation for a couple of months?

This is clearly an oppressive ‘penal colony policy’ by those in government.

First and foremost, you are ‘guilty’ of whatever they conjure up, oh, that’s strict liability and absolute liability. See post: The difference between Absolute and Strict Liability

Victoria Police then lists 5 actions where you will be punished as a result of not showing up within 7 days.

1). Victoria Police will then inform ‘Social Security’ a federal jurisdiction, that you are ‘Unlawfully at Liberty’, an illegal action by VicPol.

2). Victoria Police states that they will Break, Enter and Search ANY PLACE where you are suspected to be, INCLUDING your place of employment. Well, they better be sure that every ‘i’ is dotted and ‘t’ is crossed, where the so called warrant is stamped and signed by the relative issuing authority, where you could also obtain the affidavit for this action if the need arises.

3). Victoria Police also states that they will release your photo to media outlets, where not only this is a breach of your privacy, but also could result in a lawsuit for defamation, which they don’t care as it’s the tax payers that are paying, if the lawsuit becomes successful and not the actioning police person. 

4). Victoria Police states that any motor vehicle that is registered in your name may be subject to police ‘scrutiny’, define scrutiny, as in roadworthy?

5). Victoria Police also states that if there are any ‘outstanding’ fines with the Sheriff’s Office, Victoria Police ‘may’ contact the Sheriff’s Office to request you Driver’s Licence to be suspended.

This therefore indicates that the (lawfully appointed) Sheriff or the lawfully appointed Sheriff’s officer, persons that are subject to the Supreme Court of Victoria, will act under the dictation of Victoria Police, an unlawful action.

The person that was mentioned in this letter, did not attend the police station, where after 7 days and later on 3 years the above five threats did not occur.


Because Victoria Police never possessed any lawfully issued warrant.


Familiarise yourself with your state’s Bench Warrant, which must be signed, stamped and dated in order for it to be valid.


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