Posts Tagged ‘hoffe’

Dr. Charles Hoffe: In My Practice 2/3rds Of All Cancer Diagnosis is Stage 4 Since The Vaccine Rollout

“These cancers are aggressive and seem very resistant to treatment.” LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY APR 21 READ IN APP Dr. Charles Hoffe: As a family doctor a small percentage of cancer patients would be diagnosed with stage 4. Now … Read the rest Source

Canada waging war on Dr. Charles Hoffe for speaking out publicly against covid “vaccines”

(Natural News) One of the first medical professionals to be targeted and hunted down by the medical establishment for using a D-Dimer test to prove Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” damage, Dr. Charles Hoffe is once again speaking out about the dangers of getting covid injected. The southern British Columbia-based emergency room and family doctor says […]


June 29th, 2022. Dr. Charles Hoffe spoke at the Stand United Nationwide Rally outside the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons offices, Vancouver, June 24, 2022. _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Donate Crypto _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could […]

Dr. Charles Hoffe Claims Majority of Covid Shots Are Causing Small Blood Clots

Dr. Charles Hoffe is a Canadian doctor who apparently injected a bunch of patients with Covid “vaccines” and then realized the devastating effects they were having. Here he is saying that most of the shots are causing blood clots, but we are only hearing about the big ones. Link Share now! Source

Transcript of Dr. Charles Hoffe Interview on how mRNA Vaccines cause Blood Clots, and how up to 60% of mRNA Vaccine Recipients could succumb to Heart Failure!

Dr. Charles Hoffe practices in Lytton, British Columbia (Canada). The following is a partial transcript of a video interview of Canadian Doctor Dr. Charles Hoffe, which was conducted by Christian Evangelist Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson around 6th July 2021. I have decided to transcribe some statements of Dr. Hoffe because in my opinion, they are […]

Dr. Charles Hoffe: mRNA Vaccines ‘Will Kill Most People’ Through Heart Failure & 62% Already Have Microscopic Blood Clots

The vast majority of people who are getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will die within a few short years from heart failure, warns Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D., a medical practitioner in British Columbia, Canada. In one of his latest updates, Dr. Hoffe explains that he is observing in his patients who took an […]

Vaccine Side Effects & Deaths at Alarming Rates – Dr. Charles D. Hoffe Interview

This Canadian doctor defies gag order and tells the public how the Moderna covid injections killed and permanently disabled people in his community. Bitchute link Share now! Source

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