Posts Tagged ‘davos’

Summer Davos Concludes

The World Economic Forum has wrapped their “Summer Davos” shindig in Dalian, China, where they talked about rolling out a 100% global carbon tax, to be followed by a global water tax. This is a surcharge by the WEF on the entire world. This is part of their business model to make everything more expensive, […]

F. William Engdahl – The Dark Origins of the Davos’ Great Reset

  Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the … Read the rest Source

Mountain Hotel in Davos Has Denied the Rental of Skiing Equipment to Jewish Guests, Citing Persistent Obnoxious Behavior, Property Damage & Theft

The Pischa mountain restaurant hotel in Davos, Switzerland, has announced it will no longer rent out skiing and other snow-sports equipment to Jewish guests, due to an alleged long history of unruly behavior, property damage and theft. The establishment faced accusations of anti-Semitism, causing a major scandal and a police investigation. The offensive notice appeared […]

An Open Letter to the Davos Crowd 

Dear self-styled “global elites:” No doubt, should this missive ever come to your attention, you will simply dismiss me as a “conspiracy theorist.” But no theorizing is necessary when the conspirators keep admitting to it, repeatedly speaking the quiet part out loud. Your creepy Bond-villain in chief, Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, […]

Davos Attendee Calls for AI Regulation To Prevent Chatbots From “Potentially Spewing Misinformation”

feb 2 2024 The World Economic Forum (WEF) annual gathering of elected and unelected elites from around the world is once more under way in Switzerland’s Davos, and this year AI is unsurprisingly garnering a fair share of attention. More precisely, how to harness its power, including through new regulation, but as one participant, DeepLearning.AI […]

Your Tax Dollars for Davos

A few weeks ago, while watching the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum for updates on their coordinated strategy to promote Central Bank Digital Currencies and digital tyranny, something on my Twitter/X feed caught my attention.  Amidst these events, Congressman Scott Perry introduced the “Defund Davos Act.” Initially, I was shocked to learn […]

Bizarre Satanic Tapestry Displayed at WEF Davos Summit

A curious and disturbing work of “art” has gone viral in the wake of the globalists’ recent annual Davos summit in Switzerland. It began when journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the annual globalist confab and infiltrated a conference room full of elites talking about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. During their discussion, Taunton’s […]

What we learned at Davos 2024: global aristocracy intends on ‘Rebuilding Trust’ through censorship and surveillance

Here’s what we learned about the plans our technocratic tyrant overlords have for us, along with a series of highlights (the good, the bad, and the notable) from the annual Swiss mountain retreat. Source

Disease-X and Davos: This is Not the Way to Evaluate and Formulate Public Health Policy

[Full PDF of report is available below] Private Interest and the Development of Pandemic Policy Public health messaging should provide accurate information so that the public and their leadership can formulate appropriate responses, weighed against society’s competing priorities. Planning for the future requires scarce resources to be concentrated on areas of greatest need and with […]

Argentina President Javier Milei Promotes Freedom at Davos 2024 (Full Speech)

Yesterday, Milei said he wanted “to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda.” Today (1/17/24), introduced by no one other than Klaus Schwab, Milei did just that and more. First, he warned a room of collectivists about the problems with collectivism: “The main leaders of the […]

Emhoff to address antisemitism, gender equity in Davos

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff is set to travel Wednesday to Davos, Switzerland, focused on addressing antisemitism and gender equity. Emhoff will be in Davos from through Saturday to attend the World Economic Forum annual meeting. While there, he will highlight the Biden-Harris administration’s “commitment to countering the global rise of Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and hate of… […]

Liz Gunn with UK MP Andrew Bridgen (who was invited to Davos same day as his Parliamentary debate on excess deaths!)

Andrew declined the invitation of course! Hear him speak about the sabotage he has experienced by those who would silence him…Andrew has blown the whistle in the UK Parliament about excess deaths and other matters of corruption for a long time (10+ yrs) and currently now has 16 other MPs on board with the excess […]

Just Stop Sadiq Khan – WEF enemy agent & ULEZ Fraudster – Airmiles To Davos & Back

Sanctimonious hypocrite Sadiq Khan whilst peddling his CO2 fearing hysteria obviously doesn’t care a jot about we ordinary people. His only concern seems to be implementing his vicious globalist road charging schemes and pleasing his masters at the World Economic Forum by targetting the poor. The rich can afford to pay to play. Astonishingly it […]

IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit

There’s literally too many invitees to include all their photographs… Disney, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Open AI, Netflix, CNN and other multi-billion dollar corporations will be gathering for this secretive meeting, where the fate of humanity, and Idaho’s future will be decided. Even Russell Brand has picked up on it. Watch: Source

“Welcome to 2030…I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better…” (from Davos)

Note: You will own nothing. They already own private jets, travel at leisure & really don’t care about their carbon footprint because they know of course it is a scam … EWR This is a recent video from Jan Markell @ Olive Tree Ministries. If you want a sweeping coverage of the WEF intentions for […]

Davos 2023 – Whistling Past the Great Reset’s Graveyard

Tom Luongo Gold Goats ‘n Guns In November 2021 I wrote a piece entitled “Have We Finally Reached Peak Davos?” This article was scarily spot on. When you’ve written as much as I have over the past five years, however, it’s easy to look back and point at how prescient you were. Even if you’ve […]

Young climate activists at Davos want fossil fuel execs to ‘cease and desist’ new oil, gas or coal extraction

“I just think it sends a message of where we’re headed right now, if we’re putting the heads of fossil fuel companies to lead climate negotiations.” Source

WEF 2023 Summit in Davos Report (Part 2)

In this second part of the report things escalate to new Twilight Zone heights. Source

WEF 2023 Summit in Davos Report (Part 1)

The entities which have gathered recently at this recent WEF summit are basically the old Pirates of the Caribbean who attended Chabad on Saturdays, the famous gangsters in the movies, the Soviet judeo-commissars, the bankers who run the FED, you name them. Source

The Seedy Side of Davos

If, like me, you assumed World Economic Forum meetings were full of altruistic, visionary leaders sourcing the most nutritious bugs for us to eat in our future (rented) EcoPods, you may be shocked at the Mail’s latest article, which claims that, at Davos, “pointing at the ceiling in a bar is all it takes to order sex”. […]

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