Posts Tagged ‘transcript’

Unearthed Jan. 6 transcript completely debunks House Select Committee’s narrative about Trump and the Capitol riot

(NaturalNews) In the final report of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol, it claimed that it found no… Source

Full Transcript of the Interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis in Watch the Water 2

This is not some venomous tale. This is the most cutting edge research into Covid19/Covid19 vaccines to date (And a testimony to the sad state of today’s world). The post Full Transcript of the Interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis in Watch the Water 2 first appeared on Cabal Times. Source

Transcript with Sources: MP Andrew Bridgen on Deafening Silence on Historically High, Non-COVID, Vaccine-Related Excess Deaths

(View at Rumble) UK Parliament Official Transcript: Sources for Speech October 20, 2023 “We have experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole of 2020.  Number of excess deaths according to Office for Health Improvements and Disparities Mar-Dec 2020 (there were fewer deaths than expected in Jan and Feb 2020 according to ONS) 69,293 Jul 2021 […]

Sitrep: UNSC on biolabs in the Ukraine + Russia Transcript

March 11, 2022 A quote from the Sirius Report: Whatever people’s opinion are about the war, one thing that should alarm everyone is the attempt in the west to effectively wipe out any vestige of Russia, including its language, culture and effectively the people. This is a very short report.  The hatred was so palpable […]

Full Transcript of Dr. Dan Stock’s address to the Mt. Vernon School Board

Dr. Dan Stock, a specialist in Immunology and Inflammation, gave a six minute presentation to a US School Board on 6th August 2021, in which he made an articulate case that the CDC’s Covid-19 protocols were not just futile, but unscientific. He drew attention to the fact that since Covid-19 had animal reservoirs, it will […]

Transcript of Dr. Charles Hoffe Interview on how mRNA Vaccines cause Blood Clots, and how up to 60% of mRNA Vaccine Recipients could succumb to Heart Failure!

Dr. Charles Hoffe practices in Lytton, British Columbia (Canada). The following is a partial transcript of a video interview of Canadian Doctor Dr. Charles Hoffe, which was conducted by Christian Evangelist Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson around 6th July 2021. I have decided to transcribe some statements of Dr. Hoffe because in my opinion, they are […]

Full Transcript of MP Derek Sloan’s Parliamentary Press Conference Regarding the Censorship of Doctors and Scientists in Canada, Featuring the Explosive Testimony of Vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle

Previously, we featured a member of a Canadian Legislature warning about internment camps popping up across the country. Now, we feature a Canadian Member of Parliament, who managed to get away with hosting a Press Conference on Parliament Hill itself on 17th June 2021. This 39 minute long video will best be remembered for the […]

Full text: Joe Biden inauguration speech transcript

A day of history and hope. Of renewal and resolve. Through a crucible for the ages America has been tested anew and America has risen to the challenge. Today, we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democracy. The will of the people has been heard and the […]

Donald Trump inauguration speech: Read the full transcript from 2017

As Donald Trump leaves office after four years as commander-in-chief, read what the controversial president said in his first – and only – inauguration speech in 2017: Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world – thank you. We the citizens of America are now […]

Donald Trump inauguration speech: Read the full transcript from 2017 OLD

As Donald Trump leaves office after four years as commander-in-chief, read what the controversial president said in his first – and only – inauguration speech in 2017: Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world – thank you. We the citizens of America are now […]

Voter Fraud | Full transcript: Trump legal team press conference from Nov. 18 – Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis

(Natural News) Trump Campaign Legal Team Holds Press Conference, Nov. 18th. Transcript by, Rudy Giuliani: Good afternoon. Thank you very much for coming. This is representative of our legal team. We’re representing President Trump and we’re representing the Trump campaign. When I finished, Sidney Powell and then Jenna Ellis will follow me and we will […]

Here’s the Democrat-run Communist Game Plan to Take Over the USA (Video + Transcript)

– Lecture by G. Edward Griffin 1969 – VIDEO: Blueprint for Revolution in America…. This address by G. Edward Griffin in 1969 is as current as today’s headlines. Mr. Griffin shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution: one is violent, the other is non-violent. While most people think only […]

Full Transcript of the Covid “Crimes Against Humanity” Video

Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic” Full Transcript: “Crimes Against Humanity” [embedded content] OPINION BY REINER FUELLMICH Originally posted at Global Research The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020. Their conclusions are the following:  The corona […]

President Assad Interview with Sputnik TV and the Full Interview Transcript

[embedded content] Syrian President Bashar Al Assad gave a couple of interviews to Russian media commemorating the Russian fifth year of military intervention in Syria aiding the Syrian army combating US-sponsored terror. In this interview with the Russian Sputnik TV addresses a number of current topics including the Turkish instigation of the current escalations in Nagorno-Karabach, […]

FBI Tipster Transcript Leaked: Cruz Will "Get Into A School And Shoot The Place Up": Full Text

A person close to Nikolas Cruz, the teenager accused of killing 17 people at a Florida high school on Valentines day, warned the FBI she was concerned Cruz would “get into a school and just shoot the place up,” according to a leaked transcript of her call to the bureau’s tip line one month […]

Hassan Nasrallah To Jews: ‘Flee Israel Before Its Destruction’ (Video and Transcript)

TRANSCRIPT FOLLOWED BY VIDEO Transcript:   Israel continues to issue direct threats against Lebanon, promising to destroy it completely in a next war. There is always someone there who stands up and says, “In the next war, we will leave nothing but ruins behind us.  We will return Lebanon to what it was 100-200 ago.” […]

1938 Transcript Exposed Masonic Banker Conspiracy

(left, Christian Rakovsky with Leon Trotsky c. 1924. Trotsky, an agent of the Illuminati Jewish central bankers was supposed to succeed Lenin but Stalin beat him to it.)  Organized Jewry (including Zionism) and Freemasonry are all instruments of this agenda.  Related– We Have De Facto Communism  and Bella Dodd: The NWO is Communism This is […]

In leaked transcript of White House call, Trump lauds Israel’s wall

Today the Washington Post published a leaked transcript of classified calls that took place in January 2017 where Donald Trump name-dropped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the President of Mexico. “Bibi Netanyahu told me the wall works,” Trump said to Enrique Peña Nieto in efforts to convince him to pay for construction of a wall […]

SELL OUT: Whole Foods partners with Monsanto to endorse fake GMO-labeling bill that’s actually an ANTI-labeling bill with zero penalties for non-compliance

(NaturalNews) What is it about large corporations and transparency that the two seldom mix? And here’s another question: If you don’t have any morals or a soul, then is there ever a point where you think you’ve gone too far or have actually done something wrong? These two questions immediately came to my […]

Istanbul Airport Terrorist Attack – An Act of the Israeli Mossad?

Istanbul Airport Terrorist Attack – An Act of the Israeli Mossad? Who is behind the horrific attack against travelers in the Istanbul International Airport? It does not make any sense that faithful Muslims would slaughter other Islamic people, innocents in an airport, especially during the holy month of Ramadhan. However, the Zionists would do so, and […]

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