Posts Tagged ‘parliamentary’

Long Queues Reported as Iranians Vote in Parliamentary, Assembly Elections

 March 1, 2024 Iran – Middle East – News – Story of the day – Top Long queues reported across the Islamic Republic’s polling stations on Friday as Iranian voters cast ballots to elect the country’s next parliament and the powerful Assembly of Experts. Voters in Iran are heading to the polls to select the members of the country’s 290-seat legislature. Voters are […]

Liz Gunn with UK MP Andrew Bridgen (who was invited to Davos same day as his Parliamentary debate on excess deaths!)

Andrew declined the invitation of course! Hear him speak about the sabotage he has experienced by those who would silence him…Andrew has blown the whistle in the UK Parliament about excess deaths and other matters of corruption for a long time (10+ yrs) and currently now has 16 other MPs on board with the excess […]

How a foreign entity removed Australian parliamentary records from the internet

MANY people believe that Australians live in a democratic nation, but the reality is far from this. People may also believe that ‘free speech’ is available to them on this medium called the internet. One way of describing the reality we live in is that of a totalitarian, fascist corporatocracy both in reality and on […]

Rumble Slams ‘Disturbing’ Request From UK Parliamentary Committee To Demonetize Russell Brand

The video platform Rumble has rejected the British Government’s request to demonetize Russell Brand. The government insists that they are prtecting the “victims”…..despite NO trial & NO criminal charges Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski ssued his […] The post Rumble Slams ‘Disturbing’ Request From UK Parliamentary Committee To Demonetize Russell Brand appeared first on The People's […]

All political groups have pre-registered for parliamentary elections, says interior minister

TEHRAN – Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi told reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet session on Wednesday that candidates from diverse political factions have pre-registered to run in the parliamentary elections, which will be held in late winter. Source

Campaigners must keep up the pressure following parliamentary votes on Britain’s anti-boycott bill

On Monday, July 3, MPs in Britain voted, for the first time, on the government’s controversial anti-boycott bill. Despite winning the vote, allowing the proposal to proceed to the next parliamentary stage, ministers endured a rocky time amidst outspoken opposition, including from within their own Conservative (Tory) Party. Activists and civil society groups should be […]

Denmark rejects demand for parliamentary debate on hijab ban in schools

The Danish government has rejected a far-right political party's demand for a parliamentary debate on imposing a ban on headscarves in schools, Anadolu News Agency reports. Immigration Minister, Kaare Dybvad Bek, said in a written comment on Tuesday that the proposed ban would be contrary to the Danish law and the country's global commitments. "It […]

A Parliamentary Republic in Mongolia: Why Russia isn’t Losing Anything

In the last months of 2022 and now in the first decades of 2023, political and civil society discourse in Mongolia has resumed with calls for constitutional change. Calls for legislative change became especially loud when the largest corruption scandal in the country’s recent history was uncovered, involving the theft of coal from Mongolia’s strategic […]

Former PM Morrison Flags Post-Parliamentary Venture

Former prime minister Scott Morrison has registered a private company as speculation swirls that he will exit parliament prior to the next election. Morrison is the director and sole shareholder in Triginta Pty Ltd, according to his declaration of members’ interests. The company name means “30” in Latin, likely to be a reference to him […]

China’s annual parliamentary session closes in Beijing

China’s yearly parliamentary session closes at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The annual meeting is a week of highly choreographed meetings laying out the party’s political priorities, economic expectations, and foreign policy goals, and this edition comes in a year in which President Xi Jinping intends to further cement his grip on […]

Turkish opposition parties vow return to parliamentary democracy

Six opposition parties in Turkey have pledged to bring back parliamentary democracy and scrap the executive presidential system introduced by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The party leaders signed a 48-page declaration to introduce a “Strengthened Parliamentary System” in a ceremony in Ankara on Monday. The shift to democracy will only occur if the opposition unseats Erdoğan […]

Portugal heads to the polls in decisive parliamentary elections, analysts predict a tie

Portugal’s socialist prime minister Antonio Costa is facing a high-stakes snap parliamentary election in which the far-right could make a breakthrough. Polling stations opened at 8 am on Sunday, and exit poll projections will be released by 8 pm. “We have defeated austerity and stagnation, we were defeating the pandemic and on Sunday we will […]

Lebanese Independence at Stake as Parliamentary Elections Intended to Make Major Political Change

Jan 2 2022 By Mohammad Youssef The US administration, ‘Israel’, and many pro-America Arab countries are harboring hopes that the next parliamentary elections in Lebanon in mid May 2022 will be a landmark as it will bring a new majority that will lead the country in their direction, as they all assume. Many plans are […]

Explosive Rise in Ontario Stillbirths Triggers Parliamentary Questions, Denials From Government

Questions were raised in Ontario’s Parliament by MPP Rick Nicholls about the explosive rise of stillbirths among fully vaccinated women in the country. Nicholls gave an example of Waterloo, Ontario where 86 cases of stillbirths have been reported in six months, compared to typically five to six per year. “But now Minister, I shed tears of sorrow. […]

Bagheri briefs parliamentary committee on result of talks with Europeans

Bagheri briefs parliamentary committee on result of talks with Europeans – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani presented a report on the results of his nuclear talks with his European counterparts, the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee spokesman Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini said in an interview with […]

Polls open for Bulgaria’s third parliamentary election this year

Polls opened in Bulgaria on Sunday as voters choose a new parliament and, possibly, a new President. Incumbent Rumen Radev is tipped to be re-elected after a run-off vote on November 21st. Among those hoping to make gains is Kiril Petkov and his newly formed “We Continue To Change” party. The party was created by […]

Iraq’s parliamentary vote marred by boycott, voter apathy

Polls closed at 1500 GMT following 11 hours of voting. Results are expected within the next 24 hours, according to the independent body that oversees Iraq’s election. But negotiations to choose a prime minister tasked with forming a government are expected to drag on for weeks or even months. The election was the sixth held […]

Italy parliamentary committee attempts to get Regeni’s tutor to testify in upcoming trial

The Italian parliamentary committee which visited Cambridge, where murdered student Giulio Regeni was studying for his PhD, is trying to persuade his tutor Dr Maha Mahfouz Abdelrahman to testify over the nature of Regeni’s studies.

Ethiopia after its Parliamentary Elections that Failed to Resolve Anything

In the midst of an extremely tense political situation, both inside Ethiopia and in terms of tension with its neighbors Sudan and Egypt over its controversial project to build the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, parliamentary elections were held in the country.  This was the sixth general election since the current regime came to power more […]

Full Transcript of MP Derek Sloan’s Parliamentary Press Conference Regarding the Censorship of Doctors and Scientists in Canada, Featuring the Explosive Testimony of Vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle

Previously, we featured a member of a Canadian Legislature warning about internment camps popping up across the country. Now, we feature a Canadian Member of Parliament, who managed to get away with hosting a Press Conference on Parliament Hill itself on 17th June 2021. This 39 minute long video will best be remembered for the […]

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